This Workbench style was inspired by Apple's latest operating
system - OS X . I was amazed by it's new cool aqua look , so I
decided to make my Workbench look as liquid as possible.
Here included are the preferences for some programs which
change the look and feel of Workbench: VisualPrefs , Birdie ,
MagicMenu and TitleShadow. Their latest versions can be found on
Requirements: High colour Workbench
------------ + all the programs listed above
+ FullPalette (recommended, also on Aminet)
( 13 point screen font recommended )
Installation: First you have to install all these programs
------------ like it says in their manuals and then change
their preferences.
Usage :
Visual Prefs : This preferences are for VP 1.5 or higher. Copy the
directory Liquid where ever you want , start GUI of
VisualPrefs , open Liquid/Liquid.pre , and under
System/Bitmaps choose Liquid. Then save the prefs.
NOTE: The gadgets may look weird in GUI prefs and
the first time when you save the prefs. That's
because most gadgets are drawn to use ONLY with
Birdie and included textures. However, when you
see how it looks you won't regret it.
NOTE 2: This Liquid set is based on VP-Aqua set by
Martin Bren. I emailed him and asked him for
a promission to upload this changed set ,
but as he did not answer me for some time
I assume that it's OK to upload this to Aminet
as long as I mention that my VP set is based on
Mr. Bren's.
Birdie : Open Birdie prefs ( bprefs.lha , also on Aminet) , load my
Birdie prefs , for Active window pattern choose
ActiveWindow.jpg and in pattern list choose InactiveWindow.jpg.
Do NOT add any more patterns to pattern list because this set
is designed for only one pattern.
MagicMenu: This prefs files are for MagicMenu 2.35 (
First is MacOS 8 like prefs which has no texture or transparent
settings so I recommend it if you have a slower machine or for
256 colour screens. Second is true MacOS X setting with a genuine
menu texture and transparency set to on. However it requires a
fast gfx card ( Cybervision PPC or Voodoo 3 ) and minimum 040 to
be usable. So load this prefs file , and for backfill image
choose MenuBack.iff.
NOTE: Mac menus are about 20% transparent while MMenu's are
about 50%. That means you have to fiddle with selected
background colour if you have too dark desktop picture , but
generally it should be fine.
TitleShadow: Start TitleShadowPrefs and load my titleshadow.prefs. Here
I've lightened up the colour of the unselected window title
so now there is a greater contrast beween selected and
unselected window.
I couldn't include original Aqua backdrop for Mac because of the copyright,
but you can download it on:
where you can find many more cool desktop backgrounds
I included a dark blue texture for WB windows and a light grey texture for DOpus 5
requesters. BTW the snapshot of my WB is at pix/wb/GoldenWB.jpg.
For any comments write to Miki