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Short:RoadFighter Remake
Author:Original game © 1985 by Konami, remake © 2003 - 2009 Brain Games
Uploader:lukejerry gmail com (LuKeJerry)
Download:game/misc/ - View contents

  AROS port compiled on 3rd June 2011 with SDL Lib 1.2.14
   Sources and makefile included in the archive


This game was developed for the RETRO-REMAKES REMAKE COMPETITION 
organized by hoping to win a prize! ;)
We hope that you can enjoy playing it as much as we have enjoyed developing it!!
If you want to know more about this game, you can visit:
After the competition deadline, you will be able to find more information about
the game there.


To play RoadFighter, just execute the RoadFighter.exe executable file. The main
menu can be browsed using cursor keys, space and the escape keys:

- cursor up/cursor down: browsing among options
- space/cursor right: selecting an option
- escape/cursor left: go to the previous menu

To play the game, just select 1 or 2 players. Then you can choose a game level:

- GAME A: For novices. You may want to play in this mode the first time you play
          the game.
- GAME B: For advanced players. The game is quite hard to complete in this
          game level.
- GAME C: For crazy players. In this game levels, you will have _serious_
          problems to end the game.

In Road Fighter you drive a car. It is a death-race between you and a group of
crazy drivers. To play the game, you just need three keys: left, right and 
accelerate. All three can be redefined in the main menu. 
During the game, you can go back to the main menu by pressing the escape key.
You can press the backspace key if you want to restart a game.
To puse the game press F1

The game is divided in 6 stages. In each stage, the goal is to reach the 
checkpoints before your car runs out of fuel. Easy? You may think so, but there
are many obstacles between your car and the checkpoints:

- Green cars: these drivers are unlucky enough to be on the
              same road where your crazy race is taking place.
- Blue cars: your adversaries, you can usually go faster than them. But don't be
			 so sure, they can surprise you!
- Pink cars: suicide drivers. These cars will try to crash into you when you
		     pass them.
- Trucks: you'd better avoid them
- Water: will brake your car
- Oil: wil make your car skid
- Rocks: you shouldn't crash on a rock... if you can!

During the race, you should try not to hit the borders of the road. But
some of the other cars will try to make you crash...

Another important issue is the fuel. You should try to collect all the fuel
recharges that you can during the game. They are represented by the pink hearts.

  --  DISCLAIMER  --

This is the unofficial remake of Konami's ROAD FIGHTER which was originally 
released in 1985 for the MSX home computer systems.

Making sure that Konami won't sue us, we are telling you that we are not
related to Konami in any way except for liking their excellent games.

Also, this is a not-for-profit remake. So, we don't get any money from remaking
this or any other Konami titles.

  --  CREDITS  --

Programming: Santi Ontańón
Graphics: Miikka Poikela
Music/SFX: Jorrith Schaap
Beta Testing: Jason Eames, Miikka Poikela, Jorrith Schaap, Santi Ontańón


The Retro Remakes crew, for organizing this wonderful competition!
Konami, for releasing the original game!
Lars the 18TH, for the gamemap picture
Manuel Bilderbeek, for the Linux port

