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This is a demo version of the latest game from F1 Software, SoreFist.
Remember Renegade from the Speccy/C64, the best at the time and still
a good laugh, wellSorefist is a tribute to that game.
The full game has five areas, this demo gives you the first area.
Please load Workbench to run this game.
How much?
To obtain the full version contact F1 Software. The price of Sorefist
is 3.99 UKP + 75p Packing & postage UK, 1UKp P+P Europe, 2.00 ROW.
How can I pay?
We can accept Access/Visa/Mastercard/Eurocard/
Cheques insterling drawn on a UK bank
Cash in UKP, Dollars or Dm (at your own risk)
Make cheques payable to : 'F1 Licenceware' please.
You can order by post (same day turnaround)
phone (same day sendout)
E-mail/credit card, we accept PGP, see our WWW site for key.
Our snail address is:
F1 Software,
31, Wellington Road,
Exeter, Devon.
Our WWW site address is:
You can get our cataloguedisk here free of charge detailing 160 EXCLUSIVE
Amiga titles. There is also some FREE FULL VERSIONS of some of our
titles for a limited period, so get a move on.
Telephone: (44) (0)1392-493580 (office hours 9.30a - 5.30pm Mon -Fri)
Contents of game/misc/sorefist.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1912 4010 47.7% -lh5- 8cf3 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/getup.abk
[generic] 1176 12980 9.1% -lh5- 87f0 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/in32.abk
[generic] 624 1340 46.6% -lh5- 0045 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/ld.abk
[generic] 62453 97544 64.0% -lh5- 25de Nov 12 1996 sorefist/rene96.abk
[generic] 74908 87080 86.0% -lh5- 709c Nov 12 1996 sorefist/sambank.abk
[generic] 18497 25228 73.3% -lh5- 4a84 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/SFnastA.abk
[generic] 541 962 56.2% -lh5- ac49 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/sore.cat
[generic] 1419 2687 52.8% -lh5- b846 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/sorefist.doc
[generic] 283 466 60.7% -lh5- 4e06 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/sorefist.doc.info
[generic] 874 1538 56.8% -lh5- 16c2 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/sorefist.readme
[generic] 168374 302016 55.8% -lh5- 6ee4 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/sorefist_demo.ssoft
[generic] 193 386 50.0% -lh5- aca1 Nov 12 1996 sorefist/SoreFist_Demo.ssoft.info
[generic] 1645 2448 67.2% -lh5- a49d Nov 12 1996 sorefist/sprc.abk
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 332899 538685 61.8% Nov 15 1996
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