84782 packages online
dev/e/P96_EdevAPI.lha |
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Short: | Picasso96 Emodules updates and examples |
Author: | "Jean-Marie COAT" agalliance wanadoo.fr |
Uploader: | Jean-Marie COAT agalliance wanadoo fr |
Type: | dev/e |
Version: | 2.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2006-06-26 |
Requires: | Picasso96 |
Distribution: | Aminet |
Download: | dev/e/P96_EdevAPI.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/e/P96_EdevAPI.readme |
Downloads: | 1190 |
Finding lot of missing definitions from libraries/picasso96.e source and too,
the missing Picasso96_API.m module which wasn't successfull created with fd2module
via Picasso96_lib.fd, i decided to re-build them.
To test them, you will find some usefull sources examples i translated to E from
originals C sources found from Picasso96 developer package 2.0.
*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* A R C H I V E *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
LhA Freeware Version 2.12 68040+
Copyright (c) 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright (c) 1998,1999 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Sven Ottemann.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
7740 2323 69.9% 24-Jun-06 02:33:06 P96_EdevAPI/Emodules/libraries/picasso96.m
2478 893 63.9% 23-Jun-06 00:16:44 P96_EdevAPI/Emodules/picasso96api.m
2768 1359 50.9% 24-Jun-06 02:53:12 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/bestmodeid
2068 865 58.1% 24-Jun-06 02:51:28 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/BestModeID.e
2476 1572 36.5% 23-Jun-06 12:10:38 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/bestmodeid.info
2008 1024 49.0% 24-Jun-06 02:54:02 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/modelist
1106 579 47.6% 24-Jun-06 02:52:20 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/ModeList.e
2481 1580 36.3% 23-Jun-06 12:13:38 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/modelist.info
4148 1999 51.8% 24-Jun-06 03:04:32 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/p96checkboards
3746 1293 65.4% 24-Jun-06 03:04:24 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/P96CheckBoards.e
2473 1567 36.6% 22-Jun-06 19:43:10 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/p96checkboards.info
2524 1298 48.5% 24-Jun-06 02:53:02 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/requestmodeid
2047 948 53.6% 24-Jun-06 02:49:54 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/RequestModeID.e
2476 1576 36.3% 23-Jun-06 03:23:44 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/requestmodeid.info
5622 5028 10.5% 25-Jun-06 23:25:06 P96_EdevAPI.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
46161 23904 48.2% 26-Jun-06 00:51:10 15 files
Operation successful.
-=- Readme created with ReadmeMUI 1.0 © 2002-2006 Jean-Marie COAT -=-
Contents of dev/e/P96_EdevAPI.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 5027 5622 89.4% -lh6- b841 Jun 26 01:14 P96_EdevAPI/Emodules.info
[generic] 2323 7740 30.0% -lh6- cbd8 Jun 24 02:33 P96_EdevAPI/Emodules/libraries/picasso96.m
[generic] 893 2478 36.0% -lh6- cb89 Jun 23 00:16 P96_EdevAPI/Emodules/picasso96api.m
[generic] 5028 5622 89.4% -lh6- 77d2 Jun 26 01:14 P96_EdevAPI/Examples.info
[generic] 1359 2768 49.1% -lh6- 539c Jun 24 02:53 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/bestmodeid
[generic] 865 2068 41.8% -lh6- fedb Jun 24 02:51 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/BestModeID.e
[generic] 1572 2476 63.5% -lh6- 6682 Jun 23 12:10 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/bestmodeid.info
[generic] 1024 2008 51.0% -lh6- 3421 Jun 24 02:54 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/modelist
[generic] 579 1106 52.4% -lh6- 7a9f Jun 24 02:52 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/ModeList.e
[generic] 1580 2481 63.7% -lh6- bdf3 Jun 23 12:13 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/modelist.info
[generic] 1999 4148 48.2% -lh6- f5d6 Jun 24 03:04 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/p96checkboards
[generic] 1293 3746 34.5% -lh6- b533 Jun 24 03:04 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/P96CheckBoards.e
[generic] 1567 2473 63.4% -lh6- 1f58 Jun 22 19:43 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/p96checkboards.info
[generic] 1298 2524 51.4% -lh6- b74a Jun 24 02:53 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/requestmodeid
[generic] 948 2047 46.3% -lh6- 3ef6 Jun 24 02:49 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/RequestModeID.e
[generic] 1576 2476 63.7% -lh6- f995 Jun 23 03:23 P96_EdevAPI/Examples/requestmodeid.info
[generic] 1006 2386 42.2% -lh6- 5d3f Jun 26 01:21 P96_EdevAPI/P96_EdevAPI.readme
[generic] 5031 5622 89.5% -lh6- 601d Jun 26 01:13 P96_EdevAPI.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 34968 59791 58.5% Jun 26 15:03
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