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Short:Produces 3 logfiles: BootTime/OnOff/..
Author:Juergen Matern
Uploader:s_matern rzmain rz uni-ulm de
Download:util/time/UpTime17.lha - View contents

If you ever wanted to know, how long your computer is workig every day and
you didn't know how to get this information, then this package is the
solution of your problem. Once this package is installed you get three
files, which are updated every day. In the first file you will find the
time, your computer worked (listed day by day), in the second file you will
find a note, every time your computer booted and in the third you can see,
when you turned your system on, when you turned it off, and how many resets
you had.

Here three little sample-logfiles:

The UpTime-file:
   Montag 20-Sep-93 SystemUpTime: 4 h 40 min.
   Dienstag 21-Sep-93 SystemUpTime: 10 h 45 min.
   Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 SystemUpTime: 4 h 45 min.

The Log-file:
   Dienstag 21-Sep-93 22:28:34
   Dienstag 21-Sep-93 22:29:18
   Dienstag 21-Sep-93 22:38:07
   Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 08:39:11
   Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 17:12:27
   Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 18:01:08

The OnOff-file:
   Turned system on:  Dienstag 21-Sep-93 22:28:34
   You had 2 resets!
   Turned system off: Dienstag 21-Sep-93 22:45:01

   Turned system on:  Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 08:39:11
   Turned system off: Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 10:35:00

   Turned system on:  Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 17:12:27
   You had 1 reset!
   Turned system off: Mittwoch 22-Sep-93 19:55:00

The scripts can also control events, you only want to run once a day (i.e.
updating of a find-database or something like this). In the two scripts,
which control these events (CheckBootDate and AtMidNite) there is the
standard-event of my system, which is executed once every day. It's the
program 'updatedb'. Remove this line, if you don't use it, and put any
other 'once-day-events' at its place. See the file 'Find.lha' in the
Goodies-directory for more information on 'updatedb'.

This package consists of some AmigaDOS-scripts. These scripts have to be
controlled via cron (an utility, which starts a script or program at
defined times). If you don't use a cron-utility yet, you will have to
install a cron-utility yourself. Perhaps you try 'CyberCron' from
Christopher A. Wichura. You can find it on Fish 801. For the latest
version also check newer ><> and in AmiNet (path: ../aminet/os20/cli/).

The scripts also need some ENV-variables to be declared (will be defined by
the installscript).

As the programs are all AmigaDOS-scripts it should be easy, to modify the
scripts to fit your suits.

* OS 2.04 or later (never tested with 1.3)
* The install-script needs the 'Pipe:'-device to be mounted
* HardDisk is not required but strongly recommended
* A cron-utility (i.e. CyberCron from Fish 682)

Contents of util/time/UpTime17.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  338     587  57.6% -lh5- 7e4b Sep 23  1993 UpTime/install/AddSlash
[generic]                  517    1124  46.0% -lh5- 2636 Sep 23  1993 UpTime/install/CheckDir
[generic]                  270     420  64.3% -lh5- de7c Sep 20  1993 UpTime/install/ExtractYear
[generic]                  311     612  50.8% -lh5- b915 Jan  9  1994 UpTime/install/UpTime.txt
[generic]                 2065    7147  28.9% -lh5- 87c9 Oct 19  1993 UpTime/Install_UpTime
[generic]                  409     903  45.3% -lh5- 76d4 Sep 25  1993 UpTime/
[generic]                  270     419  64.4% -lh5- 616c Sep 20  1993 UpTime/scripts/CutArg
[generic]                  609    1448  42.1% -lh5- 3c9c Oct 19  1993 UpTime/scripts/AtMidNite
[generic]                  695    1776  39.1% -lh5- 6b27 Jan  9  1994 UpTime/scripts/CheckBootDate
[generic]                  418     789  53.0% -lh5- 5486 Sep 23  1993 UpTime/scripts/IncreaseUpTime
[generic]                  527    1388  38.0% -lh5- ce4a Jan  9  1994 UpTime/scripts/NewFileNames
[generic]                 1101    3501  31.4% -lh5- 3f28 Jan  9  1994 UpTime/scripts/OnOff
[generic]                  404     815  49.6% -lh5- 8d54 Sep 23  1993 UpTime/scripts/SayUpTime
[generic]                  281     486  57.8% -lh5- a381 Sep 25  1993 UpTime/
[generic]                  267     628  42.5% -lh5- 2f04 Sep 23  1993
[generic]                  346     742  46.6% -lh5- 5e38 Sep 21  1993 UpTime/s/CronTab
[generic]                  189     315  60.0% -lh5- 821d Sep 21  1993 UpTime/s/CronTab.part1
[generic]                  208     365  57.0% -lh5- ec2f Sep 21  1993 UpTime/s/CronTab.part2
[generic]                   31      31 100.0% -lh0- 8962 Sep 21  1993 UpTime/s/CronTab.part3
[generic]                 3600   10488  34.3% -lh5- 9dab Jan 11  1994 UpTime/UpTime.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        20 files   12856   33984  37.8%            Jan 25  1994
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