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Train Driver Simulator V1.7
This is a Train Driver Simulator, simulating
Class 87 locos working on the West Coast Main Line from Euston
to Glasgow.
At least read Quick Start in TrainDriver.guide or you'll get nowhere!
9 Difficulty levels
Moving graphics
Sound effects
Unlimited choice of journeys with auto timetable creation
Realistic train handling
429 miles of route of varying gradients and curvature
Five possible weather/rail conditions
Various startup options
Day or night trains
Save journeys at any time
Log made of journey with average speeds etc.
Random Temporary Speed Restrictions
Time speed up (up to x5)
Detail On/Off option for slower Amigas
and many more options to experiment with.
Any Amiga with at least 1 mb
Hard Drive
Accelerated A1200 or better
This is Version 1.7 of a Train Driver Simulator, simulating
Class 87 Locos working on the West Coast Main Line from
Euston to Glasgow.
I originally wrote this program for my own use, but I have been persuaded
by friends who have played it, that it was suitable for public release.
I wrote this program with the excellent Blitz2 because the
other train driver simulations advertised for fifteen or twenty quid (UKP)
in the railway mags, are generally text based, with limited options
so I wanted to write a program that made you feel that you were
actually in the cab, and one in which the train behaved realistically,
with proper moving graphics, unlimited options, and was freely available.
This program is aimed at users with a little UK railway knowledge
but anyone can have a go.
Please note this program is still in development
but is generally stable.
Also some of the data is incomplete, such as signal numbers, but
the data on the program is otherwise accurate as far as I know.
Changes since V1.6
o New weather conditions Icy and Fall
Icy: Very poor rail adhesion
Wheelslip in upper half of green zone
Brakes may cause wheel slide below 60 psi
Fall: Leaf-fall season. Very treacherous!
Wheelslip possible whenever taking power
Braking may cause wheelslide at any time
The rail adhesion is also affected by the difficulty level chosen.
The chosen setting may also change during your journey depending
on the difficulty level chosen.
o Diversionary route via Northampton added between milepost 56 and Rugby
This line is an extension of the Slow lines from Hanslope junction to Rugby.
The line speed is 75 mph and is signalled with 3 aspect colour light signals
(ie no double yellows). This route is two miles longer than the main line
via Weedon. The line falls at 1 in 200, through Hunsbury Hill tunnel, to
Northampton and then climbs at 1 in 230 back up to Rugby through a short tunnel
at Crick.
To force a train to be diverted hold Left-alt key while passing Signal no 79.
o New cab screen graphics (Thanks to Hans Berkhout :))
o Random speed trap
At any point along the route there could be a speed trap set up by traction
inspectors. You will be advised as soon as your speed has been recorded.
If you are speeding there is a possibility you will be releived of your
driving duties immediately.
o Better compatability GUI
GUI problems with A500 fixed
o Optional screen requester to help NTSC users for the cab screen,
and other screens are now NTSC compatible.
o More fine tuning of data and graphics
o Guide and help pics updated
o More bugs fixed ('Start at' gadget etc)
Any comments, bug reports, donations, upgrade requests etc. to;
Paul Robins
13 Windsor Street
Milton Keynes
EMail : paul@robins.powernet.co.uk
This program is MAILWARE and can be freely distributed but must
be distributed with all the files listed below.
Please drop me an email or postcard if you use it
I'd be intersted to know where you got the program from,
and which Amiga you have.
If you would like a reply/update please at least send
a donation to cover P&P etc.
