icon serial copier
The gui is divided in 3 parts :
left: source
drag'n drop an icon or select a file with the requester
middle: operations
by default only image infos will be copied from source to destination,
you can select additional parts of the source icon that you want to be copied
right: destinations
drag'n drop icon(s) or select using "add" button. "del" will remove active
entry from the list and "clr" will empty the list.
The little checkmark will clear the list after copy it is checked
sometime icons are not well displayed but it dont affect the copy : display
and data copied are two different things
newicons are not really supported, if you use a newicon as source you wont see
the new icon image but the standart one.
newicons image data are stored into the tooltypes, so if you copy tooltypes
too, the destination icon(s) will inherit the newicon image
When you put some newicons in dest, dont forget to overwrite their tooltypes
else the old newicon image will stay and be displayed in priority.
volume icons are not supported with basic mos1.4 icon.library
if someone think localization is really needed for such a tool say it, same
if you have some ideas for improvement