FrexxEd is probably the most configurable/programmable text editor
made for the Amiga. This is a major update to version 1, now
featuring many more and frequently requested features!
Some of FrexxEd's features are:
o Any amount of windows or screens (on any public screen)
o Context-sensitive colouring/styling of text.
o Any amount of views available in all windows.
o Ability to edit the same file in all windows and views, or in none
is selected.
o 100% recursive undo, changeable undobuffer size and on/off toggle
o unlimited number of buffers/blocks/macros in memory
o unlimited line lengths and buffer sizes
o 100% programmable, everything can be done by a script instead of
o *very* C-like programming language (FPL)
o FPL compiler included, greatly enhances the script execution speed
o clipboard support, export to/import from any unit
o V39 aware, uses V39 functions when available
o file name extension aware icon usage
o easy macro record/edit/view/play/save/load
o customizeable look of any ASCII character (to i.e enable the inverse
CED-look or the \xxx Emacs-look or...)
o programmable keyassigns, make any key do anything
o programmable mouseactions, make any mouse action perform whatever
you want it to
o rectangular/column style block marks and block pastes
o programmable menustrip, make it contain whatever you please!
o supports XPK and PowerPacker compression/decompression and
o >600K documentation in amigaguide format
o ARexx port, capable of reading and writing ARexx variables!
o A *LOT* of additional scripts that perform a multitude of different
things. From mousedragging-style blockmarking, archive-flag removal
when saving, center line, binary editor, snake game, incremental
search, interactive C indenting and word wrap to generic assembler
filters, bookmarks, backup, autosave and programs that easy
interfaces RCS...
o binary loading/editing/saving and true TABs
o font sensitive GUI
o ability to replace/change the workings of any internal function
through an advanced hooking procedure
o mailing list and other eletronic mail support
AmigaOS v2.04+ or later
Anything below 1MB ram wouldn't be useful
Hard disk is preferred (less than 1 MB is used)
Copyright (C) 1992-1996 by FrexxWare
Uses a keyfile system, unregistered versions feature a small amount of