84783 packages online
util/wb/LaunchV4.lha |
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What is it: a file launcher
Developed on: A4000, Cyberstorm 060/50, 82Mb Ram, Picasso IV + Picasso96,
Software Used: Blitz Basic 2.1
Why you need it:
Written with Blitz Basic II It dosen't take up much screen room.
Tooltype prefs. Upto 100 gadgets (if your screen's big enough)
It's written by *ME* If an icon is found for a program it's run with
wblaunch or else its run from cli.
It's easy to configure Drag'n'drop onto prefs window.
Launch is copyrighted © 1999 - 2001 by Nick Clover
all rights reserved.
Launch is FREEWARE.This program may be freely Distributed as long as:
* The executable and the documentation remain unchanged and are included
in the distribution archive.
No Warranties of any kind are made as to the functionality of this program.
You are using it ENTIRELY at your own risk.
Here is a list of the main features of Launch.
* Upto 32 menus, maximim of 100 entires in each one.
* Fully user definable colours.
* All prefs now available from system menus.
* Animated gadgets.
* Now uses screen font as default.
* Optional bold, underline and italic hilighting.
* Left, center or right justified menus.
* Over/under titlebar or bottom of screen options.
* Drag and drop configuration.
* Can run/open ANY FILE with a correctly configured icon including partitions and
directories OS3.5+ ONLY.
* Config file in plain ascii for easy editing by hand, if you REALLY want to...
* Scrolling, fast scrolling, shadows etc...
* Free keyfile.
* Source available for a keyfile to your own progam :)
Here are the TOOLTYPE Settings.
SCROLLING Turns scrolling on
FASTSCROLL Turns on fast scrolling
FONT Sets the font, defaults to screen font
HEIGHT Sets the font height
MENUWIDTH Sets the width for each main window gadget
XPOS Sets the left edge of the main window
SHADOW Draws a solid shadow on the 'menus'
DITHEREDSHADOW Draws a 'see-through' shadow
BACK Colour setting in html format eg. "5577DF"
TEXT -" as above "-
HIBACK -" as above "-
HITEXT -" as above "-
LIGHT -" as above "-
DARK -" as above "-
SHADE -" as above "-
FSPEED Sets the speed of the flashes when an item is selected
FLASHES Sets the number of flashes (0=off)
BOLD Sets the highlight style for the 'menus'
UNDERLINE Sets the highlight style for the 'menus'
ITALIC Sets the highlight style for the 'menus'
ZIPGADGETWIDTH Sets the width of the left hand gadget
JUSTIFY Sets the text justification of the 'menus'
VPOS Sets the vertical position of the main window
ANIMATED Turns on Animated Gadgets
VPOS has three options:
OVERTB - Over Title Bar
UNDERTB - Under Title Bar
BOTTOM - Bottom of the screen
JUSTIFY has three options:
The colour settings are only a rough guide, THEY WILL CHANGE when you save
your prefs, Launch uses the value given to find the closest match in the
workbench palette. When you save your prefs it writes the data for the
actual colour it's using.
The HTML format for colours is RRGGBB, a hexadecimal value from 00 to FF
for each of the red, green and blue values.
V4.01 Added Animated/coloured gadgets, Colour prefs and help menu.
V4.00 Major rewrite, too many fixes / optimisations and features added too list.
V3.54 Not released to the public.
V3.99 Not released to the public.
V3.53 Added menu shadows.
V3.52 Many minor bug fixes and tweaks - Not released to the public.
V3.51 Many minor bug fixes and tweaks - Not released to the public.
V3.04 Major rewrite to add multiple menus.
V3.03 Not released to the public.
V2.42 Not released to the public.
V2.41 Minor update, Fixed Cybergraphics bug.
Fixed font display bug in prefs.
Fixed terminal bug when returning to workbench and pressing a key
caused a " Software Failure ".
V2.40 First release on aminet.
V2.39 Not released to the public.
Many thanks to the following people who have helped in the
development of Launch.
* Steve Hargreaves - for lots of help with beta testing and the tricky bits.
* David McMinn - for lots of help with the tricky bits and beta testing.
* Steven Croy - for lots of help with OS3.5 workbench.library stuff
and beta testing.
* Malcolm Farley - for help with beta testing and writing ALL the documentation.
Contents of util/wb/LaunchV4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 48979 115644 42.4% -lh5- 51ec Sep 27 2001 Launch4/Launch
[generic] 1363 1694 80.5% -lh5- 9d02 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation.info
[generic] 2241 5207 43.0% -lh5- f48f Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.doc
[generic] 3258 5581 58.4% -lh5- 9dc7 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.doc.info
[generic] 3676 9324 39.4% -lh5- cd06 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.guide
[generic] 3983 5741 69.4% -lh5- 0f19 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.guide.info
[generic] 1366 1694 80.6% -lh5- edbd Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html.info
[generic] 294 450 65.3% -lh5- b598 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/copyright.html
[generic] 206 298 69.1% -lh5- 1963 Sep 30 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/disclaimer.html
[generic] 554 1013 54.7% -lh5- b111 Sep 30 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/features.html
[generic] 271 458 59.2% -lh5- b02b Sep 30 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/future.html
[generic] 469 1109 42.3% -lh5- e129 Sep 30 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/history.html
[generic] 526 1075 48.9% -lh5- 9f91 Sep 30 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/introduction.html
[generic] 475 1224 38.8% -lh5- 7c3a Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/Main.html
[generic] 4358 6033 72.2% -lh5- 11c7 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/Main.html.info
[generic] 319 612 52.1% -lh5- 647b Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/thanks.html
[generic] 917 2233 41.1% -lh5- 892f Sep 30 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/tooltypes.html
[generic] 887 1771 50.1% -lh5- 9441 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Launch.html/Usage.html
[generic] 150 200 75.0% -lh5- f64c Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Problems.doc
[generic] 3258 5581 58.4% -lh5- 7d20 Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.Documentation/Problems.doc.info
[generic] 769 1105 69.6% -lh5- 98ca Oct 1 2001 Launch4/Launch.info
[generic] 364 456 79.8% -lh5- baa7 Oct 1 2001 Launch4.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 22 files 78683 168503 46.7% Oct 7 2001
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