EE v0.9.2a
Source Editor and Development Environment
for the E Programming Language
This release fixes several nasty bugs and oversights present in the
original distribution found in the E v3.0 demo distribution. Also added
are case-sensitive Intuition menu command hotkeys, correct handling of
dead keys, keyboard hilighting made more CED-like, speeded up display
updating and search-replace, added option to turn on/off smart indent,
now working ARexx interface, repaired unlimited macros, and a few added
EE is a multi-tasking, multi-windowing, OS 2.0 compliant, folding
source editor, designed with E, and E programmers in mind. It has
robust features, equally mouse and keyboard driven, which allow for
quick editing and traversal. Naturally, it has many features which
enhance the development of E programs, like compiling and running from
within the editor, EC error reporting, relocating the cursor at the
erroneous line, keyword/phrase lookup and completion, and more.
Main features:
- Completely written in E :-)
- Multi-windows with hotkey switching and window selection listview;
- Robust ARexx interface;
- Nice configuration GUI (thanks to Wouter for his easygui module!!);
- Custom assignment of any function to any qualifier/key combo;
- Customizable case-sensitive menu command hotkeys (a la Intuition
- Unlimited macro recording and playback; macros may be called from
within other macros;
- Custom fixed-width font support;
- Smart indent option;
- Choice of free-form cursor (goes anywhere on screen) .vs. stream-
oriented cursor (adheres to text, wrapping around at end and
beginning of lines);
- Option to open your own public screen; Default and Shanghai modes;
Open/Visit/Fallback options;
- Fold on PROCs, OBJECTs, recognized comment, and hilighted block;
folds can be Cut-n-Pasted;
- Configurable/editable command slots, as well as the ability to pick
up hilighted text from the source for execution;
- Compile with auto-save, auto-backup, asynchronous execution, and other
- Single- and multi-line comment and uncomment;
- Keyword and phrase completion--comes with dictionary file of E
function templates--just type the function name and complete it;
you'll now have the E function template in your source; two convenient
methods of completion available; custom dictionaries supported, as
well as an unlimited number of dictionaries available simultaneously;
- Collect garbage on demand (or memory crisis); and other low-mem options;
- Optional bottom scrollbar for those who like to have that extra
line of text at the bottom;
- Many small things that add to comfort and productivity that won't
be mentioned for the sake of space and attention span :-)