84782 packages online
util/wb/CA_Greek.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Greek Files for ClassAction 3.6 |
Author: | olethros geocities.com (Christos Dimitrakakis) |
Uploader: | olethros geocities com (Christos Dimitrakakis) |
Type: | util/wb |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2000-01-09 |
Download: | util/wb/CA_Greek.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/CA_Greek.readme |
Downloads: | 670 |
This includes .catalog files for ClassAct. Maybe I will add a .guide and
Install-Script in greek, if someone wants them. Anyway, I`d appreciate comments
for it.
To make it work.. copy the two .catalog files in locale:catalogs/greek/
I also put the 2 .ct files in there, in case you wanna change them
These were done partially with SimpTrans.. Now I got another translator program
on the way... :) StatTrans - and there is also HeurTrans.. Maybe NeurTrans in
the future :)
Look at other weird stuff from me:
/dev/basic/bgp.lha - Blitz Genetic-Programming Environment
/dev/basic/gasp.lha - Genetic Algorithm Sample Packer in Blitz
/dev/misc/SimpTrans.lha - Simple Automatic Translation of .ct files!
/dev/misc/ST_uk2gr.lha - Uk2Gr phrasebook for SimpTrans
/dev/misc/YAAV.lha - YAAV V0.99 - Yet Another Autodoc Viewer
/dev/misc/Uk2GrCorpus.lha - A compact english-greek parallel aligned linguistic corpus
/game/shoot/allrox.lha - HardCore FRENETIC shootem'up - HARD! FAST! OUCH!
/game/actio/wreckage.lha - Experimental Driving Sim
/game/actio/wreckage_src.lha - Source for driving sim (older version :)
/util/pack/agf.lha - AGF V0.9 n*8-bit Sample Pre-Packing Processor
Contents of util/wb/CA_Greek.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 771 1442 53.5% -lh5- 278f Jan 8 2000 ClassAction_Gr/CA_Greek.readme
[generic] 2232 4224 52.8% -lh5- d6d6 Jan 8 2000 ClassAction_Gr/ClassAction.ct
[generic] 2095 4490 46.7% -lh5- 237b Jan 8 2000 ClassAction_Gr/ClassActionPrefs.ct
[generic] 1394 2452 56.9% -lh5- ce69 Jan 8 2000 ClassAction_Gr/Catalogs/Greek/ClassAction.catalog
[generic] 1285 2564 50.1% -lh5- 3839 Jan 8 2000 ClassAction_Gr/Catalogs/Greek/ClassActionPrefs.catalog
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 7777 15172 51.3% Jan 8 2000
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