CpuUsage 1.0 is an extremely simple Cpu-gauge-thingy. It has no fancy
userinterface, is not a commodity, takes no icon arguments. It is
made to be as small and as little system-resource demanding as
CpuUsage takes 4 arguments, X and Y coordinates, and window Width and
Height. You can start it from WBStartup using the supplied
CpuUsage.script icon. If you use it from icon, please edit the script
to suite _your_ Workbench.
CpuUsage can be aborted by sending it CTRL-C.
CpuUsage is ©1994 Stargazing Software Development. Programming by
Bjørnar Henden and Christopher Naas. You can contact us both at
Falling, the SSD BBS, by dialing +47 6925 6117, or by EMail:
Enjoy :)
__ __
/_ /_ /\ Christopher Naas ·Fusing the clear threat!·
__/__//_/ naasc@cnaas.adsp.sub.org, christon@lightning.powertech.no