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S h i v a A s c e n d i n g
Long time, no hear. So here's another fresh module from the
goan infected sound laboratories of moi.
No big words - listen and enjoy
G r e e t i n g s
All in 1oo% (of course), Count Dan, Cowo, GDM/Looker House, Grimlock/e^D,
Hawkwind, Juice/PHD, LhA 1.50r, LSD, Moon/Abyss, Mr. E, Pride/TRSI,
Radiosity, Sander Annema, SMC/Abyss, Teis/PHD, Zych/TRSI
...and to all the unmentioned others that fill the vacuum around me.
C o n t a c t
In case you want to contact me, please write to:
[please no modules/samples swapping, chatting preferred :)]
Neurodancer 99:4908/1.0@coconet
or call my BBS "Aurora Borealis", its open 24h for everyone,
my modules can be downloaded immediately after signing on:
2 nodes @ +49-8621-64260 v.34+ & x.75
In addition, most of my modules can be found on the 1oo% homepage:
The Metronome archive has a separate directory with some of my mods:
ftp.lhg.hib.no, pub/mods/composers/N/Neurodancer
Soon to find on Aminet in [mods/neuro] (hopefully!)
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auRora boRealis - 1oo% wOrld heAdquArters - phd diSt site sOuth
aMiga ^ aScii/aNsi ^ mOdules ^ cnet ^ mAnga ^ cOconet
mOre thAn 45o aScii collEctions oNline!
clAssic aMiga dEmo sEction!
chEck oUt our famOus mOdules aRea w/ spEcial GOAtrance sEction!
+49-8621-64260 v.34+ & ISDN x.75
CNet bbs & gvp040/33mhz & 10mb ram & 2.3gig hd
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