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Contents of game/misc/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/misc/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/
    8913  Defl:N     8730   2%  05-19-11 18:32  09913ddd
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/.roadfighter/
      24  Stored       24   0%  06-02-11 22:28  2066c867  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/.roadfighter/RoadFighter.cfg
     254  Defl:N      139  45%  06-02-11 22:28  09646577  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/.roadfighter/roadfighter.dbg
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/AROS/
    4417  Stored     4417   0%  06-02-11 21:15  cd119d34  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/AROS/
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/linux/
     401  Defl:N      243  39%  03-18-08 16:14  ad7138da  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/linux/INSTALL
    2726  Defl:N     1015  63%  03-19-08 17:58  3e4f2ae1  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/linux/Makefile
     239  Defl:N      177  26%  03-18-08 16:14  4e90fb6f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/linux/roadfighter.desktop
    4397  Stored     4397   0%  03-18-08 16:14  585b5650  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/build/linux/roadfighter.png
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/fonts/
  111476  Defl:N    73889  34%  03-18-08 16:14  8520cb41  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/fonts/comicbd.ttf
   57040  Defl:N    24496  57%  03-18-08 16:14  c9ff1e23  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/fonts/tanglewo.ttf
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/
    1652  Defl:N      486  71%  03-18-08 16:14  1c865d39  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/arrow.bmp
   83000  Defl:N    11679  86%  03-18-08 16:14  ccabfb39  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/car1.bmp
   83000  Defl:N    16026  81%  03-18-08 16:14  782557bb  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/car2.bmp
  164660  Defl:N    17606  89%  03-18-08 16:14  e1f7fb46  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/checkpoint.bmp
  107373  Defl:N    86072  20%  03-18-08 16:14  0335a44b  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/disclaimer.jpg
   12432  Defl:N      616  95%  03-18-08 16:14  17b1a85e  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/empty.bmp
   46136  Defl:N     7927  83%  03-18-08 16:14  1d04925f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/enemycars.bmp
  294968  Defl:N    26956  91%  03-18-08 16:14  d5baf29b  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/explosion.bmp
    9272  Defl:N     2006  78%  03-18-08 16:14  d8336d6a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/fuel.bmp
   15416  Defl:N      646  96%  03-18-08 16:14  5f12523d  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/fuel_scores.bmp
   80696  Defl:N    37222  54%  03-18-08 16:14  50fcf7d5  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/gamemap.bmp
   27787  Defl:N    17915  36%  03-18-08 16:14  cc360288  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/gameover.jpg
  164660  Defl:N    14393  91%  03-18-08 16:14  3d905c59  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/goal.bmp
   63856  Defl:N    55097  14%  03-18-08 16:14  f32a2e19  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/konami1.jpg
  137826  Defl:N   126730   8%  03-18-08 16:14  67db4d3c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/konami2.jpg
  786488  Defl:N   122973  84%  03-18-08 16:14  1aad3c55  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/level1.bmp
  921656  Defl:N   171817  81%  03-18-08 16:14  7caf78c2  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/level2.bmp
  221240  Defl:N    41297  81%  03-18-08 16:14  6bf46a1b  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/level3.bmp
 1136696  Defl:N   271915  76%  03-18-08 16:14  08541701  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/level4.bmp
  980024  Defl:N   213845  78%  03-18-08 16:14  878f356d  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/level5.bmp
  384056  Defl:N    65997  83%  03-18-08 16:14  ef33b6e6  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/level6.bmp
     952  Defl:N      290  70%  03-18-08 16:14  730d907e  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/minicar1.bmp
     952  Defl:N      332  65%  03-18-08 16:14  1de8e0b8  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/minicar2.bmp
   27704  Defl:N     3777  86%  03-18-08 16:14  9d27278c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/obstacles.bmp
  136856  Defl:N     5258  96%  03-18-08 16:14  f46419b5  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/pause.bmp
  589880  Defl:N    87602  85%  03-18-08 16:14  c8d25f72  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/retroremakes.bmp
  737336  Defl:N    99552  87%  03-18-08 16:14  01e5fadb  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/road.bmp
  167480  Defl:N    65650  61%  03-18-08 16:14  6da9c7cc  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/scoreboard.bmp
   23096  Defl:N     8057  65%  03-18-08 16:14  4212c964  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/scoreboard_left.bmp
   77816  Defl:N    14888  81%  03-18-08 16:14  9ac7c8fe  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/semaphore.bmp
   16759  Defl:N     8400  50%  03-18-08 16:14  d8d1f813  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/stage1.jpg
   17890  Defl:N     9120  49%  03-18-08 16:14  9b6b16d4  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/stage2.jpg
   17680  Defl:N     8867  50%  03-18-08 16:14  454410ce  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/stage3.jpg
   17480  Defl:N     8878  49%  03-18-08 16:14  dac9f0a0  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/stage4.jpg
   17687  Defl:N     8994  49%  03-18-08 16:14  617ca59c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/stage5.jpg
   17861  Defl:N     9137  49%  03-18-08 16:14  a8db65a8  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/stage6.jpg
   24080  Defl:N     4883  80%  03-18-08 16:14  219a1893  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/s_board11p.bmp
   24080  Defl:N     4857  80%  03-18-08 16:14  eed76333  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/s_board12p.bmp
