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Short:(XPK)More clone *now freeware*
Author: fredinou at (FAR)
Requires:kickstart 2.0+
Download:dev/e/FR-xPage.lha - View contents

xPage 1.0 (21-5-97) © Frédéric RODRIGUES - Registered
XPK More

who am I ?
legal stuff
how to reach me ?
See you later !
Cool Man !
This doc was cooled by the wonderfull cool command by DDT of the HALF-BRAINS
TEAM (see aminet/text/misc/cool).
Get into the overview
You know the More command of AmigaDos ? Now you have More working with xpk.
Let's say what it is. You probably got xMore (it stole my name), Most,
MuchMore. Yes, they seem nice when you read the docs. But I tested some of
them and they crash on my machine. But it doesn't convince me yet to make my
version. Let's say these proggys have an arrex port, a nice gadtools
interface, configuration files, a big size, load all the file in memory
(here is the problem), etc, etc... But I just need a More command working
with xpk. I explain you the principal interest of More : you can display a
file that is LARGER THAN YOUR AVAILABLE MEMORY !!! And now your file may be
packed with xpk. A simple note : with xPage you may open files packed or
unpacked. Renote : now your More (let's say xPage) is half the original.
Interface view
I did a good usage of messages. You have a status title bar that displays
the number of lines, of pages, the % usage. The values are always correct
you can test ! When you search, you can search for several strings
(separate them with a "|"). You can print the page displayed. Press HELP
while viewing to get these commands :

     HELP - this help
        t - top of chunk
        b - bottom of chunk
    SPACE - next page
BACKSPACE - previous page
    ENTER - next line
        p - print current page
        / - search for strings (separate them with "|")
        n - search again
        j - jump to next chunk
        r - rewind
      ESC - quit

Resizing the window will resize the display.
How to use ?
xPage is a workbench and a cli program.
To see usage, DoubleClick on xPage icon or type 'xPage ?' on your cli.
Ok, here's my story
I'm a student on computer science (informatique as we said in France) and I
work as a programmer on PC's, I'm 25, have a girlfriend I love (as

I program with a very little machine : it's an amiga 600 with no extensions.
The reason if I didn't upgrate is because I want to do marvellous things
with my little machine. I have my machine for years now but I never feel so
happy with it because I discovered the programmation on it. I never could
really program due to my few ressources. And what can you do with only one
floppy drive ? Thank's God I discovered E language lossed somewhere on my
disks and Amiga OS. I can put all E in only one disk and there is space
left. That's wonderfull. Thanks to that I could program since a coupple
of monthes a few programs and spread it to the amiga community like
util/dir/All, util/cli/FR-Sort, dev/debug/Rem,
util/pack/xpkSource.lha/e/xPKE. My philosophy is : use all you need in few
ressources. I don't need the super-computer because I can't use it at 100%.
I have more projects for guys who have a little system like mine : make a
mem doubbler, a transparent depacking program like xData but the file
decompresses part to part. It's more the concept of util/pack/epu but with
plain xpk files. I would appreciate some info you can give me.

A relationship installed itself beetween me an my A600. Together we
discovered aminet, very educative libraries like XPK. Nobody who have PC's
know all we know about compression, imagery, new programmation, system.
They just know excel, word, access, windows, pkzip, arj, dos. What a pity.
If I tell to my colleagues  what we do with our amigas they couldn't
understand. They have super sound cards but they only use ther bip on
ther games. I with only a 1 meg machine play sound, view pictures,
animations. I create. Tell that to them and they don't believe you. I
would really feel happy if the amiga story didn't stop (at left the
machine construction) and was not so commercial at side of commodore.
Legal boring features
You're a lucky Guy. XPage is registered for everybody and is full enabled.
Do whatever u want with this.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Reach my body
There was 2 years I made these proggies and never take the time to spread
it. So here it is for your convenience. Hope you will use it.

You may reach me by email if u want.

In case you want to know xPage was programmed in E (see aminet/dev/e) !

Contents of dev/e/FR-xPage.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3607    6464  55.8% -lh5- 6991 May 22  1997 xPage
[generic]                 3782   10422  36.3% -lh5- dedc Oct  4  1997 xPage.e
[generic]                 2635    5122  51.4% -lh5- 8655 May  3  2000
[generic]                  220     464  47.4% -lh5- 9706 May 22  1997
[generic]                  231     454  50.9% -lh5- af39 Mar 23  1992
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         5 files   10475   22926  45.7%            Jun 26  2000
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