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game/data/HighOctaneExtr.lha |
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What are the High Octane Extra Tracks?
High Octane Extra Tracks contain 5 new tracks for High Octane and the
opportunity to install the existing ones, just incase you have deleted the
files! An installer is included in the package so as to make it easy for
you to get up and drive. The installer will replace Track1 with the track
of your choice, I choise Track1 because in the earier versions for High
Octane, like the one free with A.U.I in December 1994, I think, the track
selecter did not work properly, this, however was fixed in the new faster
version. Also, please note that these tracks do not tell the computer where
to go, so you are limited to 2 players, with my new compilation however I
will make sure the computer is controled correctly.
Nicron Productions
I am glad to tell you that High Octane Extra Tracks is not the only
program Nicron Productions have written. We have a full range of games and
utils and this is one of the best your going to get without paying any
money! If you would like more information on other products please write
to me (See Contact).
The High Octane tracks and installer were written by Lee Hesselden
(Nicron Productions Manager)
Contact me at this address:-
Lee Hesselden
8 Plough Green
PL12 4JZ
Or E-Mail me at:-
Contents of game/data/HighOctaneExtr.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 189 439 43.1% -lh5- 1b25 Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks/File_ID.DiZ
[generic] 253 383 66.1% -lh5- 1d11 Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks/High_Install.info
[generic] 1296 3038 42.7% -lh5- a6e7 Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks/HighOctane.doc
[generic] 245 468 52.4% -lh5- 8876 Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks/HighOctane.doc.info
[generic] 720 3694 19.5% -lh5- 1bec Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/extra.iff
[generic] 7075 24576 28.8% -lh5- a553 Aug 18 1994 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/orgroad1.map
[generic] 6501 24576 26.5% -lh5- 64dd Aug 18 1994 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/orgroad2.map
[generic] 6609 24576 26.9% -lh5- ae94 Aug 18 1994 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/orgroad3.map
[generic] 3602 4820 74.7% -lh5- 9dc9 Mar 22 1995 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road1.iff
[generic] 3857 24576 15.7% -lh5- 9997 Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road1.map
[generic] 3356 4888 68.7% -lh5- c7bc Mar 22 1995 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road2.iff
[generic] 3226 24576 13.1% -lh5- bb63 Jul 8 1994 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road2.map
[generic] 3465 4950 70.0% -lh5- b3c1 Mar 22 1995 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road3.iff
[generic] 2821 24576 11.5% -lh5- f9e7 Jul 8 1994 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road3.map
[generic] 3909 24576 15.9% -lh5- 6e0e Jul 8 1994 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road4.map
[generic] 3902 24576 15.9% -lh5- ade2 Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks/Roads/road5.map
[generic] 600 1233 48.7% -lh5- abdc Sep 2 1992 HighOctaneTracks.info
[generic] 25833 55856 46.2% -lh5- 9e8d Sep 2 1992 highoctanetracks/High_Install
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 77459 276377 28.0% Feb 14 2000
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