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text/misc/nA_ConFile04b.lha |
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[ product ] ConFile [ info ] compare from 2 to 5 files
[ author ] juen [ version ] 0.4ß ( 21.05.2003 )
IMPORTANT!: See text output in SHELL!
You may enter: 1> nA-ConFile.exe >ram:OUTPUT_IF_YOU_NEED.TXT
Output is very nice! Look! (byte mode/word mode/long word mode):
* HELLO! ConFile v0.4ß by Juen/APPENDIX +n3gat1Ve+ [2003]
----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
6 $25......37 <$46......70 <$4A......74 > [nofile] <$59......89
7 $16......22 <$7E.....126 >$72.....114 > [nofile] <$64.....100
90 $24......36 <$46......70 <$4A......74 > [nofile] <$59......89
91 $C2.....194 >$2A......42 >$1D......29 > [nofile] <$10......16
819 $00.......0 <$04.......4 <$3C......60 > [nofile] <$FF.....255
843 $00.......0 <$1F......31 >$07.......7 > [nofile] <$FF.....255
----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
5 $0025....37 <$0046....70 <$004A....74 > [nofile] <$0059....89
6 $2516..9494 <$467E.18046 <$4A72.19058 > [nofile] <$5964.22884
7 $1649..5705 <$7E49.32329 >$7249.29257 > [nofile] <$6449.25673
89 $0024....36 <$0046....70 <$004A....74 > [nofile] <$0059....89
90 $24C2..9410 <$462A.17962 <$4A1D.18973 > [nofile] <$5910.22800
91 $C2B1.49841 >$2AB1.10929 >$1DB1..7601 > [nofile] <$10B1..4273
810 $B100.45312 <$CA00.51712 >$3FF0.16368 > [nofile] <$B1FF.45567
----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
3 $4D000025 < $4D000046 < $4D00004A > [nofile] < $4D000059
4 $00002516 < $0000467E < $00004A72 > [nofile] < $00005964
5 $00251649 < $00467E49 < $004A7249 > [nofile] < $00596449
6 $2516494C < $467E494C < $4A72494C > [nofile] < $5964494C
7 $16494C42 < $7E494C42 > $72494C42 > [nofile] < $64494C42
87 $59000024 < $59000046 < $5900004A > [nofile] < $59000059
----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Contents of text/misc/nA_ConFile04b.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 314 314 100.0% -lh0- db55 Mar 22 2003 file_id.diz
[generic] 2926 2926 100.0% -lh0- c281 May 21 2003 nA-ConFile.readme
[generic] 264 264 100.0% -lh0- e7e4 May 23 2002 nA-ConFile/fonts/kkube.font
[generic] 2584 2584 100.0% -lh0- a0da Nov 19 1999 nA-ConFile/fonts/kkube/8
[generic] 18994 18994 100.0% -lh0- 5d8e May 20 2003 nA-ConFile/how2make-gui.iff
[generic] 13020 13020 100.0% -lh0- ab30 May 18 2003 nA-ConFile/libs/negative.library
[generic] 19600 19600 100.0% -lh0- f004 May 21 2003 nA-ConFile/nA-ConFile.exe
[generic] 2926 2926 100.0% -lh0- c281 May 21 2003 nA-ConFile/nA-ConFile.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 60628 60628 100.0% May 25 2003
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