gplevls2.lha |
game/data |
803 |
3K |
1997-06-23 |
Levels for Gravity Power/Gravity Force 2 - (readme) |
gp_level.lha |
game/data |
825 |
4K |
1997-01-17 |
15 lvls f. Gravity Force 2/Gravity Power - (readme) |
GreenLand.lha |
game/data |
711 |
15K |
1996-09-01 |
New Style Worms level - (readme) |
GreenWoods.lha |
game/data |
743 |
723K |
1999-03-20 |
15 cool woodland based tracks for XTR - (readme) |
GreenWoodsIFF.lha |
game/data |
706 |
375K |
1999-03-20 |
GreenWoods IFF tiles for XTR Editor - (readme) |
GS_Cats-REKO.lha |
game/data |
770 |
590K |
2005-02-13 |
Manga/Anime REKO Cardset - GunSmith Cats - (readme) |
guess_levels.lha |
game/data |
690 |
17K |
2000-08-23 |
New files for use with Guess Stress - (readme) |
guidry.lha |
game/data |
803 |
6K |
1996-01-01 |
Boards for Reg'd Megaball 3 - (readme) |
Gundam_REKO.lha |
game/data |
760 |
749K |
1997-12-11 |
Gundam HAM8 cardset for Reko Klondike - (readme) |
halflifewpns.lha |
game/data |
938 |
1.2M |
2008-06-27 |
A Megazeux game called Half-Life Weapons - (readme) |
HBMonopoly_esp.lha |
game/data |
798 |
21K |
2001-08-21 |
Spanish Locale for HBMonopoly - (readme) |
heretic2_ger.lha |
game/data |
913 |
23K |
2003-03-23 |
Heretic II German Translation (German) - (readme) |
Heroine_card.lha |
game/data |
758 |
547K |
1995-01-16 |
Another Cardset for KlondikeAGA - (readme) |
HeroQuest2_Bst.lha |
game/data |
783 |
7K |
1999-04-24 |
More kicks with HeroQuestII - (readme) |
hiddenrun.lha |
game/data |
687 |
30K |
1997-09-02 |
XTreme Racing Deathmatch track. - (readme) |
HighOctaneExtr.lha |
game/data |
709 |
77K |
2000-02-14 |
Extra Tracks for High Octane - (readme) |
Hilt2_German.lha |
game/data |
753 |
438K |
2002-09-01 |
Hilt2 - German Files - (readme) |
Hilt2_GerUp01.lha |
game/data |
732 |
439K |
2002-09-08 |
Hilt2 - German Files Update 01 - (readme) |
Hilt2_GerUp02.lha |
game/data |
742 |
450K |
2002-09-15 |
Hilt2 - German Files Update 02 - (readme) |
Hilt2_GerUp03.lha |
game/data |
729 |
973K |
2002-10-13 |
Hilt2 - German Files Update 03 - (readme) |
HiredGuns_Maps.lha |
game/data |
839 |
202K |
2002-03-17 |
Hired Guns extra levels - (readme) |
HirosueREKO.lha |
game/data |
761 |
520K |
1997-11-11 |
Ryoko Hirosue cardset for Klondike AGA - (readme) |
HitStTngTiles.lha |
game/data |
732 |
7K |
1996-03-14 |
Star Trek-TNG tiles for Hit Tiles 2. - (readme) |
horses2.lha |
game/data |
727 |
638K |
2003-04-03 |
IFF Cardset for AS* games - (readme) |
HotGirls_REKO.lha |
game/data |
966 |
777K |
1997-12-20 |
HotGirls HAM8 cardset for Reko Klondike - (readme) |
HT2-AnimeTiles.lha |
game/data |
742 |
20K |
2002-08-10 |
Anime Tiles for Hit Tiles 2 SE - (readme) |
HULK.lha |
1.0 |
game/data |
881 |
31K |
2020-12-28 |
HULK custom level for Worms:DC - (readme) |
iceland.lha |
1.0 (18.01.2000) |
game/data |
740 |
22K |
2000-01-19 |
Iceland DIY level for WormsDC - (readme) |
IconsCards.lha |
game/data |
737 |
332K |
1996-07-30 |
Cardset for Klondike II and III - (readme) |
Ikkoku_REKO.lha |
game/data |
739 |
745K |
1997-11-20 |
Maison Ikkoku HAM8 cardset for Klondike - (readme) |
inca.lha |
game/data |
733 |
64K |
1998-04-02 |
A WormsDC level from ANCOR - (readme) |
Inju2CARDS.lha |
1.01 (07-Apr-2004) |
game/data |
770 |
797K |
2004-04-12 |
Anime Cardset for Soliton - (readme) |
Inju2REKO.lha |
1.01 (24-Jul-2002) |
game/data |
758 |
488K |
2002-07-25 |
Anime Cardset for REKO Klondike - (readme) |
ironcard.lha |
game/data |
741 |
552K |
1994-05-31 |
Cards set for Klondike AGA - (readme) |
Islands.lha |
game/data |
697 |
66K |
1997-02-11 |
Golf course for Jack Nicklaus' Ultimate - (readme) |
Italy26-6-97.lha |
game/data |
678 |
14K |
1997-07-03 |
Italian teams data updated on 26/6/97 - (readme) |
Italy4-9-97.lha |
game/data |
648 |
14K |
1997-09-04 |
Italian teams data updated on 4/9/97 - (readme) |
jacket.lha |
game/data |
768 |
8K |
1995-12-15 |
A Custom Map for Worms - (readme) |
Jakes_BDS.lha |
game/data |
759 |
67K |
1997-04-04 |
Megaball 3.0/4.0 Boards - (readme) |
james_wdc.lha |
game/data |
716 |
94K |
1997-05-30 |
Quality landscape sets for WormsDC - (readme) |
jb-buxom.lha |
game/data |
845 |
635K |
1995-09-01 |
Buxom cardset for Klondike AGA - (readme) |
JB_HellRaiser.lha |
game/data |
754 |
2.0M |
2000-09-18 |
James Bond: Hellraiser total conversion - (readme) |
jb_pace.lha |
game/data |
681 |
1.2M |
2000-09-27 |
Hip Hop gfx/sound patch for James Bond. - (readme) |
jensbreed.lha |
game/data |
679 |
350K |
1998-11-19 |
The Killing Grounds - "Jens breed" - (readme) |
jensbreed2.lha |
game/data |
715 |
255K |
1998-11-24 |
The Killing Grounds - "Jens Breed II" - (readme) |
jensbreed3.lha |
game/data |
772 |
298K |
1998-12-03 |
A Christmas 1998 special - Jens Breed 3 - (readme) |
jimworm.lha |
game/data |
661 |
76K |
1996-05-11 |
More Custom Levels For Worms - (readme) |
JTEWorms.lha |
game/data |
761 |
54K |
1995-12-14 |
4 Custom Maps for Worms - (readme) |
jurassic.lha |
game/data |
685 |
71K |
1998-04-02 |
A WormsDC level from ANCOR - (readme) |
jwworms1.lha |
game/data |
651 |
43K |
1996-04-25 |
8 Custom Levels for Worms - (readme) |