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This is the GERMAN version of the GAMEMASTER.
GAMEMASTER is a Tool that makes your Dreams come true.
It can help you in most game situation
Are your Heros too weak ?
No problem for the GAMEMASTER.
Listing of archive 'GAMEMASTER.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
73 73 0.0% 01-Feb-97 13:31:08 .info
5840 2397 58.9% 01-Feb-97 14:54:18 ANLEITUNG
317 176 44.4% 02-Feb-97 12:17:00 ANLEITUNG.info
0 0 0.0% 01-Feb-97 14:17:42 C/
2737 970 64.5% 30-Mar-91 10:38:44 Checklist
317 173 45.4% 02-Feb-97 12:17:00 Checklist.info
0 0 0.0% 02-Jul-89 11:24:04 Devs/keymaps/
0 0 0.0% 23-Dec-87 01:11:34 Devs/printers/
636 288 54.7% 02-Feb-97 12:17:00 Disk.info
784 48 93.8% 29-Mar-95 12:50:28 Fonts/DMP.FONT
7796 4027 48.3% 03-Jan-80 18:55:08 Fonts/DMP/24
2632 1418 46.1% 03-Jan-80 18:55:08 Fonts/DMP/8
2632 1418 46.1% 03-Jan-80 18:55:08 Fonts/DMP/8f
359 234 34.8% 30-Mar-91 11:36:50 GAMEMASTER.readme
51408 51408 0.0% 02-Feb-97 12:00:06 GAMEMASTERV1.1
1740 728 58.1% 02-Feb-97 12:17:00 GAMEMASTERV1.1.info
25692 25138 2.1% 02-Feb-97 11:40:16 Install
1678 345 79.4% 02-Feb-97 12:17:00 Install.info
1780 556 68.7% 03-Jan-80 17:23:08 INSTDAT/GMDRAWER
1700 603 64.5% 03-Jan-80 17:23:10 INSTDAT/GMICON
1 1 0.0% 03-Jan-80 17:23:12 INSTDAT/ID
0 0 0.0% 01-Feb-97 14:17:58 L/
52956 26919 49.1% 31-Mar-91 02:02:52 LIBS/gadtools_34.library
39000 25910 33.5% 03-Jan-80 17:52:34 LIBS/reqtools.library
156 155 0.6% 04-Mar-91 16:54:22 pic.col
106 66 37.7% 01-Feb-97 14:11:14 S/startup-sequence
242 127 47.5% 01-Feb-97 14:09:44 S/text
0 0 0.0% 01-Feb-97 14:37:10 Utilities/
72 65 9.7% 04-Mar-91 16:53:42 wb.col
722 449 37.8% 30-Mar-91 10:17:00 Änderrungen
317 173 45.4% 02-Feb-97 12:17:00 Änderrungen.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
201693 143865 28.6% 02-Feb-97 12:20:36 31 files
Contents of game/misc/Gamemaster.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 73 73 100.0% -lh0- 0dd9 Feb 1 1997 .info
[generic] 2397 5840 41.0% -lh5- 1a15 Feb 1 1997 anleitung
[generic] 176 317 55.5% -lh5- caee Feb 2 1997 ANLEITUNG.info
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Feb 1 1997 c/
[generic] 970 2737 35.4% -lh5- b592 Mar 30 1991 Checklist
[generic] 173 317 54.6% -lh5- d403 Feb 2 1997 Checklist.info
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 2 1989 Devs/keymaps/
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Dec 23 1987 Devs/printers/
[generic] 288 636 45.3% -lh5- 2a2f Feb 2 1997 Disk.info
[generic] 48 784 6.1% -lh5- dca8 Mar 29 1995 Fonts/DMP.FONT
[generic] 4027 7796 51.7% -lh5- ffce Jan 3 1980 Fonts/DMP/24
[generic] 1418 2632 53.9% -lh5- 360a Jan 3 1980 Fonts/DMP/8
[generic] 1418 2632 53.9% -lh5- 360a Jan 3 1980 Fonts/DMP/8f
[generic] 234 359 65.2% -lh5- 9481 Mar 30 1991 GAMEMASTER.readme
[generic] 51408 51408 100.0% -lh0- 2204 Feb 2 1997 gamemasterv1.1
[generic] 728 1740 41.8% -lh5- e622 Feb 2 1997 GAMEMASTERV1.1.info
[generic] 25138 25692 97.8% -lh5- e8db Feb 2 1997 Install
[generic] 345 1678 20.6% -lh5- 386a Feb 2 1997 Install.info
[generic] 556 1780 31.2% -lh5- 5834 Jan 3 1980 instdat/gmdrawer
[generic] 603 1700 35.5% -lh5- b17a Jan 3 1980 instdat/gmicon
[generic] 1 1 100.0% -lh0- 0780 Jan 3 1980 instdat/id
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Feb 1 1997 l/
[generic] 26919 52956 50.8% -lh5- b52a Mar 31 1991 LIBS/gadtools_34.library
[generic] 25910 39000 66.4% -lh5- d82a Jan 3 1980 LIBS/reqtools.library
[generic] 155 156 99.4% -lh5- b08b Mar 4 1991 pic.col
[generic] 66 106 62.3% -lh5- 26d1 Feb 1 1997 S/startup-sequence
[generic] 127 242 52.5% -lh5- 88f1 Feb 1 1997 S/text
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Feb 1 1997 Utilities/
[generic] 65 72 90.3% -lh5- 94e7 Mar 4 1991 wb.col
[generic] 449 722 62.2% -lh5- e61e Mar 30 1991 Änderrungen
[generic] 173 317 54.6% -lh5- e511 Feb 2 1997 Änderrungen.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 31 files 143865 201693 71.3% Feb 3 1997
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