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Short: | Old Skool Football Manager |
Author: | Paul Robson (OS4 port by Curtis Holborn) |
Uploader: | curtyh talktalk net (Curtis Holborn) |
Type: | game/misc |
Version: | 0.99 |
Architecture: | ppc-amigaos |
Date: | 2006-08-13 |
Download: | game/misc/fm.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/misc/fm.readme |
Downloads: | 910 |
This is my rewrite of Kevin Toms' famous Spectrum Football Manager.
Now you can recreate those youthful days spent screaming at
your Sinclair Spectrum. All the time aware it made precisely no difference.
For those of you not of that age, this is a very simple, but immense fun
(IMO) Soccer management game, with stick-man highlights. Take it not only
from me, but from Spectrum fans everywhere, the original was a work of
genius. It is not that it is wildly accurate, or even sensible in places.
It is not gorgeous to look at. It is not ultra realistic. It does not have
masses of options.
It is just immense fun.
My personal view is this is down to the simplicity. You don't spend hours
training, setting up formations, all that stuff. You just play the game.
This program is a port of the Allegro version released in December 2001
and requires SDL 1.2 or better. It also includes the promotion bug fix
often noted by users of the early version of FM.
If you have scale 1 (e.g. 320x256 console) it mimics the Speccy font
perfectly ; if you use a larger font it uses my autoscaling semi-rounded
bitmaps in font.c. They aren't truetype but they are fast and easy and
low resource and look quite nice. Feel free to nick them.
The teams and players are as at the original release date of 20 years ago.
However, they can be changed and expanded if you wish. This file, called
game.dat is normally in /usr/share/fm directory (installed by default).
However a local file in the cwd will overrule it.
Sorry some of it is a bodge, I put it together under DOS/Windows (sorry for
foul language) so it was a bodge by default :)
There are no real instructions. It's not difficult, pick your teams, follow
the prompts....
Saved games are saved in the directory it is run from. Must fix that :)
If you are not in the slightest bit interested in football, the option is
there to play as Manchester Utd. I bravely (IMO) resisted the temptation to
code it so they never ever score :)
If anyone is so minded, they could draw me some nice footballers in 8x8
16x16 and 24x24 sizes , shirts in each of the basic colours. OTOH, the
stickmen do give it a certain je ne sais quoi (that's culture ya know).
Paul Robson, February 2003.
Incidentally, you may have noticed Swansea in Div.1 (would now be the
premiership). This is a true story. I was watching the game show "Mr and
Mrs" and a couple appeared, the male half being a Swansea fan. He had
told his Girlfriend he would marry her when Swansea reached Div.1 (they
were then languishing in Div. 4). They promptly won every game in
sight for the next three years, got promoted, briefly topped Div.1, then
went straight back down again. Teach him to keep his trap shut ;-)
Contents of game/misc/fm.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 31839 32830 97.0% -lh5- 7843 Aug 11 22:22 fm.info
[generic] 1317 11660 11.3% -lh5- 4f3e Feb 1 2003 fm/fm0.sav
[generic] 780263 1781496 43.8% -lh5- d90f Jul 29 14:52 fm/FootballManager
[generic] 3304 3335 99.1% -lh5- e0eb Aug 11 22:22 fm/FootballManager.info
[generic] 875 1543 56.7% -lh5- b058 Feb 1 2003 fm/game.dat
[generic] 1476 2715 54.4% -lh5- 815f Feb 1 2003 fm/README
[generic] 2378 2411 98.6% -lh5- 6a79 Aug 11 22:22 fm/README.info
[generic] 31838 32830 97.0% -lh5- 1e79 Aug 11 22:22 fm/src.info
[generic] 2148 8679 24.7% -lh5- 78c5 Jul 29 14:52 fm/src/drv_linux.c
[generic] 1421 4822 29.5% -lh5- 1ecd Feb 1 2003 fm/src/eos.c
[generic] 842 2729 30.9% -lh5- 53fa Feb 7 2003 fm/src/fm.c
[generic] 2125 7035 30.2% -lh5- be52 Jul 29 14:50 fm/src/fm.h
[generic] 1166 3734 31.2% -lh5- 4b8c Feb 1 2003 fm/src/font.c
[generic] 3295 12620 26.1% -lh5- e819 Feb 1 2003 fm/src/init.c
[generic] 2024 7677 26.4% -lh5- 45a2 Feb 1 2003 fm/src/io.c
[generic] 948 2558 37.1% -lh5- 4315 Feb 1 2003 fm/src/main.c
[generic] 383 793 48.3% -lh5- 9161 Feb 7 2003 fm/src/Makefile.am
[generic] 5033 16792 30.0% -lh5- 7085 Feb 7 2003 fm/src/Makefile.in
[generic] 3047 11942 25.5% -lh5- 9fbf Feb 1 2003 fm/src/match.c
[generic] 5104 22239 23.0% -lh5- 0800 Feb 1 2003 fm/src/matchday.c
[generic] 2939 12273 23.9% -lh5- 4eca Feb 1 2003 fm/src/menu.c
[generic] 2450 8648 28.3% -lh5- 291e Feb 1 2003 fm/src/misc.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 22 files 886215 1991361 44.5% Aug 13 15:42
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