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Short:Adds pets to your wb. (68K/MOS)
Author: chaozer at
Uploader:Adam Waldenberg (chaozer algonet se)
Download:util/wb/CyberLemmings.lha - View contents

CyberLemmings adds themeable pets to your wb, that fall, walk and
climb on your windows, jump with a skipping-rope, and even teleport
themselves between windows on the workbench screen.

Finally you have a few friends that keep you company when no-one
else will.

CyberLemmings supports climbers, diers, fallers, gliders, occupiers, 
pushers, teleporters and walkers in a variety of included gfx-maps.

===================== Changes since last public release =======================

    * Another bug in the stairwalk routine has been fixed.

    * Updated everything in the guide, and added some new stuff. Now, there
      is also a description on how sound support in CyberLemmings works.

    * Added support for a pusher "feature", also added a PUSHER tooltype
      that can be set in order to activate this.

    * Fix for offscreen-windows in MorphOS added, so windows can't be pushed
      of screen by the lemmings. (Would have been annoying ;))

    * Fixed the sound routines so that they use AHI instead of audio.device.

    * Fixed a nasty bug where characters sometimes could keep on walking
      after teleporting to a window.

    * Found a bug that could cause random enforcer hits in the teleport

    * Added Qweek gfxmap made by Nowee to the archive.

    * Characters now also teleport to the same window that they stand on.

    * GFXDIR now set to "PROGDIR:GfxMaps/" by default.

    * There was a small bug in the new stairwalk routine, fixed.

    * The background fetching of the new gfx-routines added in 1.0 could
      sometimes give heavy background corruption, especially if solid
      windowmoving was used. Changed back to the old background fetching now,
      thus loosing some speed in the cgfx routines.

    * Added sound support! Both the Lemmings and Worms2 gfx-set have
      included samples. Sound support can be enabled by setting
      the SOUND argument/tooltype.

