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Short:Foreign language dictionary/translator
Author:Native Human Laboratories (NHL)
Uploader:Miklós Árpád (alan elender hu)
Requires:68000, KickStart 3.0, 1 MB RAM
Download:text/misc/LSDictionary3.lha - View contents


  LSDictionary v3 is the largest language dictionary program to date for 
  the AMIGA computer, comprising more than 50 dictionaries, some of which
  have a database with over 100,000 entries. The total number of words
  in all the databases is over 1,500,000. 

  The largest databases are obviously those of the most popular languages,
  such as English, German, Spanish or French, but some very special
  dictionaries like Urdu-English or Suaheli-English have also been

  Every dictionary is freely expandable, and you can create new ones in a
  very simple and user-friendly manner. Individual dictionaries can be
  switched on and off, thus making the program able to filter out
  databases not currently used.

  It is possible to import words from an external database file, which is
  the quickest way to expand the dictionary.

  Searching for a word takes very little time, always less than a second.
  This can be tested with the text file "translation" function, which runs
  at a speed of 120 to 150 words per minute using a 4x CD-ROM drive - well,
  this translates to approx. 2 words a second.

  Although text file "translation" consumes a significant amount of time,
  it helps people read documentations in languages they do not speak at
  all, relieving them from the burden of writing down meanings of words
  having looked them up in various dictionaries.

  The most interesting and valuable feature of the program is its word
  stripping system. This system is able to search for the root of a specific
  word, stripping down endings, suffixes and prefixes, thus providing an
  immeasurably better chance for the program to locate the word in the database.
  (Example: 'procurement' + STRIP '+ment' = 'procure')

  To use the program you will also need to have V38+ of reqtools.library
  (created by Nico François and Magnus Holmgren) installed in your system.

Additional features:

  - 100% system friendly user interface, looking very good with an 8 color
    MagicWB palette

  - Speech support including various accents (needs version
    42.x of the translator.library created by Francesco Devitt)

  - All functions are also available from CLI/Shell

  - Full locale support - every message and text displayed is localised

Demo restrictions:

  - Only one small database (English-German: 13,489 words) is in this archive,
    but others are also available via Aminet, and the full version has
    much bigger databases (e.g. English-German: ~98,000 words)

  - A request comes up time and again...

Price (CD version only):

    59 DM

For further information please contact:

    Alan <>
    Louise <>

Archive contents:

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1044      68 93.4% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  Fonts/LSDictionary.font
    3148    1624 48.4% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  Fonts/LSDictionary/10
    3236    1540 52.4% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  Fonts/LSDictionary/13
    2232    1379 38.2% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  Fonts/LSDictionary/8
    4828    2114 56.2% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  Locale/Catalogs/deutsch/LSDictionary3.catalog
    4688    2188 53.3% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  Locale/Catalogs/magyar/LSDictionary3.catalog
    1051      32 96.9% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSD.pre
  301185  102013 66.1% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSData/LSD_Eng-Ger.dat
   53956   36955 31.5% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSData/LSD_Eng-Ger.ndx
     240      24 90.0% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSDataAppend/LSD_Eng-Ger.dat
       8       8  0.0% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSDataAppend/LSD_Eng-Ger.ndx
  179540   79170 55.9% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSDictionary3
: Native Human Laboratories
  129929   42421 67.3% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSDictionary3.Guide
: LSDictionary3 Guide v1.4 (18/02/97) 
    1639     549 66.5% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22
    3865    1662 56.9% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22
    2931    1527 47.9% 01-Apr-97 00:31:02  LSDictionary3.readme
     226     150 33.6% 31-Mar-97 23:30:22  LSDModes.LST
     371     194 47.7% 31-Mar-97 23:57:46  README.install
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  694117  273618 60.5% 01-Apr-97 00:33:04   18 files

Contents of text/misc/LSDictionary3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   68    1044   6.5% -lh5- 1bd5 Mar 31  1997 Fonts/LSDictionary.font
[generic]                 1624    3148  51.6% -lh5- 0b7f Mar 31  1997 Fonts/LSDictionary/10
[generic]                 1540    3236  47.6% -lh5- d1f6 Mar 31  1997 Fonts/LSDictionary/13
[generic]                 1379    2232  61.8% -lh5- ef06 Mar 31  1997 Fonts/LSDictionary/8
[generic]                 2114    4828  43.8% -lh5- e659 Mar 31  1997 Locale/Catalogs/deutsch/LSDictionary3.catalog
[generic]                 2188    4688  46.7% -lh5- 77a8 Mar 31  1997 Locale/Catalogs/magyar/LSDictionary3.catalog
[generic]                   32    1051   3.0% -lh5- 7263 Mar 31  1997 LSD.pre
[generic]               102013  301185  33.9% -lh5- b537 Mar 31  1997 LSData/LSD_Eng-Ger.dat
[generic]                36955   53956  68.5% -lh5- b879 Mar 31  1997 LSData/LSD_Eng-Ger.ndx
[generic]                   24     240  10.0% -lh5- 5d4f Mar 31  1997 LSDataAppend/LSD_Eng-Ger.dat
[generic]                    8       8 100.0% -lh0- 2200 Mar 31  1997 LSDataAppend/LSD_Eng-Ger.ndx
[generic]                79170  179540  44.1% -lh5- ead8 Mar 31  1997 LSDictionary3
[generic]                42421  129929  32.6% -lh5- 22a1 Mar 31  1997 LSDictionary3.Guide
[generic]                  549    1639  33.5% -lh5- c3dc Mar 31  1997
[generic]                 1662    3865  43.0% -lh5- e0d5 Mar 31  1997
[generic]                 2043    4486  45.5% -lh5- 9b81 Apr  1  1997 LSDictionary3.readme
[generic]                  150     226  66.4% -lh5- 1998 Mar 31  1997 LSDModes.LST
[generic]                  194     371  52.3% -lh5- 1caa Mar 31  1997 README.install
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        18 files  274134  695672  39.4%            Apr 10  1997
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