KarmaToolTypes is another one of those "edit your tooltypes using your
favourite text editor" programmes. What makes KarmaToolTypes different,
is that it uses notification and an appmenuitem.
When started, KarmaToolTypes will add an AppMenuItem to your "Tools"
menu. KarmaToolTypes reads three tooltypes from it's icon. They are
EDITOR, SORT and ASKSORT. EDITOR specifies which text editor you wish to use
to edit the tooltypes. If none is specified, KarmaToolTypes will
default to "Ed". The syntax for EDITOR is EDTOR=<editorname>.
SORT decides wheter or not KarmaToolTypes should sort the tooltypes
alphabetically before sending them to the texteditor. The syntax
for SORT is SORT=<Yes/No>. SORT defaults to No. ASKSORT opens a requester
and asks if you want the tooltypes sorted. ASKSORT overrides SORT,
so if you answer "No" to having the tooltypes sorted, they won't be
sorted even if SORT=Yes. If you answer "Yes", they will be sorted,
even if SORT=No.
Knowing this, you are ready to use KarmaToolTypes. Select an icon
and chooes KarmaToolTypes from the Tools menu. If all goes the way
it should, your defined text editor will pop up with all the tooltypes
from the icon you selected. Ready for you to edit.
When you are finished editing, save the file. KarmaToolTypes will
automatically register this, and save the new tooltypes to the icon.
Unlike other tooltype editors out there, KarmaToolTypes does not rely
on your text editor not detatching itself to find out when you quit
it. KarmaToolTypes adds notification to the file containing the icon's
tooltypes, and when the file is changed, KarmaToolTypes automatically
registers this.
If you do not want to change the tooltypes, you can either save them
the way they are, or just quit the text editor. You can safely select
another icon to edit instead. KarmaToolTypes will drop the notification
on the old icon and forget all about it, no harm done.
To quit KarmaToolTypes, you must send it a ^C signal.
KarmaToolTypes is FreeWare, but I, the author, retain all rights to
the program. KarmaToolTypes is (c) 1995 Christopher Landmark Naas.
I do not feel KarmaToolTypes is worth any money. Nor are any of the
other programmes out there that do the same thing :) If you like
it, EMail me. If you don't like it, delete it and forget about it.
KarmaToolTypes was tested for 30 seconds on my A4000/040. I do not
know of any bugs, but should you find any, please EMail me and tell
me how I can reproduse them.
Remember, it will never be as good as it used to be.
1.0 - First release
1.1 - Added the ASKSORT tooltype.
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/_ /_ /\ Christopher Naas · Amiga Developer · Fusing the clear threat! ·
__/__//_/ christon@powertech.no · http://www.powertech.no/~christon/ ·