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util/wb/Showconfig2.lha |
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By Gareth Murfin
This is a small program to put in your Wb Tools directory to replace ShowConfig.
It will tell the spec of your Amiga and various other wb settings etc.
At the moment it cant seem to handle an 060, hmm..
Also Check Out :-
Also look out for these programs which were all done by the author. They are
available from http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~gazy/ (and some from AmiNet)
Please eMail gazy@globalnet.co.uk for info on any program or if you want to help
with my 'projects in the making'.
AmiClock - Nice Wb Clock
AmiGreet - Greets you on bootup
Carnlevels - New levels for carnage
Dwarfdemo - Small aga demo about DWaRFx
|DWaRFx| - Ultimate IRC scripts!
JoyMouse - Use CD³² pad as a mouse
Theme040 - 040 upgrade for Themepark aga
ZombieFest - Small zombie film demo
Zippyxdemo - Aga MegaDemo
Hoppyxdemo - Aga MegaDemo
DMscript - Upgrade to DiskMaster
Dotd Rpg - Dawn of the dead text RPG
SetPatch97 - Unofficial GateWay 2000 SetPatch
VikRad S.E - 4 Player War game.
Gloom3 - Commercial DOOM game
GloomRejects - Gloom 3 Rejected files
GloomLoading - Bug Fixes for Gloom3
WbLogo - Wb backdrop animator
AmiTip - Brings up a tip on bootup
Rejects - 3 minute Cartoon with sound
SSClock - Sampled Speaking Clock!
Projects in the making :-
LunaIRC - NEW Amiga IRC Client! [ 40% complete ]
Skoolz Out - Skool Daze clone [ 60% complete ]
Stix N Trax - Ice hockey game [100% complete ]
Evil Residence - Zombie platformer [ 70% complete ]
Mooving on Ice - Cow's Ice Hockey game [ 40% complete ]
ShowConfig2 - Replacement for Wb ShowConfig [ 90% complete ]
AmiGuess - Number guessing game [ 90% complete ]
AmiGreet v1.4 - Speaks to you on bootup! [ 90% complete ]
DWaRFx-TNG v2.5 - The Ultimate AmIRC scripts. [ 75% complete ]
Gaz - gazy@globalnet.co.uk
- GalaxyNet #AmIRC (SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org)
- http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~gazy/
SSClock® is Copyright © Gareth Murfin
C< Alpha Software.
Contents of util/wb/Showconfig2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 268 628 42.7% -lh5- cf85 Jan 24 1998 ShowConfig.info
[generic] 8872 13928 63.7% -lh5- e9b1 Jun 28 1980 ShowConfig/PPMore
[generic] 21043 41144 51.1% -lh5- 7b49 Dec 5 1997 ShowConfig/ShowConfig2
[generic] 252 383 65.8% -lh5- d806 Jan 8 1998 ShowConfig/ShowConfig2.info
[generic] 1159 2474 46.8% -lh5- 15d0 Jan 19 1998 ShowConfig/ShowConfig2.readme
[generic] 539 837 64.4% -lh5- eb8e Jan 23 1998 ShowConfig/ShowConfig2.ReadMe.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 32133 59394 54.1% Jan 25 1998
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