84782 packages online
No screenshot available
43.0 first public release
43.1 requested os3.5 modules by mistake therefore it never
worked on os3.0/1 based systems.
43.2 supports transparency now.
43.3 the datatype can handle truecolor icons now (requires
picture.datatype v43+) <Allan Nielsen>.
43.4 the alignment of the image data wasn't correctly calculated
(but worked most of the time:) included some nice icons made
by Raul Silva.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
3222 1820 43.5% 09-Oct-00 16:30:26 IcoDT.info
3500 2282 34.8% 09-Oct-00 16:26:04 +ico.datatype
1763 976 44.6% 09-Oct-00 16:31:32 +IcoDT.doc
2199 1387 36.9% 09-Oct-00 16:30:44 +IcoDT.doc.info
455 264 41.9% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +Install
3300 1709 48.2% 09-Oct-00 16:30:44 +Install.info
104 87 16.3% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +Windows Icon
3507 2151 38.6% 09-Oct-00 16:30:44 +Windows Icon.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
18050 10676 40.8% 09-Oct-00 16:31:56 8 files
Contents of util/dtype/IcoDT.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1820 3222 56.5% -lh5- e010 Oct 9 2000 IcoDT.info
[generic] 2282 3500 65.2% -lh5- f5af Oct 9 2000 IcoDT/ico.datatype
[generic] 976 1763 55.4% -lh5- 2fe3 Oct 9 2000 IcoDT/IcoDT.doc
[generic] 1387 2199 63.1% -lh5- 45fd Oct 9 2000 IcoDT/IcoDT.doc.info
[generic] 264 455 58.0% -lh5- cbe5 Apr 30 2000 IcoDT/Install
[generic] 1709 3300 51.8% -lh5- ebfa Oct 9 2000 IcoDT/Install.info
[generic] 87 104 83.7% -lh5- 9ec2 Apr 30 2000 IcoDT/Windows Icon
[generic] 2151 3507 61.3% -lh5- 3376 Oct 9 2000 IcoDT/Windows Icon.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 10676 18050 59.1% Oct 16 2000
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