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Short:V1.93 London-Glasgow sim
Author:"Paul Robins" paul at
Uploader:Paul Robins <paul robins powernet co uk>
Requires:Amiga 2 mb chip, WB2.04+
Download:game/misc/Traindriver.lha - View contents

Amiga Train Driver Simulator V1.93

This is a Train Driver Simulator, simulating
Class 87 locos working on the West Coast Main Line from Euston
to Glasgow.

At least read Quick Start in or you'll get nowhere!

              9 Difficulty levels
              Moving graphics
              Sound effects
              Unlimited choice of journeys with auto timetable creation
              Realistic train handling
              472 miles of route of varying gradients and curvature
              Five possible weather/rail conditions with winndscreen effects
              Various startup options
              Day or night trains
              Save journeys at any time
              Log made of journey with average speeds etc.
              Random Temporary Speed Restrictions
              Time speed up (up to x6)
              Detail On/Off option for slower Amigas

              and many more options to experiment with.


              Any Amiga with at least 1 mb

              Hard Drive
              Accelerated A1200 or better

This is Version 1.93 of a Train Driver Simulator, simulating
Class 87 Locos working on the West Coast Main Line from
Euston to Glasgow.

I originally wrote this program for my own use, but I have been persuaded
by friends who have played it, that it was suitable for public release.

I wrote this program with the excellent Blitz2 because the
other train driver simulations advertised for fifteen or twenty quid (UKP)
in the railway mags, are generally text based, with limited options
so I wanted to write a program that made you feel that you were
actually in the cab, and one in which the train behaved realistically,
with proper moving graphics, unlimited options, and was freely available.

This program is aimed at users with a little UK railway knowledge
but anyone can have a go.

Changes since V1.9

 o Trains updated to Summer 1996 timetable

 o Minor bugs fixed


This is the last freely available version of TrainDriver.
TrainDriver 2 combines the Route Generator and TrainDriver WCML
into one program including the WCML data files and is shareware.

              TRAIN DRIVER 2

Modular Train Driver Simulator by Paul Robins available September 1996

Following on from Train Driver 1.9 and TD Route Generator, this new version
combines them with many new features, to allow loading of any route with

New features introduced since TDRG 1.1

  * Semaphore signals plus 2 or 3 aspect colour light signals
  * Guard, station and signalman speech (requires DEVS:narrator.device WB2)
  * New scenery inluding buildings and fir trees
  * Scenery colours and height defineable
  * Trees configurable
  * Double headed locos
  * Double tracks for loops, platforms, Slow/Goods Lines.
  * Signal route indicator now displays any digit
  * Random loco failures
  * Weather seasons
  * Variable fog visibility
  * Reasons for delays displayed
  * Changing train load whenever train stops
  * Loads timings, route and loco from saved train automatically
  * Improved sound effects
  * Tool Types for Driver, Vigilance, Speech, Clock speed, Confirm Quit etc.
  * All known bugs fixed with extra error checking and requesters

Many loco and route data files are being created.
See Price List for details.
Loco files are compatible with TDRG but Route files are not.

Loco data includes start, stop, run and horn sound effects and data file
with loco names etc.
Some locos also have nose and window shape graphics, and a rev sound
effect if appropriate.

I confess to knowing little about the operation of steam loco controls and
the Steam loco uses the same controls as other locos but has pleasing sound
effects with simple graphics.

    TrainDriver Simulations Price List

    All prices include P & P to UK or Europe.   New Items added regularly!
    Minimum order £5.  10% off all orders over £20

TD2                                                   £15.00
   includes Locos : Class 40, 87
            Routes: WCML, Bletchley-Bedford, DSBline, Paddington-Reading

Train Driver 2 Route Editor                        £5.00
  Graphical User Interface to create Route data files

Locos for TD2                                        £2.50

BR Locos:   
    20           Diesel      1000 hp   60 mph
    25/27        Diesel      1250 hp   75 mph
    26           Diesel      1160 hp   75 mph
    31/4         Diesel      1470 hp   60/90 mph
    33           Diesel      1550 hp   85 mph
    35 Hymek     Diesel      1700 hp   90 mph
    37           Diesel      1750 hp   90 mph 
    40           Diesel      2000 hp   90 mph   (Free with Train Driver 2 )
    47           Diesel      2580 hp   95 mph
    50           Diesel      2700 hp  100 mph
    52 Western   Diesel      2700 hp   90 mph
    55 Deltic    Diesel      3300 hp  100 mph
    HST          Diesel      2250 hp  125 mph
    86           Electric    4040 hp  100 mph
    87           Electric    5000 hp  110 mph  (Free with Train Driver 2 )
    91           Electric    6090 hp  140 mph
    Castle       Steam       1990 hp  90 mph 
    Princess    Steam        1980 hp  90 mph
    Britannia   Steam        1625 hp  90 mph
    Duchess    Steam         1980 hp  95 mph
    Jubilee     Steam        1400 hp  90 mph
    Patriot original Steam   1400 hp  90 mph
    Patriot rebuilt  Steam   1625 hp  90 mph
    Royal Scot  Steam        1625 hp  90 mph

