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util/wb/AutoStart95_3.lha |
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AutoStart 95.3 ©1995 Ian J. Einman
AutoStart is a utility to automatically load tools when the Workbench starts,
replacing the WBStartup drawer. AutoStart can start Workbench tools, Shell
commands and scripts, and ARexx programs from any directory. AutoStart can
ask upon startup whether to load a tool, and skip certain tools depending on
if the mouse button is pressed or not.
Listing of archive 'AutoStart95_3.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1458 768 47.3% 25-Nov-94 01:13:06 AutoStart.info
13497 5368 60.2% 11-Apr-95 23:38:38 AutoStart/AutoStart.guide
415 239 42.4% 11-Apr-95 23:38:38 AutoStart/AutoStart.guide.info
1553 668 56.9% 05-Mar-95 13:42:06 AutoStart/Install
721 371 48.5% 05-Mar-95 13:42:06 AutoStart/Install.info
8536 5273 38.2% 25-May-95 22:39:26 AutoStart/libs/systemplus.library
4456 2574 42.2% 26-Mar-95 14:38:34 AutoStart/Prefs/AutoStart
514 278 45.9% 23-Oct-94 17:44:56 AutoStart/Prefs/AutoStart.info
2284 1487 34.8% 26-Mar-95 16:02:48 AutoStart/WbStartup/AutoStartup
468 228 51.2% 23-Oct-94 17:44:56 AutoStart/WbStartup/AutoStartup.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
33902 17254 49.1% 05-Jun-95 20:00:32 10 files
Contents of util/wb/AutoStart95_3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 768 1458 52.7% -lh5- ab22 Nov 25 1994 AutoStart.info
[generic] 5368 13497 39.8% -lh5- cd9a Apr 11 1995 AutoStart/AutoStart.guide
[generic] 239 415 57.6% -lh5- b273 Apr 11 1995 AutoStart/AutoStart.guide.info
[generic] 668 1553 43.0% -lh5- 21e5 Mar 5 1995 AutoStart/Install
[generic] 371 721 51.5% -lh5- aa77 Mar 5 1995 AutoStart/Install.info
[generic] 5273 8536 61.8% -lh5- cc14 May 25 1995 AutoStart/libs/systemplus.library
[generic] 2574 4456 57.8% -lh5- 9257 Mar 26 1995 AutoStart/Prefs/AutoStart
[generic] 278 514 54.1% -lh5- db6e Oct 23 1994 AutoStart/Prefs/AutoStart.info
[generic] 1487 2284 65.1% -lh5- e203 Mar 26 1995 AutoStart/WbStartup/AutoStartup
[generic] 228 468 48.7% -lh5- bb57 Oct 23 1994 AutoStart/WbStartup/AutoStartup.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 17254 33902 50.9% Sep 17 1995
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