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Short:Amiga AGA port of ScummVM 1.5.0 (68040)
Author: novacoder at (NovaCoder)
Uploader:novacoder yahoo co uk (NovaCoder)
Download:game/misc/ScummVM_AGA_040.lha - View contents


ScummVM AGA is an interpreter that allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games on an Amiga (provided you have their data files). 
The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!

ScummVM AGA only supports certain ScummVM game engines (see About Box within the ScummVM Launcher).


1) An AGA Amiga (PAL only) with an 68040 processor
2) At least 32 MB of FASTRAM
3) AHI installed (v4.18 recommended)
4) 3.1 ROMS (3.0 ROMS may cause it to run slowly)
5) Some supported games or demos


    * Double buffered 16 bit stereo digital SFX and speech
    * MIDI music emulation (no hardware required)
    * Double buffered 256 color AGA graphics
    * External MIDI support (using the CAMD library)
    * 16 bit GUI (converted to 8 bit in real-time!)
    * Screen shake (and it actually works this time)
    * Back ported OS4, MorphOS and AROS code!

Configuration Options:

The AHI device used will be the one setup in your AHI Prefs (unit 0).
Only the original uncompressed audio files and audio files compressed with Ogg Vorbis are supported.
You will need to install the CAMD library if you want to use an external MIDI device.
There are also various configuration options within the ScummVM Launcher (see the official ScummVM readme for more details).

There are a few Tooltypes to play with.

 1) AUDIO_THREAD_PRIORITY: This should be set to a higher priority than the main thread to avoid audio issues.
 2) CLOSE_WB: Enable to close the Workbench (3.1 ROMS recommended)

Performance Considerations:

 1) You should always patch exec.library's CopyMem() and CopyMemQuick() routines for faster processor specific versions.
 2) Try reducing the audio playback frequency down to 8k if you're still having performance issues.
 3) If you are using Paula, stick with the 'FAST' 8/14 bit modes for AHI (prefs) - a real 16 bit card may be faster with a 16 bit mode.
 4) This interpreter really hits the hard drive so you'll need a fast transfer rate for the newer games (see below)
 5) FFS is really really slow, use PFS3 instead
 6) Loading your ROM into FASTRAM is a great idea (see below)
 7) If you have a Blizzard you should really be using BlizKick to get most speed out of your Amiga, Apollo users should be using RemApollo.
 8) Stick with v4.18 of AHI as the later versions are too slow

Links: (ScummVM AGA thread on EAB) (ScummVM AGA setup video) 

Thanks and acknowledgements:

Mikael Kalms for his help, advice and excellent C2P routines.
The ScummVM developers and the EAB beta testers especially DDNI and Rockersuke who went above and beyond the call of duty.

Developer Info:

As per the terms and Conditions of ScummVM, I have included all of my source code with this release.

Contents of game/misc/ScummVM_AGA_040.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                97202  219267  44.3% -lh5- 1d28 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/drascula.dat
[unknown]                60867  189584  32.1% -lh5- 65ac Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/hugo.dat
[unknown]               204710  469735  43.6% -lh5- ac64 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/kyra.dat
[unknown]               243722  637824  38.2% -lh5- 6f5a Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/lure.dat
[unknown]               508667 1084522  46.9% -lh5- d571 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/queen.tbl
[unknown]               129935  419427  31.0% -lh5- 0dd6 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/sky.cpt
[unknown]                70047   70047 100.0% -lh0- 7414 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/teenagent.dat
[unknown]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul  2 21:10 ScummVM/games/delete_me.txt
[unknown]               149939  342397  43.8% -lh5- 7606 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/extras/translations.dat
[unknown]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul  2 21:10 ScummVM/saves/delete_me.txt
[unknown]                 3424   27750  12.3% -lh5- 75a7 Mar 29  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/classic_layout.stx
[unknown]                  907    3011  30.1% -lh5- 0421 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/fixed5x8-iso-8859-5.fcc
[unknown]                 1549    4104  37.7% -lh5- d105 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/helvb12-iso-8859-2.fcc
[unknown]                 1883   15207  12.4% -lh5- a878 May  3  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/classic_gfx.stx
[unknown]                 3415   27838  12.3% -lh5- 8bac Mar 29  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/classic_layout_lowres.stx
[unknown]                 1066    3724  28.6% -lh5- f4e8 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/clR6x12-iso-8859-5.fcc
[unknown]                  885    2832  31.2% -lh5- 33a5 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/fixed5x8-iso-8859-2.fcc
[unknown]                 1037    3724  27.8% -lh5- fc5f Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/clR6x12-iso-8859-2.fcc
[unknown]                 1540    3968  38.8% -lh5- ef26 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/helvb12-iso-8859-5.fcc
[unknown]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 980d Jun  2  2012 ScummVM/scummclassic/themerc
[unknown]                 3523   28312  12.4% -lh5- 24fe Mar 29  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/scummmodern_layout.stx
[unknown]                  406     822  49.4% -lh5- 4af7 Nov 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/search.bmp
[unknown]                  257    1062  24.2% -lh5- a464 Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/cursor_small.bmp
[unknown]                  248     822  30.2% -lh5- 1f77 Mar 29  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/delbtn.bmp
[unknown]                  907    3011  30.1% -lh5- 0421 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/fixed5x8-iso-8859-5.fcc
[unknown]               380030  714456  53.2% -lh5- 8fcf Jan 29  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/FreeSans.ttf
[unknown]                 1630    4102  39.7% -lh5- 7dfc Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/helvb12-iso-8859-1.fcc
[unknown]                  443     774  57.2% -lh5- 4ebd Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/checkbox_empty.bmp
[unknown]                 1066    3724  28.6% -lh5- f4e8 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/clR6x12-iso-8859-5.fcc
[unknown]                94897  173608  54.7% -lh5- 5b85 Jan 29  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/FreeMonoBold.ttf
[unknown]                 1549    4104  37.7% -lh5- d105 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/helvb12-iso-8859-2.fcc
[unknown]                27877   69174  40.3% -lh5- 6454 Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/logo.bmp
[unknown]                  207    3126   6.6% -lh5- adf0 Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/cursor.bmp
[unknown]                  294     824  35.7% -lh5- 0f64 Jan 13  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/eraser.bmp
[unknown]                  885    2832  31.2% -lh5- 33a5 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/fixed5x8-iso-8859-2.fcc
[unknown]               183743  359272  51.1% -lh5- a98e Jan 29  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/FreeSansBold.ttf
[unknown]                  450     774  58.1% -lh5- 104e Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/radiobutton.bmp
[unknown]                  621     774  80.2% -lh5- fb29 Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/checkbox.bmp
[unknown]                 1540    3968  38.8% -lh5- ef26 Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/helvb12-iso-8859-5.fcc
[unknown]                 8259   17334  47.6% -lh5- dd16 Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/logo_small.bmp
[unknown]                  421     774  54.4% -lh5- c4b3 Feb 13  2011 ScummVM/scummmodern/radiobutton_empty.bmp
[unknown]                 2992   21560  13.9% -lh5- 15f7 Jun  2  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/scummmodern_gfx.stx
[unknown]               308725  308725 100.0% -lh0- 305f Apr  1  2011 ScummVM/ahiusr_4.18.lha
[unknown]                 6230   17816  35.0% -lh5- ecda Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/AUTHORS.txt
[unknown]                 9722   26721  36.4% -lh5- e138 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/COPYING.LGPL.txt
[unknown]                 7017   17992  39.0% -lh5- 7255 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/COPYING.txt
[unknown]                 1037    3724  27.8% -lh5- fc5f Jan  6  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/clR6x12-iso-8859-2.fcc
[unknown]                 3419   28122  12.2% -lh5- 685a Mar 29  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/scummmodern_layout_lowres.stx
[unknown]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- be69 Jun  2  2012 ScummVM/scummmodern/themerc
[unknown]                 2565    4413  58.1% -lh5- a602 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/COPYRIGHT.txt
[unknown]                 6206    8453  73.4% -lh5- 6836 Jan  2  1980 ScummVM/
[unknown]                20345   58036  35.1% -lh5- 886e Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/NEWS.txt
[unknown]                15760  293485   5.4% -lh5- 7bdf Jun 16  1980 ScummVM/
[unknown]                  978    2910  33.6% -lh5- d665 Apr 29  1980 ScummVM/overlay.pal
[unknown]                32715   94515  34.6% -lh5- d787 Jul 22  2012 ScummVM/README.txt
[unknown]                 1864    2808  66.4% -lh5- b1c3 Jan  2  1980 ScummVM/
[unknown]              2599143 5744008  45.2% -lh5- 4c45 Jul 16 10:43 ScummVM/ScummVM
[unknown]                 2941    4182  70.3% -lh5- 45ac Jan  3  1980 ScummVM/
[unknown]                22556   22556 100.0% -lh0- 4baa Jul  2 21:09 ScummVM/
[unknown]                 6207    8453  73.4% -lh5- 8888 Jan  2  1980
[unknown]                37195   37195 100.0% -lh0- 2bef Apr  5 00:58 ScummVM/camd.lha
[unknown]                  194     336  57.7% -lh5- c379 Jan  3  1980 ScummVM/scummvm.ini
[unknown]                 1804    3524  51.2% -lh5- 11a3 Jul 16 20:48 ScummVM/ScummVM.readme
[unknown]                 1862    2808  66.3% -lh5- 0961 Jan  3  1980 ScummVM/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        64 files 5281628 11631055  45.4%            Jul 16 20:58
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