   24080  Defl:N     4481  81%  03-18-08 16:14  4a7f2768  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/s_board21p.bmp
   24080  Defl:N     4612  81%  03-18-08 16:14  6d9d9c72  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/s_board22p.bmp
   86018  Defl:N    73245  15%  03-18-08 16:14  49a19ff7  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/graphics/title.jpg
     401  Defl:N      243  39%  03-18-08 16:14  ad7138da  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/INSTALL
    2849  Defl:N     1081  62%  06-02-11 22:26  0ed05730  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/Makefile.aros
    2726  Defl:N     1015  63%  03-19-08 17:58  3e4f2ae1  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/Makefile.linux
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/maps/
   57251  Defl:N    12142  79%  03-18-08 17:00  af29350a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/maps/level1.mg2
   55662  Defl:N    12115  78%  03-18-08 17:00  913f2843  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/maps/level2.mg2
   54513  Defl:N    10940  80%  03-18-08 17:00  06283541  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/maps/level3.mg2
   47405  Defl:N    10229  78%  03-18-08 17:00  9a20eed3  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/maps/level4.mg2
   54744  Defl:N    11941  78%  03-18-08 17:00  9a42f29f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/maps/level5.mg2
   53989  Defl:N    12174  78%  03-18-08 17:00  9dec71d2  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/maps/level6.mg2
    3287  Defl:N     1579  52%  03-18-08 17:00  d9407a2e  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/readme.txt
    6574  Defl:N     6510   1%  06-02-11 22:34  8a59b4cb  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/
 2074704  Defl:N   872415  58%  06-02-11 22:27  1e1dacb0  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/roadfighter
    4417  Stored     4417   0%  06-02-11 21:15  cd119d34  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/
   21686  Defl:N    20745   4%  03-18-08 16:14  2c5ca611  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/car_brake.ogg
   19942  Defl:N    18999   5%  03-18-08 16:14  8ca57726  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/car_crash.ogg
   18281  Defl:N    17311   5%  03-18-08 16:14  e0ee2a9f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/car_pass.ogg
    5268  Defl:N     4675  11%  03-18-08 16:14  47def888  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/car_running.ogg
    6244  Defl:N     1957  69%  03-18-08 16:14  b395988f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/car_running.wav
   24844  Defl:N    23927   4%  03-18-08 16:14  dad0eb31  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/car_start.ogg
   46690  Defl:N    38071  19%  03-18-08 16:14  f38c0cf0  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/collision.wav
   16816  Defl:N    14683  13%  03-18-08 16:14  f63fc22f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/fuelempty.ogg
   74235  Defl:N    72184   3%  03-18-08 16:14  72379552  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/gameover.ogg
  833549  Defl:N   829119   1%  03-18-08 16:14  310d263a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/game_theme.ogg
  781446  Defl:N   775884   1%  03-18-08 16:14  658966db  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/game_theme2.ogg
   19373  Defl:N    17896   8%  03-18-08 16:14  518d27d2  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/greenlight.ogg
  133752  Defl:N   131362   2%  03-18-08 16:14  d2b19313  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/levelcomplete.ogg
   16950  Defl:N    14138  17%  03-18-08 16:14  18ebcd9c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/logo_in.ogg
   16875  Defl:N    14070  17%  03-18-08 16:14  ddf7b85d  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/logo_out.ogg
   43552  Defl:N    30865  29%  03-18-08 16:14  32bba048  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/menu_move.wav
   15670  Defl:N    14734   6%  03-18-08 16:14  16c13134  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/menu_select.ogg
  420453  Defl:N   417577   1%  03-18-08 16:14  d145ad5d  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/menu_theme.ogg
   13585  Defl:N    12572   8%  03-18-08 16:14  c16ed236  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/redlight.ogg
   72466  Defl:N    70689   3%  03-18-08 16:14  27299a68  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/start.ogg
   18197  Defl:N    16659   9%  03-18-08 16:14  224f6c56  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/takefuel.ogg
   22512  Defl:N    21588   4%  03-18-08 16:14  ea1ce223  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/truck.ogg
   75914  Defl:N    64795  15%  03-18-08 16:14  37961062  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/sound/water.wav
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/
   13680  Defl:N     3318  76%  03-18-08 17:00  6367ae0d  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/auxiliar.cpp
    1899  Defl:N      632  67%  03-18-08 17:00  8e6e83d6  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/auxiliar.h
    1619  Defl:N      460  72%  03-18-08 17:00  ad29359a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CCarObject.cpp
    3096  Defl:N      937  70%  03-18-08 17:00  93d7b8a0  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CEnemyCarObject.cpp
    3142  Defl:N      840  73%  03-18-08 17:00  e6ca07e0  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CEnemyFastCarObject.cpp
     543  Defl:N      214  61%  03-18-08 17:00  f01fcaea  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CEnemyNormalCarObject.cpp
     934  Defl:N      386  59%  03-18-08 17:00  e2b8ee94  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CEnemyRacerCarObject.cpp
    1215  Defl:N      456  63%  03-18-08 17:00  c1eb1120  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CEnemySlidderCarObject.cpp
    2233  Defl:N      705  68%  03-18-08 17:00  729c51ad  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CEnemyTruckObject.cpp
     863  Defl:N      382  56%  03-18-08 17:00  60ab505d  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CExplosionObject.cpp
    1329  Defl:N      491  63%  03-18-08 17:00  eaef307a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CFuelObject.cpp
