2 Little Patches
NoDraw : Remove Borders around Workbench's Icons.
NoFill : Adjust the fill behind the icons to the icons size.
Kamel Biskri
Cardware (or anything else, something you have in mind, e-mails are appreciated).
La Cathala
40, Rue de la Viguerie
© Kamel Biskri
Hello EveryBody,
Those patches have been written over 3 years ago, and were used internally.
A friend of mine, Jerome Chesnot from RAM (a French Amiga Magazine), told me
that this kind of patch exists. And it's for this reason that today, we decided
to put them on Aminet, so you can use them or not, it's your own choice.
Nodraw performs a patch which amllow your Workbench to look like the old 1.3.
So, no more s... boxes, and now the icons look more natural.
Now you have the choice, use NoDraw or not, but it's your own choice.
This patch is quite stable, I never had any trouble with it, for years now, but
if you use this program, it's at your own risk (what risk ??).
NoFill adjusts the fill behind the icons to the icons size, so you don't see
border outside the icons shape, anymore. RectFill can be used with patterns and
image backdrops but with rectangulars icons (Magic WB style without wrong
colors like the old one).
Thanks go to John Kjellberg for his excellent idea.
This patch must be used on a Workbench screen without patterns and images
backdrop, and with icons like NewIcons, for the best result (see example.iff).
No, now it's a bit wrong. You can now use it with images or patterns backdrops
but with rectangulars icons. Look at example2.iff, thanks to Robert Spence, and
look at his excellent work Fantastic WB+ version 2, it looks like Magic WB
but it's CardWare.
The installation is pretty simple, drag the icons named Nodraw and NoFill and drop
them into your WBStartup drawer, that all.
Have Fun !
I you have any questions or for anything else, you can contact me via e-mail
at kbiskri@pratique.fr
Ps Thanks to Jerome Chesnot (jchesnot@pratique.fr) for the picture.
("et pour son acharnement a vouloir mettre ce program sur le net". Sorry)
Thanks to people that sent me cards and e-mails, and to Gerard Cornu.