84782 packages online
game/data/wendy_cards.lha |
No screenshot available
Cardset for
Klondike Deluxe AGA (REKO Productions)
and CardGames Deluxe (Logic System Prod.)
Info about Cardset:
I've digitized the pictures of this Cardset in real time 24 bit with MacroSystem's V-Lab Y/C frame grabber. I grabbed these pictures from TV programs in real time. Then I've processed it with ASDG's
Art Department Pro 2.5 and Nova Design's Image F/X 2 in very short time (thanx Amiga 4000/040 - 18 Mb RAM) with the help of the REXX script by DIYReko 2 (TONID).
Info about Wendy:
WENDY WINDHAM was born in California in 1967, she's 1.75 m (5'74" ft) tall, her measures are 98-64-96 cm (38.58-25.19-37.79 in) (shoe size 38 ½), vegetarian (salad, beans, lentils) and italian food (
pizza and spaghetti), do not smoke.
She, doughter of a NASA engineer and a math teacher, left America at the age of 16, moving to Italy together with an italian body building instructor, M. Maceroli, with which she lived for 5 years. F
our years ago a RAI talent scout noted her and she began to work in succesfull TV program ("Raimondo e le altre", "Il Tg delle vacanze", "Il gioco delle coppie beach", "Scherzi a parte"), played in a
movie ("Crack") and in theatre ("Scondominio Italia", playing as A. Ekberg and W. Osiris).
Then she took part together P. Bonolis in the TV program "I Cervelloni" and in the summer in "Beato tra le donne" and "Miss Italia nel mondo". Now (Winter 1995-96) she's working together G. Magalli i
n TV program "I Fatti vostri" (talk show and games).
Contents of game/data/wendy_cards.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 11564 13212 87.5% -lh5- 8e56 Jan 8 1996 next_sabrina_cardset!!.ham8
[generic] 1967 3845 51.2% -lh5- de8d Jan 9 1996 wendy.readme
[generic] 712154 778134 91.5% -lh5- af79 Jan 9 1996 Wendy.REKO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 725685 795191 91.3% Jan 20 1996
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