Contents of util/wb/CyberLemmings.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1747    2283  76.5% -lh5- a402 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/
[generic]                 1746    2283  76.5% -lh5- 18ec Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/
[generic]                 1594    2530  63.0% -lh5- d4a7 Dec 21  2001 CyberLemmings/
[generic]                 1134    2165  52.4% -lh5- 7e0a Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/Docs/
[generic]                10118   30428  33.3% -lh5- c4c9 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/Docs/
[generic]                45771   45771 100.0% -lh0- 322a Dec 18  2001 CyberLemmings/Docs/CyberLemmings_grab.jpg
[generic]                 2462   11640  21.2% -lh5- e4d0 Dec 19  2001 CyberLemmings/Docs/CyberLemmings_wr.iff
[generic]                 1906    2947  64.7% -lh5- 625c Dec 21  2001 CyberLemmings/
[generic]                22364   42800  52.3% -lh5- 4453 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/CyberLemmings
[generic]                 4677   12552  37.3% -lh5- daf9 Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/preview/die.iff
[generic]                 2365    4208  56.2% -lh5- a704 Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/preview/fall.iff
[generic]                 5488   14258  38.5% -lh5- be89 Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/preview/walk.iff
[generic]                 3215   61632   5.2% -lh5- fb7c Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/die.chunky
[generic]                 1708   12480  13.7% -lh5- 8b38 Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/fall.chunky
[generic]                25540  172224  14.8% -lh5- a2d0 Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/occupy.chunky
[generic]                22023   48034  45.8% -lh5- 5199 Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/preview/occupy.iff
[generic]                  202     452  44.7% -lh5- 49c5 Jan  7  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/GFXMap.prefs
[generic]                 5506   49344  11.2% -lh5- 1049 Jan  1  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Nudie/walk.chunky
[generic]                 1219   25272   4.8% -lh5- b083 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Qweek/die.chunky
[generic]                  350    5112   6.8% -lh5- f395 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Qweek/fall.chunky
[generic]                  205     427  48.0% -lh5- 227d Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Qweek/GFXMap.prefs
[generic]                  538   22752   2.4% -lh5- be00 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Qweek/occupy.chunky
[generic]                 1059   25272   4.2% -lh5- b0a6 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Qweek/teleport.chunky
[generic]                  382   12672   3.0% -lh5- 2056 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Qweek/walk.chunky
[generic]                  238    8768   2.7% -lh5- 4a61 Jun 20  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/climb.chunky
[generic]                  364    9856   3.7% -lh5- 01a0 Jun 26  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/die.chunky
[generic]                  155    4416   3.5% -lh5- c6da Jun  6  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/fall.chunky
[generic]                  354    9856   3.6% -lh5- d23e Jul  2  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/glide.chunky
[generic]                  603    3362  17.9% -lh5- 78d6 Jun 20  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/preview/climb.iff
[generic]                  864    3680  23.5% -lh5- 1eea Jun 26  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/preview/die.iff
[generic]                  211    8768   2.4% -lh5- e28a Jun 20  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/walk.chunky
[generic]                  487    2108  23.1% -lh5- f3f8 Jun  6  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/preview/fall.iff
[generic]                  777    3808  20.4% -lh5- 1459 Jul  2  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/preview/glide.iff
[generic]                  507    3336  15.2% -lh5- c143 Aug 19  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/preview/push.iff
[generic]                 1997    2746  72.7% -lh5- f7fa Jan  5  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/die.8svx
[generic]                  227     542  41.9% -lh5- c160 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/GFXMap.prefs
[generic]                  544    3348  16.2% -lh5- 5187 Jun 20  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/preview/walk.iff
[generic]                  183    8768   2.1% -lh5- 8f59 Aug 20  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/push.chunky
[generic]                 5023    7294  68.9% -lh5- 5c03 Jan  5  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Standard/start.8svx
[generic]                 1653   11120  14.9% -lh5- f59b Jan 15  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/preview/die.iff
[generic]                 1021    2568  39.8% -lh5- d16d Jan 15  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/preview/fall.iff
[generic]                 7922   26036  30.4% -lh5- fbc6 Jan 15  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/preview/occupy.iff
[generic]                26662   78252  34.1% -lh5- cf7f Jan 15  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/preview/teleport.iff
[generic]                 5933   23820  24.9% -lh5- 53b8 Jan 15  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/preview/walk.iff
[generic]                 1121  109736   1.0% -lh5- 5a11 Dec 14  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/die.chunky
[generic]                  494   13920   3.5% -lh5- 03be Dec 14  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/fall.chunky
[generic]                 7782  178176   4.4% -lh5- 1e6a Dec 15  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/occupy.chunky
[generic]                 5901  191864   3.1% -lh5- aad1 Dec 14  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/walk.chunky
[generic]                 6824   13037  52.3% -lh5- 2e67 Sep 28  1995 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/die.8svx
[generic]                21060   31344  67.2% -lh5- aa09 Mar 14  1980 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/teleport.8svx
[generic]                28258  547752   5.2% -lh5- 8c9b Jun 30  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/teleport.chunky
[generic]                 3342    7142  46.8% -lh5- bb6e Sep 28  1995 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/walk.8svx
[generic]                  208     443  47.0% -lh5- 259f Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/Worms2/GFXMap.prefs
[generic]                  592    3330  17.8% -lh5- d776 Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/preview/climb.iff
[generic]                  476    2114  22.5% -lh5- 204f Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/preview/fall.iff
[generic]                  863    3680  23.5% -lh5- 1eea Jun 26  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/preview/die.iff
[generic]                  775    3796  20.4% -lh5- b70d Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/preview/glide.iff
[generic]                  525    3330  15.8% -lh5- 2367 Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/preview/walk.iff
[generic]                  240    8768   2.7% -lh5- 38bb Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/climb.chunky
[generic]                  144    4416   3.3% -lh5- bca2 Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/fall.chunky
[generic]                  333    9856   3.4% -lh5- cc80 Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/glide.chunky
[generic]                  520    3328  15.6% -lh5- de3d Aug 19  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/preview/push.iff
[generic]                 1997    2746  72.7% -lh5- f7fa Jan  5  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/die.8svx
[generic]                  364    9856   3.7% -lh5- 01a0 Jun 26  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/die.chunky
[generic]                  188    8768   2.1% -lh5- 4ded Aug 20  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/push.chunky
[generic]                  200    8768   2.3% -lh5- f1d5 Dec  3  2001 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/walk.chunky
[generic]                  227     542  41.9% -lh5- c160 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/GFXMap.prefs
[generic]                 5023    7294  68.9% -lh5- 5c03 Jan  5  2002 CyberLemmings/GfxMaps/X-Mas/start.8svx
[generic]                  938    1066  88.0% -lh5- 212c Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/Icons/
[generic]                 1819    2030  89.6% -lh5- 24af Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/Icons/
[generic]                 1485    2301  64.5% -lh5- bb42 Dec 21  2001
[generic]                 1029    2102  49.0% -lh5- 6f08 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings.readme
[generic]                24995   72496  34.5% -lh5- 47a9 Aug 27  2003 CyberLemmings/CyberLemmings_MOS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        73 files  336767 2085991  16.1%            Aug 31  2003
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