This program is very useful for a complet memory clean in the boot process.
very easy to use.
Whay use this?
Becose, the program kill all boot resistent prograns in the boot process,
this is good for lo a virus proliferation in your machine.
New In this version.
Now the program open a WorkBench menu item for more aesy use
Unpack the archive with the LHA program
lha x IceBoot.lha
copy the program to your WBStartup drawer.
copy IceBoot to sys:WBStartup
copy to sys:WBStartup
copy IceBoot.readme to your texts drawer.
If you whant, let me know and i make a installer for this program,
but is very easy to install.
with the left mouse button click on the workbenck backdrop
click the right mouse button and chose tools In the WorkBench
menu tools, chose the IceBoot a requester will apears, chose
'cansel' to cansel or 'go' to boot.
This program is Shareware if you like, please send me 2,00 dolar
or 2,00DM in a mail. (please, put the maney in a gross paper or
any metalic paper).
Marcio Esper
r:Prof Francisco MAffei 407
Sao Paulo SP
Brazil CEP04787-080
If you have any sugestion, idea, or just want talk :) send a e-mail
You can spread this program in magazinez CD, Disks, Shows, etc...
but never in the any Windows or other Micosheat package ;)
thank you for use this program and sorry for my terrible english.