Denmark:    Ma-Lyntog      Diesel     2250 hp  110 mph
            EA-Electric    Electric   6111 hp  140 mph
            Mf-IC3         Diesel     5577 hp  125 mph
            My-Diesel      Diesel     2580 hp   90 mph
            Mz-Diesel      Diesel     4850 hp  110 mph

All Denmark locos by Per Kjaer

Routes for TD2                                      £5.00 each

    Euston - Glasgow
    Euston - Manchester via Stoke
    Euston - Liverpool
    Crewe - Holyhead
    Paddington - Bristol (by Brian Pollock)
    Cardiff - Swansea (by J Lewis-Rice)
    Kings Cross - Edinburgh (by Brian Pollock)
    Northampton - Market Harboro (Vintage by Ron Snary 15 miles £3)
    Cardiff - Bristol (J Lewis-Rice)
    Glasgow Queen St - Fort William (with RETB in TD3)


    Frederikshavn Havn - Kbenhavn (Lyntog) free with Train Driver 2  (by Per Kjaer)
    Rdby Færge - Helsingr (Nordexpres)  (by Per Kjaer)
    Frederikshavn Havn - Hamborg (Altona)   (by Per Kjaer)
    Frederikshavn Havn - Esbjerg (Vestkysten)  (by Per Kjaer)


    Karlsruhe Data Disk - 2 short routes and 2 modified locos (by Gernod Schomberg)
    Freiburg - Seebrugg and return (1 in 18 gradient!) with modified loco (by Gernod
    Offenburg - Konstanz and return (by Gernod Schomberg)
    German now available 

Train Driver 3  expected  May 1997. Upgrade from TD2 £5
  Up to 100% faster frame rate
  Trains visible on second track    
  Full Steam loco controls - regulator, cut-off valve, water injectors, blowers, fire door, coal 
shovelling etc
  RETB electric token block signalling
  Improved graphics

  and many more new features and improvements

Send Cash, Guaranteed Cheques, British Postal Orders to the address overleaf
OR pay by ACCESS/VISA/MASTERCARD from F1 Software Tel:01392 493580

Web site

Contents of game/misc/Traindriver.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 4341   17730  24.5% -lh5- 3609 Apr 23  1996 87cab4
[generic]                 2516    8032  31.3% -lh5- 1f3a Apr  3  1996 87cabkeys
[generic]                 5852    7580  77.2% -lh5- 7af1 Mar 29  1996 87runa
[generic]                17791   33748  52.7% -lh5- 47a0 Aug  9  1995 87starta
[generic]                38825   74988  51.8% -lh5- 1720 Aug  9  1995 87stopa
[generic]                19226   28188  68.2% -lh5- efc9 Aug  9  1995 87wslipa
[generic]                 4206    6140  68.5% -lh5- 5705 Aug  9  1995 87wsqa
[generic]                10930   16126  67.8% -lh5- 8604 Aug  9  1995 air
[generic]                 2224    3220  69.1% -lh5- dd59 Jun  6  1996 assign
[generic]                  251     716  35.1% -lh5- fe42 Jan  9  1996 aws
[generic]                 5832    7572  77.0% -lh5- 6a9c Aug  9  1995 awshl
[generic]                 6937    8562  81.0% -lh5- 1c5e Aug  9  1995 bell
[generic]                 3452    8820  39.1% -lh5- 62f3 May 20  1996 chart
[generic]                  837    2118  39.5% -lh5- be2b Apr 17  1997
[generic]                 4660    5092  91.5% -lh5- 0d36 Aug  9  1995 dsd2
[generic]                 2565    4432  57.9% -lh5- f9fe Jun  6  1996 execute
[generic]                18268   20924  87.3% -lh5- bbb9 Aug  9  1995 explo.iff
[generic]                14941   32852  45.5% -lh5- d530 Apr  3  1996 Help
[generic]                 7558    8534  88.6% -lh5- 1279 May 30  1996 horna
[generic]                  771    1078  71.5% -lh5- 7854 Dec  7  1995 icon
[generic]                 1067    1452  73.5% -lh5- 5096 Jun  6  1996 iconx
[generic]                 3778    8416  44.9% -lh5- 8ce7 May 20  1996 Map
[generic]                 1404    2118  66.3% -lh5- 308a Apr 17  1997
[generic]                12968   70472  18.4% -lh5- 0068 Apr  1  1996 shap
[generic]                  453    2688  16.9% -lh5- 68c7 Oct 23  1995 shap2
[generic]                  127     219  58.0% -lh5- 588d May 20  1996 Start_TrainDriver
[generic]                 1609    2834  56.8% -lh5- 31bc Apr 17  1997
[generic]                34671   45818  75.7% -lh5- df43 Dec  7  1995 title.pic
[generic]                59668   92568  64.5% -lh5- c811 Aug  9  1995 track.snd
[generic]                17844   48045  37.1% -lh5- 8928 Jul  7  1996
[generic]                 1096    2107  52.0% -lh5- 382f Apr 17  1997
[generic]                95428  282828  33.7% -lh5- 5354 Dec  2  1996 TrainDriver1.9
[generic]                  476    1442  33.0% -lh5- 11ed Aug  9  1995 wbtri1
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        33 files  402572  857459  46.9%            Apr 19  1997
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