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util/time/simpleclock.lha |
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SimpleClock is a simple analog clock for your workbench. It is based
upon my old SimpleClock program which never has been released (which
was based on TolleUhr)
SimpleClock uses the new OS 3.5 feature of animated icons. That
means instead of opening a window the clock is displayed in an icon.
The clock actually doesn't work together with DirectoryOpus because
it doesn't not emulates all OS3.5 functions (yet).
Copyright, Distribtion and Disclamer
SimpleClock is ©1995-2000 by Sebastian Bauer.
SimpleClock is freeware. Feel free to spreat it, as long as
all files are included and in an unchanged form. You are not
allowed to make profit from its distribution!
In no way the author can be made responible for any damage created
by the program. Use it at your own risk!
How to use SimpleClock
SimpleClock only works with a running OS 3.5 workbench. Doubleclicking
the icon will start the programm. As soon as you have started it a new
icon is created and placed on the workbench (hopefully showing the current
time). You can alter the appearance of the clock by opening this clock icon
(eigher perform a doubleclick or select "Open" in the "Icons" Menu). Most
things should be self explaind. To save the appearance use the "Snapshot"
(also saves position) or "Unsnapshot" (resets the position) items from WB's
"Icons" menu.
- localize the GUI
- more settings
- fix all bugs
Version 1.5 (08.09.00)
- sound support
- a smaller problem with screennotify.library fixed
Version 1.4 (03.08.00)
- supports screennotify.library
Version 1.3 (24.02.00)
- can display the current date now
Version 1.2 (09.01.00)
- added seconds hand
- optimized the rendering of the clock
- possibility of a "real" hand shadow on >= 15 bit screens
Version 1.1 (29.12.99)
- fixed an enforcer hit
- changed GUI layout a little bit to reflect the OS 3.5 style
- FACE_BORDER tooltype was not read correctly
- some render optimizations
- not appeared on Aminet
Version 1.0 (25.12.99)
- now uses many of the new OS 3.5 features
- initial public release
Version 0.x (xx.xx.95)
- never released
Very great thanks goes to the orginal authors of TolleUhr on which SimpleClock
is based on.
- Gunther Nikl <gnikl@informatik.uni-rostock.de>
- Matthias Fleischer <fleischr@izfm.uni-stuttgart.de>
How can you reach me?
SimpleClock probably has many bugs, so send bug reports to
sebauer@t-online.de or
Sebastian Bauer
Neustädter Str. 50
07768 Kahla
Visit my homepage at
(german version)
(english version)
Here you can find the latest version of SimpleClock but also
other things for Amiga, for example SimpleFind, SimpleHTML and
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Contents of util/time/simpleclock.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 272 628 43.3% -lh5- 6398 Jun 1 2000 SimpleClock.info
[generic] 1640 3323 49.4% -lh5- 8528 Sep 8 2000 SimpleClock/ReadMe
[generic] 309 831 37.2% -lh5- 7586 Sep 8 2000 SimpleClock/ReadMe.info
[generic] 14329 29388 48.8% -lh5- cd9b Sep 8 2000 SimpleClock/SimpleClock
[generic] 400 840 47.6% -lh5- 3aa9 Sep 8 2000 SimpleClock/SimpleClock.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 16950 35010 48.4% Sep 9 2000
Page generated in 0.02 seconds |
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