84782 packages online
game/data/XTR_DataWorld.lha |
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Hello there is yet another set of tracks for XTR. If you have a
hard disk the install script should copy the necessary files the your
XTR drawer. If is do'nt work sorry. If you are still using floppys sorry
its a D.I.Y. job.
When using the install script you only need the tiles in iff form
if editing the tracks, or using my tiles to make new tracks. I
If the tracks won't work with your version of XTR, decrunch all of the
data using XFDdecrunch (available on Aminet)
See below for copyright details.
Feel free to contact me.
Graphics Set Name : Dataflats 1/2 Datasolids1
Objects L.E.D. 1/2, Jumper,Nerd,Chip,Capacitor
Release Date : 10 MAY 97
(on Amiga Format CD 15 (no net connection at the
Version : V:1.0
Artist(s) : