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game/misc/StrifeAGA-1.0.lha |
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Strife AGA - Version 1.0.0
Strife is a first-person shooter video game developed by Rogue Entertainment and published by Velocity,
based on the Doom engine (id Tech 1) from id Software. Strife added some role-playing game elements and allowed
players to talk to other characters in the game's world. Along with Pathways into Darkness, Ultima Underworld and
System Shock, it is considered one of the first FPS-RPG games.
This port was made possible by using the Strife Branch of Chocolate-Doom Version 1.6
Minimum Requirements:
- Amiga 1200 (AGA)
- OS3.1
- 68040/40mhz CPU (note the game will run on an 020/030 at low framerates)
- At least 16Meg of FAST memory
- 60Meg HDD space
Recommended Requirements for Optimal Performance:
- Amiga A1200/A4000 with fast HDD transfer rates
- OS3.9 with Boing Bag 2 or higher installed
- 68060/50Mhz or higher
- 32Meg FAST Memory or higher
1) You will need a copy of the commerical game. Place the following files in your Strife folder :
2) Double click on the Strife.exe icon
2) Profit
You can also run the game via command line by calling 'strife.exe' from the CLI - for example:
strife.exe -timedemo demo
Other useful command line flags:
-ntsc will switch to a NTSC monitor ID (the default is PAL)
-nosound will start the game without sfx/music and voice speech
-novoice will start the game without speech and will enable subtitles in the game
F8 will also toggle subtitles while in game.
Notes and Bugs:
* If you want to change the default key config, the easist way is to run SETUP.EXE from a Strife PC
installation and set your keys. Then replace the STRIFE.CFG file in the.chocolate-doom folder.
* Playing the game to completion should be possible. I havent done so yet but i am a fair way into the game.
* ASM routines from DoomAttack/ADoom have been used in Strife AGA - credits go to the authors of those ports.
* Sound is using the doomsound.library - credit goes to Joe Fenton for such an awesome and easy to use library.
* Strife AGA uses Kaalms C2P routines. Credit goes to him for making this possible.
* Thanks to NovaCoder for sharing his graphics startup/shutdown code.
* There is no RTG support and probably wont ever be. Sorry.
* Networking code has been disabled.
* There is a small memory leak that causes the program to exit with a malloc() error after its looped
through the attract mode 10-12 times. Investigating
* Music has not been included in this build.
* Framerates are generally good on an 060. Some of the outdoor areas the framerate will dip.
* Per GPL - The source code has been provided and can be compiled via AmiDevCpp (the project file is included)
* This is my first Amiga port. Go easy on me :)
Contents of game/misc/StrifeAGA-1.0.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 1686 1916 88.0% -lh5- 789d Mar 1 09:45 .chocolate-doom.info
[unknown] 1686 1916 88.0% -lh5- cda5 Mar 1 09:45 .chocolate-doom/savegames.info
[unknown] 1687 1916 88.0% -lh5- 3220 Mar 1 09:47 .chocolate-doom/savegames/strife1.wad.info
[unknown] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 46c7 Jan 18 1980 .chocolate-doom/savegames/STRIFE1.WAD/STRFSAV0.SSG/x
[unknown] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 46c7 Jan 18 1980 .chocolate-doom/savegames/STRIFE1.WAD/STRFSAV1.SSG/x
[unknown] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 46c7 Jan 18 1980 .chocolate-doom/savegames/STRIFE1.WAD/STRFSAV2.SSG/x
[unknown] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 46c7 Jan 18 1980 .chocolate-doom/savegames/STRIFE1.WAD/STRFSAV3.SSG/x
[unknown] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 46c7 Jan 18 1980 .chocolate-doom/savegames/STRIFE1.WAD/STRFSAV4.SSG/x
[unknown] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 46c7 Jan 18 1980 .chocolate-doom/savegames/STRIFE1.WAD/STRFSAV5.SSG/x
[unknown] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 46c7 Jan 18 1980 .chocolate-doom/savegames/STRIFE1.WAD/STRFSAV6.SSG/x
[unknown] 87 3527 2.5% -lh5- a040 Mar 3 22:19 demo.lmp
[unknown] 4899 14352 34.1% -lh5- 877f Mar 29 1998 doomsound.library
[unknown] 1400 3198 43.8% -lh5- 26b8 Feb 27 06:59 readme
[unknown] 262585 533840 49.2% -lh5- c608 Mar 9 20:58 Strife.exe
[unknown] 3990 4348 91.8% -lh5- b9d0 Jan 17 16:10 Strife.exe.info
[unknown] 1590 2992 53.1% -lh5- 5f00 Jan 18 02:22 Strife.readme
[unknown] 3168 3940 80.4% -lh5- 367d Jan 17 01:45 Strife.readme.info
[unknown] 1038 1974 52.6% -lh5- 97e1 Feb 27 06:59 todo
[unknown] 870834 870834 100.0% -lh0- 74e9 Jan 19 1980 Strife_src.lha
[unknown] 5018 14520 34.6% -lh5- 7155 Apr 9 1998 doomsound.library.060
[unknown] 859 1617 53.1% -lh5- 97f1 Mar 8 19:07 doomsound.library.060.info
[unknown] 859 1617 53.1% -lh5- 97f1 Mar 8 19:07 doomsound.library.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 22 files 1161491 1462759 79.4% Mar 10 21:48
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