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Short: | Monitor Sound Channels & Switch PIV |
Author: | bauk uksysops.com (Nick Clover) |
Uploader: | bauk uksysops com (Nick Clover) |
Type: | util/wb |
Version: | 0.1 (08/07/00) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2000-07-10 |
Download: | util/wb/SNDMon.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/SNDMon.readme |
Downloads: | 513 |
SNDMon V0.1 © 2000 Severin Software
This program is released as Freeware but remains copyright to me.
·GUI to Monitor sound channels
·If AudioSelect is found in C: the Led's will switch PIV channels
·Small (Window 72x10 pixels, 44,152 bytes)
·Written with Blitz Basic 2
·Source code included
This is the first release, I wrote it for my use in about 4 hours.
It works fine on my system but use it AT YOUR OWN RISK...
If anyone wants to rewrite it in c or e or 'other' Please send me a copy.
If you use this please send me an email.
·OS 3.x (might work with 2 but not tested)
·No external files required to run
·AmigalibsIII.res needed to compile.
copy into WBStartup ;)
The first time you run SNDMon it will open a window at X=100 Y=100
Picasso IV users:
Click on the window but outside the 4 gadgets to drag the window
where you want it.
Other Users:
Click anywhere in the window to move it.
All Users:
Then single click the window and press ESC, this will quit the
program and save the current position into the config file in S:
When a sound channel is active the corresponding Led will turn blue.
The order is:
Left(0), Right(1), Right(2), Left(3)
Picasso IV owners can click on the Led's to switch the channels in
the following order:
Amiga, Paloma(AV), CDRom, LineIn
None yet ;)
Please send comments and suggestions to the above email address.
Robert Hutchinson, David McMinn & Simon Hitchen for the custom
window drag bar code.
V0.1 First public release.
Contents of util/wb/SNDMon.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 360 456 78.9% -lh5- 6cfc Jul 8 2000 SNDMon.info
[generic] 24875 44152 56.3% -lh5- e2a7 Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/SNDMon
[generic] 457 875 52.2% -lh5- 599a Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/SNDMon.info
[generic] 1000 1848 54.1% -lh5- 64f0 Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/SNDMon.readme
[generic] 1290 1705 75.7% -lh5- 80b2 Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/SNDMon.readme.info
[generic] 358 456 78.5% -lh5- 6bd8 Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/Source.info
[generic] 1506 3188 47.2% -lh5- 1604 Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/Source/SNDMon.asc
[generic] 1398 2731 51.2% -lh5- d331 Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/Source/SNDMon.bb2
[generic] 201 1222 16.4% -lh5- ae83 Jul 8 2000 SNDMon/Source/SNDMon.bb2.xtra
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 31445 56633 55.5% Jul 9 2000
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