   26907  Defl:N     5822  78%  03-18-08 17:00  0a0f883c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CGame.cpp
    3678  Defl:N     1365  63%  03-18-08 17:00  2a8d196f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CGame.h
    1959  Defl:N      681  65%  03-18-08 17:00  3114d611  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CObject.cpp
    5290  Defl:N     1235  77%  03-18-08 17:00  bca77616  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CObject.h
    1658  Defl:N      503  70%  03-18-08 17:00  0898ddef  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/configuration.cpp
   14566  Defl:N     3637  75%  03-18-08 17:00  98f556b1  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CPlayerCarObject.cpp
    9122  Defl:N     2604  72%  03-18-08 17:00  68044955  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CRoadFighter.cpp
    2574  Defl:N      901  65%  03-18-08 17:00  136b86d3  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CRoadFighter.h
    1369  Defl:N      454  67%  03-18-08 17:00  8bce9669  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CSemaphoreObject.cpp
    5747  Defl:N     1437  75%  03-18-08 17:00  3decae6c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CTile.cpp
    1197  Defl:N      460  62%  03-18-08 17:00  750de6e3  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/CTile.h
     604  Defl:N      349  42%  03-18-08 17:00  a13a8c92  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/debug.cpp
     173  Defl:N      123  29%  03-18-08 17:00  1ca87369  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/debug.h
    1345  Defl:N      658  51%  06-02-11 22:08  fd8a1f59  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/filehandling.cpp
     328  Defl:N      202  38%  03-18-08 17:00  70c142ab  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/filehandling.h
    2130  Defl:N      719  66%  03-18-08 17:00  5d278d80  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/gameover_state.cpp
    8142  Defl:N     1841  77%  03-18-08 17:00  13f5d364  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/interlevel_state.cpp
    1298  Defl:N      481  63%  03-18-08 17:00  d2089f25  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/konami_state.cpp
    7718  Defl:N     1861  76%  03-18-08 17:00  e6a729c1  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/List.h
    7653  Defl:N     1381  82%  03-18-08 17:00  b4ab495b  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/loadmg2.cpp
    6536  Defl:N     2071  68%  03-18-08 17:00  f358d480  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/main.cpp
   17020  Defl:N     3140  82%  06-02-11 21:21  8652331e  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/menu_state.cpp
    3126  Defl:N     1045  67%  03-18-08 17:00  39ea3c9a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/playing_state.cpp
    1809  Defl:N      556  69%  03-18-08 17:00  89778f18  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/presentation_state.cpp
    1900  Defl:N      539  72%  03-18-08 17:00  7c754710  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/quick_tables.cpp
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-03-11 16:39  00000000  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/
     852  Defl:N      387  55%  03-18-08 17:00  1be6a14f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge.h
   45904  Defl:N     6926  85%  03-18-08 17:00  7070cb73  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_blib.cpp
    4329  Defl:N      769  82%  03-18-08 17:00  6a8615f5  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_blib.h
   13125  Defl:N     3578  73%  03-18-08 17:00  01bfdf8f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_bm_text.cpp
    2544  Defl:N      840  67%  03-18-08 17:00  eea51226  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_bm_text.h
    8384  Defl:N     2051  76%  03-18-08 17:00  c6947852  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_collision.cpp
    1743  Defl:N      632  64%  03-18-08 17:00  7ebb9067  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_collision.h
     137  Defl:N      110  20%  03-18-08 17:00  9dc795c2  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_config.h
    3752  Defl:N     1371  64%  03-18-08 17:00  5835ad7c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_internal.h
    2642  Defl:N      813  69%  03-18-08 17:00  801452b5  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_misc.cpp
     945  Defl:N      460  51%  03-18-08 17:00  184912af  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_misc.h
   71193  Defl:N     9809  86%  03-18-08 17:00  3a4dde3e  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_primitives.cpp
   10259  Defl:N     1047  90%  03-18-08 17:00  64265413  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_primitives.h
   21408  Defl:N     5207  76%  03-18-08 17:00  92e47f3b  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_rotation.cpp
    1776  Defl:N      645  64%  03-18-08 17:00  800a2fa1  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_rotation.h
   17116  Defl:N     4155  76%  03-18-08 17:00  380e378a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_shape.cpp
   11834  Defl:N     3285  72%  03-18-08 17:00  a45ae973  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_shape.h
   33226  Defl:N     6483  81%  03-18-08 17:00  53219a8a  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_surface.cpp
    4829  Defl:N     1112  77%  03-18-08 17:00  ac263afb  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_surface.h
   16028  Defl:N     3930  76%  03-18-08 17:00  4a654529  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_textpp.cpp
    7751  Defl:N     2315  70%  03-18-08 17:00  5e14186c  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_textpp.h
   41631  Defl:N     9391  77%  03-18-08 17:00  d085fa2f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_tt_text.cpp
    5218  Defl:N     1295  75%  03-18-08 17:00  fd84db4f  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sge/sge_tt_text.h
    8067  Defl:N     1866  77%  03-18-08 17:00  ccece5f0  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sound.cpp
     899  Defl:N      342  62%  03-18-08 17:00  bcf05100  roadfighter-1.0.1269-i386-aros/src/sound.h
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