Contents of game/misc/TrainDvr17.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 728 1825 39.9% -lh5- 9e9c Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7.info
[generic] 4158 17378 23.9% -lh5- d8ec Jan 10 1996 TrainDriver1.7/87cab4
[generic] 2256 7292 30.9% -lh5- 1776 Nov 15 1995 TrainDriver1.7/87cabkeys
[generic] 716 1786 40.1% -lh5- bfc0 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/87cabkeys.info
[generic] 5852 7580 77.2% -lh5- 7af1 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/87runa
[generic] 17791 33748 52.7% -lh5- 47a0 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/87starta
[generic] 38825 74988 51.8% -lh5- 1720 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/87stopa
[generic] 19226 28188 68.2% -lh5- efc9 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/87wslipa
[generic] 4206 6140 68.5% -lh5- 5705 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/87wsqa
[generic] 10930 16126 67.8% -lh5- 8604 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/air
[generic] 251 716 35.1% -lh5- fe42 Jan 9 1996 TrainDriver1.7/aws
[generic] 5832 7572 77.0% -lh5- 6a9c Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/awshl
[generic] 6937 8562 81.0% -lh5- 1c5e Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/bell
[generic] 3452 8820 39.1% -lh5- 62f3 Jan 10 1996 TrainDriver1.7/chart
[generic] 713 1783 40.0% -lh5- f6d6 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/chart.info
[generic] 680 1780 38.2% -lh5- e5ed Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Disk.info
[generic] 4660 5092 91.5% -lh5- 0d36 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/dsd2
[generic] 18268 20924 87.3% -lh5- bbb9 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/explo.iff
[generic] 24 264 9.1% -lh5- 2f50 Jan 11 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Fonts/td.font
[generic] 1507 2888 52.2% -lh5- cf77 Jan 11 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Fonts/td/8
[generic] 13984 32054 43.6% -lh5- c0a3 Jan 10 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Help
[generic] 718 1784 40.2% -lh5- 75f0 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Help.info
[generic] 7621 10076 75.6% -lh5- 1a7b Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/horna
[generic] 771 1078 71.5% -lh5- 7854 Dec 7 1995 TrainDriver1.7/icon
[generic] 3677 8202 44.8% -lh5- 1300 Jan 10 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Map
[generic] 1523 5283 28.8% -lh5- be12 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Map.info
[generic] 347 2145 16.2% -lh5- 7c26 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save.info
[generic] 99 508 19.5% -lh5- 025c Jan 10 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S13
[generic] 107 500 21.4% -lh5- 6741 Nov 28 1995 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S26
[generic] 102 500 20.4% -lh5- 5145 Jan 15 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S47
[generic] 106 500 21.2% -lh5- f535 Jan 15 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S55
[generic] 107 501 21.4% -lh5- 3e72 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S57
[generic] 107 500 21.4% -lh5- 9e3f Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S75
[generic] 108 500 21.6% -lh5- a1ed Jan 15 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S83
[generic] 109 500 21.8% -lh5- f0bd Jan 15 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S84
[generic] 107 500 21.4% -lh5- f802 Nov 28 1995 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S89
[generic] 92 508 18.1% -lh5- 5d18 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Save/1S94
[generic] 453 2688 16.9% -lh5- 68c7 Oct 23 1995 TrainDriver1.7/shap2
[generic] 127 220 57.7% -lh5- d85d Jan 11 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Start_TrainDriver
[generic] 661 1732 38.2% -lh5- a1c4 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Start_TrainDriver.info
[generic] 34671 45818 75.7% -lh5- df43 Dec 7 1995 TrainDriver1.7/title.pic
[generic] 59668 92568 64.5% -lh5- c811 Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/track.snd
[generic] 15152 41505 36.5% -lh5- 51cf Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/TrainDriver.guide
[generic] 269 509 52.8% -lh5- a3d9 Jan 19 1996 TrainDriver1.7/TrainDriver.guide.info
[generic] 87968 256288 34.3% -lh5- 32d6 Jan 18 1996 TrainDriver1.7/TrainDriver1.7
[generic] 99 252 39.3% -lh5- 67be Jan 11 1996 TrainDriver1.7/Trains/1S94
[generic] 476 1442 33.0% -lh5- 11ed Aug 9 1995 TrainDriver1.7/wbtri1
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 47 files 376241 762113 49.4% Jan 22 1996
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