Obvious - a dynAMIte style with obvious colors
Thomas "roskakori" Aglassinger <agi@rieska.oulu.fi>
Updated by Alexi "Leki" Tzitzas <alexi.t@ukonline.co.uk>
A major problem with many styles for dynAMIte is that it is
difficult to relate player figures to names. This style solves this
by modifying the default style so that all players have a dress with
the same color as the name in the title and chat.
While this might not look as cool anymore, it increases playability,
and significantly simplifies chatting. For example, instead of
"Who's the red swine that blew up the heart?"
you will typically read
"screw you, roskakori!"
Uninformative conversations like
"hey mate, which color do you have?"
"dunno, and i'm too stoned to figure it out"
are replaced by silent knowledge, and people can focus on typing
"lol", "laaaag!", and "ouch".
· dresses have same color as the matching name in the chat window
· helmets are grey
· "Hurry up!" text is smaller and uses outline font, and does not
cover large areas of the screen anymore; this is not cheating
rather than usability engineering
Use the included installer script.
If you want to perform a manual installation, copy "obvious.gfx" to
the "dynAMIte/Styles" drawer, and in the dynAMIte icon, set the
tooltype "STYLE=obvious".
Thomas "roskakori" Aglassinger has dissapeard so i will be updating this style untill he comes back
(hope you dont mind Thomas)
Version 1.6, 23-Jul-2001
· fixed gfx so the new powerups are now displayed instead of black squares (Leki)
Version 1.5, 23-Jul-2001
· skipped style version to match with game version (Leki)
Version 1.4, 14-Apr-2001
· fixed cyan player, which was missing in the title screen
· slightly changed cyan and pink color of name
Version 1.3, 9-Apr-2001
· fixed 0-color to be black again
· changed sitting figures in title screen by dark grey spectre
· added dark grey outline to standing figure in title screen
(If you move the figure, it still has no grey outline and is
difficult to distinguish from the black background in the title
screen. But this movability seems to be a feature-like bug anyway.)
Version 1.2, 8-Apr-2001
· reorganized color order so that lilac and orange are used only if
there are more than six players, as they are the most difficult
to distinguish colors
· changed golden dynamite indicating number of victories in title
screen to cup (taken from DynaBlaster.gfx)
· changed light blue color to lilac (only in name, figure still
looks the same because, uh, it always was lilac)
· changed laser background to transparent (as in standard style)
· added installer script
Version 1.1, 30-Mar-2001
· changed green player to have green shoes (instead of pink)
· changed yellow and orange players to have a nice arse without any
grey moire
· added "afterburner"
Version 1.0, 20-Mar-2001
· initial release
This set uses more than 128 colors. Use the "Bdynamite" style if you
only have 64 or 128 colors, but still want "obvious" names.
Freely distributable as long no files are added or removed from the
Feel free to use parts of this style in your own, and redistribute
them under a different name, provided you indicate that you are the
new author.