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Attempts to close the specified window requester by inducing key events
into the input stream.
From the shell, OkayDokey supports the following arguments:
PUBSCREEN is the public screen on which to look for a specific window
requester. Case sensitive. Defaults to the default public screen
(usually Workbench). It is also the screen the OkayDokey window will
open on (unless you are using the CX argument). This argument is
required for closing a window.
WINDOW is the title of the window requester to search for. Case
sensitive. There is no default. This argument is required for
closing a window.
TIMER is how many ¼ seconds to wait between window requester searches.
4 = 1 second. The default is 2 (½ a second). Making this value too
low could degrade the performance of Intuition on some machines.
CANCEL if specified, selects the Cancel gadget of a requester (sends the
sequence Left Amiga B). When not specified selects the Retry/Ok gadget
(sends the sequence Left Amiga V).
ACTIVATE Normally if the specified window is found but not active,
nothing will happen. Specifiying ACTIVATE will force the window to
become active and then send the appropriate sequence. This can take up
to 2 TIMER cycles. If there is more than one window open with the same
title by using this parameter you can close multiple windows on the
same screen with the same title.
COMMODITY This launches OkayDokey as a commodity with the name
specified. If you are starting a new OkayDokey, no window will be
opened. Exchange can be used to control the activation and removal of
this OkayDokey. You may launch more than one OkayDokey as a commodity
by using different names for them. In Exchanges' requester you can see
what window title is being searched for. Supplying only this parameter
when running OkayDokey will remove an OkayDokey with that name (see
QUIET If any errors occur, OkayDokey will not print or display any
requesters complaining that something went wrong. Default is it be
QUITAFTER will quit OkayDokey after it sends a command sequence to the
first window that matches the search arguments. Default is not to quit.
Contents of util/cdity/OkayDokey14.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3301 5352 61.7% -lh5- 3919 Jun 19 1995 OkayDokey
[generic] 2479 5894 42.1% -lh5- 193c Jun 19 1995 OkayDokey.autodoc
[generic] 405 698 58.0% -lh5- cbdd Jun 20 1995 OkayDokey.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 6185 11944 51.8% Jun 24 1995
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