84782 packages online
dev/e/NewGUI3_1upd3.lha |
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Little Update for the NewGUI 3.1 beta archive. This Package
- NewGUI.doc - FULL (!) English developers documentation
- NewGUI.dok - Updated German developers documentation
- ng_dnd_xchange.doc - Autodoc for ng_dnd_xchange.m (english)
- ng_guitask.doc - Autodoc for ng_guitask.m (english)
- ng_prefshook.doc - Autodoc for ng_prefshook_xxx.m (english)
- ng_prefshook_intern.e- Source to ng_prefshook_intern.e
- ng_prefshook_extern.e- Source to ng_prefshook_extern.e
- ng_guitask.e - Source to ng_guitask.m
- ng_dnd_xchange.e - Source to ng_dnd_xchange.m
- pl_dndexample.e - Source for the dndexample-Plugin (.m)
- ng_prefshook_intern.m- Module for loading and saving Prefs in
IFF-Format with NewGUI (IFF-Functions
are handled internal!)
- ng_prefshook_extern.m- Module for loading and saving Prefs in
IFF-Format with NewGUI (IFF-Functions
are handled with >iff_support.m<)
- ng_guitask.m - Module for using NewGUI with a seperate
Task for the guihandling!
- NewGUI.m - Small bugfixed NewGUI-Modul
- pl_dndexample.m - Module for Drag'N'Drop with BASIC-Functions
- all.e - Updated all.e Source
- examplednd_test.e - Upated Example for Drag'N'Drop Support
- examplednd_test2.e - New Example to demonstrate the Exchange
between the Drop-Plugin and NewGUI Standart
Gadgets (Strings...)
- NewMandel_Int.e - Source for >NewMandel_int<, Draws a Mandel-
Figure in a NewGUI-Window (with a little
Plugin-Skeleton for DirectGFX) uses only
Integer (not FPU needed!) Very Fast!
- NewMandel_Float.e - Source for >NewMandel_Floas<, like NewMandel
Int, but uses Floating point instead of
Integer (Slower than Integer!), FPU needed!
- all - Compiled ALL-Example (MultiWindow-Support,
Screens-Support, IFF-Prefs-Support...)
- examplednd_test - Compiled examplednd_test.e
- examplednd_test2 - Compiled examplednd_test2.e
- newmandel_int - Compiled newmandel_int.e
- newmandel_float - Compiled newmandel_float.e
There is another Drawer in the archive, its name is >IFF_Support<,
and it contains:
- iff_support.m - A Module for easy IFF-Support (handle IFF-
Files much like DOS-Files (read, write...))
- iff_support.e - Sourcecode to iff_support.m
There are more Example which are under developing (and translating/
documenting in English!), i will release them with the next bugfix,
update or NewGUI-Release.
Contents of dev/e/NewGUI3_1upd3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 552 2785 19.8% -lh5- ee33 Jul 4 1998 IFF_Support.info
[generic] 553 2785 19.9% -lh5- 3456 Jul 4 1998 IFF_Support/Emodules.info
[generic] 553 2785 19.9% -lh5- f908 Jul 4 1998 IFF_Support/Emodules/Tools.info
[generic] 806 1692 47.6% -lh5- d551 Jul 4 1998 IFF_Support/Emodules/Tools/iff_support.m
[generic] 552 2785 19.8% -lh5- ff65 Jul 4 1998 IFF_Support/Src.info
[generic] 1196 3624 33.0% -lh5- 754e Jul 4 1998 IFF_Support/Src/iff_support.e
[generic] 550 2785 19.7% -lh5- 5d55 Jun 11 1998 NewGUI.info
[generic] 555 2785 19.9% -lh5- b3f8 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Docs.info
[generic] 16277 57031 28.5% -lh5- d27c Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Docs/NewGUI.doc
[generic] 17916 59704 30.0% -lh5- 10b1 Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Docs/NewGUI.dok
[generic] 1493 4152 36.0% -lh5- 376e Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Docs/ng_guitask.doc
[generic] 1329 3149 42.2% -lh5- f8ff Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Docs/ng_prefshook.doc
[generic] 555 2785 19.9% -lh5- 0712 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/EModules.info
[generic] 551 2785 19.8% -lh5- f783 Jun 11 1998 NewGUI/EModules/NewGUI.info
[generic] 15655 42362 37.0% -lh5- 4f5b Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/EModules/NewGUI/newgui.m
[generic] 408 1026 39.8% -lh5- 64b3 Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/EModules/NewGUI/ng_dnd_xchange.m
[generic] 736 1358 54.2% -lh5- a812 Jun 18 1998 NewGUI/EModules/NewGUI/ng_guitask.m
[generic] 704 1288 54.7% -lh5- 7a77 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/EModules/NewGUI/ng_prefshook_extern.m
[generic] 815 1490 54.7% -lh5- f223 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/EModules/NewGUI/ng_prefshook_intern.m
[generic] 1221 2948 41.4% -lh5- a7d1 Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/EModules/NewGUI/pl_dndexample.m
[generic] 553 2785 19.9% -lh5- 4695 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Exe.info
[generic] 21329 59284 36.0% -lh5- 4b2f Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Exe/all
[generic] 19023 51812 36.7% -lh5- 5c1c Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Exe/examplednd_test
[generic] 18587 50424 36.9% -lh5- 33f0 Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Exe/examplednd_test2
[generic] 18323 48940 37.4% -lh5- fe19 Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Exe/newmandel_efloat
[generic] 18355 48984 37.5% -lh5- 38ed Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Exe/newmandel_int
[generic] 554 2785 19.9% -lh5- 59e9 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Src.info
[generic] 553 2785 19.9% -lh5- c3b3 Jun 11 1998 NewGUI/Src/Examples.info
[generic] 4619 18886 24.5% -lh5- de85 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Src/Examples/all.e
[generic] 1642 6633 24.8% -lh5- b422 Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Src/Examples/examplednd_test.e
[generic] 1645 6698 24.6% -lh5- 14a8 Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Src/Examples/examplednd_test2.e
[generic] 2591 7834 33.1% -lh5- 6fc7 Jun 16 1998 NewGUI/Src/Examples/NewMandel_EFloat.e
[generic] 2652 8147 32.6% -lh5- 2502 Jun 16 1998 NewGUI/Src/Examples/NewMandel_Int.e
[generic] 879 3483 25.2% -lh5- 726b Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Src/ng_dnd_xchange.e
[generic] 1539 4705 32.7% -lh5- 6d7e Jun 14 1998 NewGUI/Src/ng_guitask.e
[generic] 870 2457 35.4% -lh5- 7913 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Src/ng_prefshook_extern.e
[generic] 1064 3283 32.4% -lh5- 34f7 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Src/ng_prefshook_intern.e
[generic] 552 2785 19.8% -lh5- 6e78 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI/Src/Plugin.info
[generic] 1336 4158 32.1% -lh5- 065b Jun 19 1998 NewGUI/Src/Plugin/pl_dndexample.e
[generic] 1031 3018 34.2% -lh5- 6dd0 Jul 4 1998 NewGUI3_1upd3.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 40 files 180674 541990 33.3% Jul 9 1998
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