84783 packages online
util/wb/LickePal10.lha |
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Short: | 16 nice MWB-palettes and a nice script! |
Author: | gunnar.licke swipnet.se (Carl Licke) |
Uploader: | gunnar licke swipnet se (Carl Licke) |
Type: | util/wb |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-06-11 |
Requires: | MagicWorkbench |
Download: | util/wb/LickePal10.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/LickePal10.readme |
Downloads: | 762 |
LickePalettes v.1.0
by : Carl Licke (Eskilstuna, Sweden)
e-mail me: gunnar.licke@swipnet.se
my URL : http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-24653/
(^-soon to get better with more Amiga!)
16 nice and new palettes for MagicWorkbench with "background-support"!
It also includes a little script to choose a random palette everytime
you boot your computer (or start the script from a Cron or
Reminder-program every ten minutes :-).
This script makes it possible to use all MWB backgrounds (maybe dockimages
too depending on what dockprogram you use and when you start it)
if you follow the installation procedure.
Updates (maybe prefs-program) coming in the future and I want to do
a program that changes the palettes smoooooothly (somebody want to help me
with that? then mail me cause I'm lazy and not to good with programming
that sort of stuff).
This is free/palette-ware: e-mail a GOOD MWBpalette to me if you use this.
Enjoy the palettes (and visit my homepage..... ;-)
1.Unarchive the LHA-file.
2.Copy the contents of 'c/' (rand, sorry, I don't know where it came from)
to somewhere in your path.
3.Copy the contents of 'palettes/' to your 'sys:prefs/presets/'.
4.Copy the contents of 'wbstartup/' to your 'sys:wbstartup/'.
5.Set the Workbench palette prefs to 'sys:prefs/presets/ClassicMWB'
(nothing other, 'ClassicMWB' is not exactly the same as the standard)
That should make the most backgrounds look better.
(atleast if the background is loaded before the script changes the
palette, it shouldn't be any problems if you use wbstartup-drawer)
7.If it doesn't work when you reboot, you may edit the script.
(maybe I'll make use of the installer next time)
1.The dock-images for MWB -MAY- look ugly with new palettes.
2.The 'spring.palette' may cause some backgrounds to look ugly.
1.Some programs have options to prevent this (i.e. Toolmanager).
If you still have problems, this may help:
Load the image into a colormapped paintprogram (DPaint, PPaint...).
Somehow get the new palette into the paintprogram.
Save the image with the new palette.
2.Replace the palette-file with another palette with the same filename.
You should only edit the COLORS of my palette-files cause:
if you edit the pens for one file then Workbench will redraw the
screen and windows when the script changes to that palette.
Then Workbench will reload the background and remap it's palette
(this is what we don't want because the background will look ugly).
This can be avoided through changing all pen-settings to your
new settings... :-)
Tested with:
I have no responsibility for what these evil palettes may cause you :-)
Contents of util/wb/LickePal10.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 5491 8472 64.8% -lh5- c2ac May 24 1995 LickePal10/c/rand
[generic] 1453 3157 46.0% -lh5- 8afe Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/LickePal10.readme
[generic] 107 434 24.7% -lh5- 77a1 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/bile.palette
[generic] 263 507 51.9% -lh5- 3945 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/bile.palette.info
[generic] 117 434 27.0% -lh5- 12fd Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/blue.palette
[generic] 260 507 51.3% -lh5- 40ca Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/blue.palette.info
[generic] 110 434 25.3% -lh5- b1f1 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/ClassicMWB.palette
[generic] 261 507 51.5% -lh5- 185f Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/ClassicMWB.palette.info
[generic] 108 434 24.9% -lh5- b088 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/coldstone.palette
[generic] 264 507 52.1% -lh5- 1083 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/coldstone.palette.info
[generic] 104 434 24.0% -lh5- be29 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/cyan.palette
[generic] 260 507 51.3% -lh5- d01f Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/cyan.palette.info
[generic] 122 434 28.1% -lh5- faef Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/darkerblue.palette
[generic] 263 507 51.9% -lh5- d372 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/darkerblue.palette.info
[generic] 118 434 27.2% -lh5- bdf8 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/frosty.palette
[generic] 259 507 51.1% -lh5- 9256 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/frosty.palette.info
[generic] 130 434 30.0% -lh5- 61c3 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/frostyspring.palette
[generic] 263 507 51.9% -lh5- 588e Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/frostyspring.palette.info
[generic] 115 434 26.5% -lh5- cc61 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/green.palette
[generic] 259 507 51.1% -lh5- 5fc1 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/green.palette.info
[generic] 120 434 27.6% -lh5- 6d48 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/lava.palette
[generic] 262 507 51.7% -lh5- 3b6b Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/lava.palette.info
[generic] 127 434 29.3% -lh5- 4731 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/nougat.palette
[generic] 259 507 51.1% -lh5- acae Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/nougat.palette.info
[generic] 109 434 25.1% -lh5- c6f1 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/ocean.palette
[generic] 261 507 51.5% -lh5- afe2 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/ocean.palette.info
[generic] 116 434 26.7% -lh5- 4add Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/oldsausage.palette
[generic] 263 507 51.9% -lh5- 1b11 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/oldsausage.palette.info
[generic] 101 434 23.3% -lh5- e1a4 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/oldtimes.palette
[generic] 262 507 51.7% -lh5- 96bc Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/oldtimes.palette.info
[generic] 118 434 27.2% -lh5- b97e Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/pinewoods.palette
[generic] 263 507 51.9% -lh5- 0b7b Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/pinewoods.palette.info
[generic] 131 434 30.2% -lh5- 9349 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/pinky.palette
[generic] 264 507 52.1% -lh5- 9fce Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/pinky.palette.info
[generic] 129 434 29.7% -lh5- 6ac2 Jun 10 1997 LickePal10/palettes/spring.palette
[generic] 260 507 51.3% -lh5- eec6 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/palettes/spring.palette.info
[generic] 327 1147 28.5% -lh5- acc4 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/wbstartup/randpalette
[generic] 1076 3626 29.7% -lh5- a7b2 Jun 11 1997 LickePal10/wbstartup/randpalette.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 38 files 14775 32399 45.6% Jun 11 1997
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