Scalos_PL.lha |
util/wb |
632 |
22K |
2003-04-26 |
Polish locale for Scalos 40.27 - (readme) |
Scalos_Informa.lha |
3.0b (12.09.2001) |
util/wb |
679 |
78K |
2001-10-07 |
New Scalos Information.module V3.0b - (readme) |
scalos_extras.lha |
util/wb |
758 |
31K |
1998-09-30 |
Extras for the Wbreplacement ScalOS. - (readme) |
ScalosPluginVG.lha |
39.2 |
util/wb |
636 |
13K |
2001-04-02 |
Scalos \'Volume Gauge\' Plugin - (readme) |
ScalosPluginTP.lha |
39.03 |
util/wb |
558 |
12K |
2001-04-02 |
Scalos \'Titlebar PPC\' Plugin - (readme) |
ScalosPluginPW.lha |
39.9 |
util/wb |
588 |
17K |
2001-04-02 |
Scalos \'Persistant Windows\' Plugin - (readme) |
ScalosPlugin96.lha |
1.2 |
util/wb |
663 |
11K |
2002-04-14 |
Avail Picasso96 plugin for Scalos - (readme) |
ScalosPlugin39.lha |
45.6 |
util/wb |
827 |
17K |
2001-04-02 |
Scalos \'Workbench 3.9\' Plugin - (readme) |
ScalosPlugAP96.lha |
2.01 |
util/wb |
850 |
12K |
2003-01-07 |
Avail Picasso96 plugin for Scalos - (readme) |
scalospl.lha |
util/wb |
574 |
11K |
2000-02-15 |
Polish translation for Scalos 1.2a - (readme) |
ScalosModuleEC.lha |
1.2.8 |
util/wb |
571 |
22K |
2001-04-02 |
Scalos \'Execute Command\' Replacement - (readme) |
Scalos13u_FR.lha |
40.21 |
util/wb |
534 |
17K |
2003-03-08 |
French Catalogs for Scalos1.3u(40.21) - (readme) |
Scalos.lha |
1.2b |
util/wb |
3407 |
432K |
2000-04-19 |
Satanic Dreams\' workbench replacement - (readme) |
Scalos-OPM.lha |
3.1 |
util/wb |
618 |
123K |
2003-02-23 |
Scalos \'Open Drawer\' under MUI - (readme) |
Scalos-ECM.lha |
1.1 |
util/wb |
605 |
21K |
2000-02-20 |
Scalos \'Execute Command\' Replacement - (readme) |
scale20.lha |
util/wb |
499 |
39K |
1993-05-17 |
Magnifier/shrinker with _many_ options - (readme) |
sbl_eyes.lha |
util/wb |
484 |
19K |
1994-10-17 |
A pair of eyes watch you - (readme) |
SayMore.lha |
0.47 |
util/wb |
887 |
40K |
1998-04-28 |
Say replacement with more options v0.47 - (readme) |
saveramdisk.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
606 |
19K |
2005-02-14 |
Save the fixed Position of the RamDisk - (readme) |
rzreqstring427.lha |
42.7 |
util/wb |
618 |
9K |
1998-05-21 |
RequestString for WB 2.1/3.0/3.1 - (readme) |
RxTD.lha |
1.2 |
util/wb |
677 |
32K |
2001-01-20 |
V1.2, WB 3.9 ToolsDaemon prefs converter - (readme) |
RUS_main.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
592 |
300K |
1998-08-26 |
Russian Locale System - main archive - (readme) |
RUS_fonts.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
582 |
228K |
1998-08-26 |
Russian Locale System - russian fonts archive - (readme) |
RUS_cats.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
532 |
618K |
1998-08-26 |
Russian Locale System - catalogs archive - (readme) |
runprglist.lha |
util/wb |
515 |
6K |
1996-01-15 |
Starts programs from tooltypelines - (readme) |
Runner12.lha |
util/wb |
504 |
168K |
1998-12-21 |
Not just another Start Program! - (readme) |
RunBar31.lha |
3.1 |
util/wb |
534 |
93K |
1996-11-26 |
RunBar - Programs Manager,Major Update - (readme) |
runargs.lha |
3.2 |
util/wb |
942 |
36K |
2002-01-20 |
V3.2, WB 3.9 ToolsDaemon Menu Launcher - (readme) |
rolex.lha |
util/wb |
544 |
30K |
2001-09-05 |
Clock-Program from the 80\'s - (readme) |
RodsDefIcons.lha |
3.0 |
util/wb |
682 |
15K |
1997-01-16 |
Additional filetypes for the NewIcons package - (readme) |
Rods.DefIcons1.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
632 |
11K |
1996-10-17 |
Additional filetypes for the NewIcons package - (readme) |
RNOWidgets_OS4.lha |
1.6 |
util/wb |
421 |
4.9M |
2023-11-08 |
Desktop widgets application - (readme) |
RNOWidgets.lha |
1.6 |
util/wb |
2099 |
5.3M |
2023-11-08 |
Desktop widgets application - (readme) |
rndwbpix.lha |
util/wb |
809 |
11K |
2000-07-05 |
Random wbpattern picture selector (39.7) - (readme) |
RndPat.lha |
util/wb |
485 |
19K |
1997-12-22 |
Simple WB bakground pic. selector. 1.2 - (readme) |
RnDefIco105.lha |
util/wb |
482 |
29K |
1994-06-28 |
Randomizes Default Icons.NO MO SHAREWARE! - (readme) |
RndBG_src.lha |
1.2 |
util/wb |
1283 |
17K |
2017-04-28 |
RndBG source code - (readme) |
RndBG21c.lha |
2.1c |
util/wb |
570 |
10K |
1999-02-27 |
Random background selecter. - (readme) |
RndBdrop.lha |
util/wb |
496 |
18K |
1997-10-19 |
Random backdrop for WB 3.x at boot +src - (readme) |
RMVPrefs.lha |
util/wb |
631 |
25K |
1999-07-09 |
Bitmap set for VisualPrefs V1.2 - (readme) |
RMScribbleVPrf.lha |
util/wb |
574 |
16K |
1999-07-06 |
\"Scribble\" Bitmap set for VisualPrefs V1.0 - (readme) |
RMBlueVPrefs.lha |
util/wb |
672 |
25K |
1999-07-06 |
Bitmap set with Blue Glow for VisualPrefs V1.0 - (readme) |
RMBirdie.lha |
util/wb |
710 |
38K |
1999-06-19 |
Bitmap set for Birdie - (readme) |
ritathesinger.lha |
util/wb |
755 |
3.2M |
2006-02-19 |
backup devices format audio conversion... - (readme) |
RingsV11.lha |
util/wb |
493 |
39K |
1995-02-13 |
\"Moving Ring\" graphic toy for 3.0 WB - (readme) |
rinfo.lha |
4 |
util/wb |
896 |
6K |
2020-08-02 |
Create icons for folders missing one - (readme) |
RHzFileChecker.lha |
util/wb |
560 |
119K |
2004-05-26 |
Program for identifying file types. - (readme) |
REyes.lha |
util/wb |
521 |
63K |
1994-07-06 |
Screenblankers for the Retina graphics board - (readme) |
RetroWB.lha |
util/wb |
867 |
12K |
1995-08-04 |
Presets for OS 3.0 to look like 1.3 - (readme) |
RetinaTPic11.lha |
util/wb |
495 |
97K |
1994-02-08 |
shows WB title pic on Retina gfx board - (readme) |