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text/misc/xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9.lha |
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xsltproc is a command line tool for applying XSLT stylesheets to XML documents.
It is part of libxslt, the XSLT C library for GNOME.
While it was developed as part of the GNOMEproject, it can operate independently of the GNOME desktop.
This Port:
Using libxml 20622-CVS2642, libxslt 10109 and libexslt 807
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20622, libxslt 10109 and libexslt 807
libxslt 10109 was compiled against libxml 20622
libexslt 807 was compiled against libxml 20622
libxml 2.6.22 was ported by Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht@isoveli.org) and was used to build this version.
libxslt 1.1.9 (and libexslt) was ported by IKE (ike@ezcyberspace.com) and is available in a seperate
archive (which also includes the 'xsltproc' program)
Check out: ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/ for other versions
Creating new archive 'xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9.lha':
Frozen: ( 81.6%) 4188 => 768 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/.deps/xsltproc.Po
Frozen: ( 61.0%) 17992 => 7014 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/COPYING
Frozen: ( 70.0%) 15485 => 4643 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/Makefile
Frozen: ( 61.9%) 818 => 311 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/Makefile.am
Frozen: ( 72.2%) 16720 => 4643 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/Makefile.in
Frozen: ( 64.4%) 3888184 =>1381174 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc
Frozen: ( 48.2%) 1026 => 531 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc-morphos.readme
Frozen: ( 58.8%) 4998 => 2058 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc.1
Frozen: ( 73.9%) 23867 => 6221 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc.c
Frozen: ( 66.5%) 7016 => 2348 : xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc.html
10 files added, all files OK.
Operation successful.
Contents of text/misc/xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 768 4188 18.3% -lh5- cb58 Feb 27 18:26 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/.deps/xsltproc.Po
[generic] 7014 17992 39.0% -lh5- 4902 Aug 24 2001 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/COPYING
[generic] 4643 15485 30.0% -lh5- 8c1e Feb 27 18:24 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/Makefile
[generic] 311 818 38.0% -lh5- cee5 Jul 5 2004 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/Makefile.am
[generic] 4643 16720 27.8% -lh5- 3698 Aug 22 2004 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/Makefile.in
[generic] 1381174 3888184 35.5% -lh5- d9e3 Feb 27 18:26 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc
[generic] 531 1026 51.8% -lh5- 2688 Mar 23 15:48 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc-morphos.readme
[generic] 2058 4998 41.2% -lh5- 7232 Sep 12 2003 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc.1
[generic] 6221 23867 26.1% -lh5- 57c9 Feb 27 18:23 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc.c
[generic] 2348 7016 33.5% -lh5- fa57 Sep 13 2003 xsltproc-morphos-1.1.9/xsltproc.html
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 10 files 1409711 3980294 35.4% Apr 12 17:59
Page generated in 0.02 seconds |
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