I ported this to Amiga from ANSI C source. It's a great little program
which should give you some amusement. Here's the explanation from the
original readme file:
Wordplay is an anagram finder. What is an anagram? Well, let's turn to
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition:
Definition: anagram: a word or phrase made by transposing the letters
of another word or phrase.
Each letter in the anagram must appear in the same frequency as in the
original string.
For example, the letters in the word "stop" can be rearranged to spell
"tops" or "pots" or "sotp". "sotp" is not a word and is not of interest
when generating anagrams. "stop" has four letters, so there are 24 ways
to rearrange its letters. However, very few of the rearrangements actually
spell words.
Wordplay, by using a list of words, takes a specified string of letters and
uses the list of words to find anagrams of the string.