84782 packages online
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This archive contains :
- 9 custom levels (WRM16) ;
- 10 landscape (DIY) ;
- some data (DIY in IFF format and a kit) ;
Enjoy ! Comments and suggestions are welcome ! ;-)
Content of the archive :
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
25968 2935 88.6% 22-Jul-99 16:36:14 +METAL.DIY
19572 2892 85.2% 22-Jul-99 16:36:14 +NATURE.DIY
25688 4128 83.9% 22-Jul-99 16:36:14 +PASTEL.DIY
29960 4112 86.2% 22-Jul-99 16:36:14 +PINK.DIY
29136 6829 76.5% 09-Sep-99 18:40:24 +RUINES.DIY
32072 10231 68.0% 01-Dec-99 14:29:06 +RUINS.DIY
25488 4757 81.3% 22-Jul-99 16:36:16 +SABLE.DIY
39528 10009 74.6% 22-Jul-99 16:36:16 +STONE.DIY
52476 13644 73.9% 22-Jul-99 16:36:12 +CAULDRON2.WRM16
54582 12781 76.5% 22-Jul-99 16:36:12 +CYL.WRM16
56506 9018 84.0% 22-Jul-99 16:36:12 +DCLEGO.WRM16
25830 8058 68.8% 22-Jul-99 16:36:14 +LUNE.WRM16
71686 21361 70.2% 22-Jul-99 16:36:14 +RAMPE.WRM16
28468 7486 73.7% 15-Nov-99 18:15:10 +FORET.DIY
30432 4017 86.8% 22-Jul-99 16:36:14 +LEGOLAND.DIY
30674 13100 57.2% 09-Sep-99 18:34:26 +DIY_stone.iff
22762 11190 50.8% 20-Sep-99 14:15:22 +kit.iff
73266 28646 60.9% 08-Sep-99 18:13:38 +foret21.WRM16
102158 43480 57.4% 21-Sep-99 11:19:30 +foret22.WRM16
125896 46065 63.4% 21-Sep-99 11:32:18 +foret23.WRM16
30530 10352 66.0% 18-Oct-99 15:12:36 +foret24.WRM16
27142 6199 77.1% 25-Jul-98 18:37:04 +DIY_metal.iff
23530 4856 79.3% 24-Jul-98 19:18:14 +DIY_nature.iff
33262 14159 57.4% 01-Dec-99 14:27:06 +DIY_ruins.iff
26378 8176 69.0% 01-Aug-98 18:48:10 +DIY_sable.iff
29572 11402 61.4% 15-Nov-99 18:14:22 +DIY_foret.iff
30720 6859 77.6% 23-Jul-98 10:30:02 +DIY_legos.iff
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1103282 326742 70.3% 22-Jun-100 20:43:08 27 files
Other stuffs available on Aminet :
- ABD TNB (game/2play) : a game mixing football, brick breaker and pinball !
Demo version (2 archives).
Plus extra gfx for the game (game/2play).
- Extra levels for Worms (game/data)
- HTMLdir1.2.lha (comm/www) : Recursively list content of a directory in
HTML pages. Great features !
Contents of game/data/dswormsdc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2935 25968 11.3% -lh5- d888 Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/METAL.DIY
[generic] 2892 19572 14.8% -lh5- fd86 Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/NATURE.DIY
[generic] 4128 25688 16.1% -lh5- 1efb Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/PASTEL.DIY
[generic] 4112 29960 13.7% -lh5- d47a Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/PINK.DIY
[generic] 6829 29136 23.4% -lh5- 9c4c Sep 9 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/RUINES.DIY
[generic] 10231 32072 31.9% -lh5- ea0f Dec 1 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/RUINS.DIY
[generic] 4757 25488 18.7% -lh5- 6b2b Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/SABLE.DIY
[generic] 10009 39528 25.3% -lh5- 4224 Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/STONE.DIY
[generic] 13644 52476 26.0% -lh5- dff4 Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/CAULDRON2.WRM16
[generic] 12781 54582 23.4% -lh5- 36e1 Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/CYL.WRM16
[generic] 9018 56506 16.0% -lh5- 73b6 Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/DCLEGO.WRM16
[generic] 8058 25830 31.2% -lh5- 235d Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/LUNE.WRM16
[generic] 21361 71686 29.8% -lh5- 199e Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/RAMPE.WRM16
[generic] 7486 28468 26.3% -lh5- cc5e Nov 15 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/FORET.DIY
[generic] 4017 30432 13.2% -lh5- 73c4 Jul 22 1999 dswormsdc/TWDIY/LEGOLAND.DIY
[generic] 13100 30674 42.7% -lh5- 7a69 Sep 9 1999 dswormsdc/data/DIY_IFF_Format/DIY_stone.iff
[generic] 11190 22762 49.2% -lh5- 4fb8 Sep 20 1999 dswormsdc/data/Kit_IFF_Format/kit.iff
[generic] 28646 73266 39.1% -lh5- 65ee Sep 8 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/foret21.WRM16
[generic] 43480 102158 42.6% -lh5- 25e5 Sep 21 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/foret22.WRM16
[generic] 46065 125896 36.6% -lh5- 5844 Sep 21 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/foret23.WRM16
[generic] 10352 30530 33.9% -lh5- 4fa8 Oct 18 1999 dswormsdc/TWCUSTOM/foret24.WRM16
[generic] 6199 27142 22.8% -lh5- 887e Jul 25 1998 dswormsdc/data/DIY_IFF_Format/DIY_metal.iff
[generic] 4856 23530 20.6% -lh5- 80c9 Jul 24 1998 dswormsdc/data/DIY_IFF_Format/DIY_nature.iff
[generic] 14159 33262 42.6% -lh5- 7563 Dec 1 1999 dswormsdc/data/DIY_IFF_Format/DIY_ruins.iff
[generic] 8176 26378 31.0% -lh5- ce1c Aug 1 1998 dswormsdc/data/DIY_IFF_Format/DIY_sable.iff
[generic] 11402 29572 38.6% -lh5- b1f3 Nov 15 1999 dswormsdc/data/DIY_IFF_Format/DIY_foret.iff
[generic] 6859 30720 22.3% -lh5- 80b3 Jul 23 1998 dswormsdc/data/DIY_IFF_Format/DIY_legos.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 326742 1103282 29.6% Jun 25 2000
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