Gurus2000_Eng.lha |
Gurus2000 21.08 (16.08.2002) |
util/wb |
937 |
297K |
2002-08-21 |
Gurus2000 shows infos about Gurus (English) - (readme) |
Gurus2000_Deu.lha |
Gurus2000 21.08 (16.08.2002) |
util/wb |
819 |
300K |
2002-08-21 |
Gurus2000 shows infos about Gurus (German) - (readme) |
guru872.lha |
util/wb |
681 |
186K |
1997-07-24 |
Shows Guru\'s on Amiga V8.72 (German) - (readme) |
Guru65.lha |
util/wb |
633 |
156K |
1997-05-20 |
Shows Guru\'s on Amiga V. 6.5 (German) - (readme) |
GuiSplatch.lha |
util/wb |
674 |
30K |
2000-12-07 |
Split and join files with easy to use GUI - (readme) |
GTPropPatch.lha |
40.11 |
util/wb |
519 |
4K |
2021-11-13 |
Enables PROPNEWLOOK knobs/scroll bars - (readme) |
GroupInfo.lha |
util/wb |
637 |
16K |
1993-02-03 |
Information for many files at once - (readme) |
GrabScreenDL.lha |
1.1 |
util/wb |
856 |
8K |
1996-03-24 |
Grab Screens (GUI) - (readme) |
gps_point_1.0.lha |
1.00 |
util/wb |
1046 |
1.7M |
2016-06-26 |
GPS addon for mapparium - (readme) |
GoVD.lha |
2.0 |
util/wb |
1155 |
28K |
2025-01-01 |
Virtual Desktops for Workbench - (readme) |
GoVars.lha |
2.1 (06-Feb-2025) |
util/wb |
827 |
11K |
2025-02-06 |
environment variables editor - (readme) |
GoScreen.lha |
1.1 |
util/wb |
605 |
28K |
2011-12-04 |
Give programms own screen - (readme) |
GoldWB.lha |
util/wb |
792 |
98K |
2002-08-18 |
Golden appearace for Workbench and Directory Opus 5 - (readme) |
GlowButtons.lha |
util/wb |
1109 |
15K |
2001-11-11 |
Glow icons buttons (VisualPrefs) - (readme) |
GlobTrash_hrv.lha |
1.3 |
util/wb |
607 |
3K |
1999-05-26 |
Hrvatski catalog za GlobalTrash1.3 - (readme) |
GlobalTrash.lha |
1.4 |
util/wb |
1483 |
371K |
1999-06-07 |
The trashcan-system for the amiga - (readme) |
GlobalHelp10.lha |
1.0 (05.12.1999) |
util/wb |
759 |
15K |
2000-04-10 |
Global help for all programs - (readme) |
Ghosty.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
915 |
27K |
2003-04-29 |
NEW! Transparent default icons on hi/true color WBs (68K and PPC MorphOS) - (readme) |
GHelpDeluxeMUI.lha |
4.2 |
util/wb |
946 |
121K |
2002-04-14 |
Provides access to all your AmigaGuides and Readme files easily - (readme) |
GHelpDeluxe.lha |
3.1 |
util/wb |
737 |
87K |
2001-08-25 |
Provides access to all your AmigaGuides and Readme files easily - (readme) |
GHelp.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
654 |
43K |
2001-06-19 |
Provides access to all your AmigaGuides and Readme files easily - (readme) |
getwbinfo.lha |
0.8.6 |
util/wb |
360 |
5K |
2023-05-19 |
Display/save to env WB screen parameters - (readme) |
getsize14.lha |
util/wb |
743 |
17K |
1999-09-25 |
Shows information about the size of files and directories - (readme) |
getsiz13.lha |
util/wb |
745 |
8K |
1997-10-10 |
Gets size of Dirs and Files (w. Toolmanager) - (readme) |
GetInfo.lha |
util/wb |
646 |
5K |
1997-08-30 |
Get useful info about files - (readme) |
GetIcon.lha |
1.3 |
util/wb |
694 |
41K |
1997-06-24 |
Icon-Addition-Tool V1.3 - (readme) |
geo_tag_1.1.lha |
1.1 |
util/wb |
967 |
2.5M |
2016-07-05 |
Geo tag addon for mapparium - (readme) |
GenePrefsFR.lha |
util/wb |
653 |
7K |
2001-03-18 |
French locale for GenesisRAPrefs - (readme) |
GCopy.lha |
util/wb |
815 |
10K |
1994-05-08 |
Icon-copy-utility - (readme) |
FX111.lha |
1.11 (12.7.96) |
util/wb |
829 |
72K |
1996-07-18 |
Workbench Soundeditor, supports up to 31 functions - (readme) |
fullpalette_guide_de.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
547 |
8K |
2023-11-08 |
German guide for FullPalette 40.22 - (readme) |
fullpalette_de.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
531 |
1K |
2023-11-08 |
German catalog for FullPalette 40.22 - (readme) |
FullPaletteHU.lha |
util/wb |
667 |
4K |
2002-09-10 |
Hungarian catalog for FullPalette v40.22 - (readme) |
FullPalette22.lha |
40.22 |
util/wb |
7503 |
37K |
1999-05-12 |
Define, save & lock ALL Workbench colors! - (readme) |
Fullbench121.lha |
util/wb |
713 |
5K |
1995-02-16 |
Removes the Workbench menu line - (readme) |
FullBench.lha |
util/wb |
766 |
30K |
2000-02-20 |
Removes the menu line on the Workbench (v3.0) - (readme) |
fuck091beta.lha |
util/wb |
662 |
4K |
1995-09-11 |
Cure your Amiga Inferiority Complex! - (readme) |
FrontEnd1_3.lha |
util/wb |
819 |
134K |
1996-09-17 |
Adds a configurable GUI to CLI programs - (readme) |
FrontEnd1.3_It.lha |
util/wb |
629 |
13K |
1997-05-01 |
Italian translation of FrontEnd 1.3 - (readme) |
front.lha |
util/wb |
716 |
7K |
1995-04-11 |
Active window to front - (readme) |
FreeSpace.lha |
util/wb |
708 |
11K |
1995-03-18 |
Bar graph of free space on each partition - (readme) |
FProcess10.lha |
util/wb |
609 |
33K |
1994-04-15 |
Small WB2 file recognition program. - (readme) |
Formation_13c.lha |
1.3c |
util/wb |
683 |
103K |
1998-07-14 |
File Search and Grouping Utility. - (readme) |
Formation_13b.lha |
1.3b |
util/wb |
675 |
100K |
1998-05-14 |
File Search and Grouping Utility. - (readme) |
ForcePens.lha |
util/wb |
742 |
9K |
1996-02-12 |
An alternative MWB color daemon - (readme) |
flynn.lha |
1.1 |
util/wb |
746 |
88K |
1999-06-13 |
System load meter - (readme) |
flipclock.lha |
1.1 |
util/wb |
794 |
1.6M |
2011-11-16 |
Nice Weather-Flipclock for your desktop - (readme) |
FlagsWB3.9_GR.lha |
util/wb |
660 |
3K |
2001-08-05 |
WB 3.9 Flags, Country files for Greece, Cyprus - (readme) |
FixSprite1.03.lha |
util/wb |
734 |
9K |
1994-05-02 |
Kludge fix for AGA mouse pointer problem - (readme) |
FixRAM.lha |
util/wb |
696 |
39K |
1997-08-09 |
Solution for the RAM problem - (readme) |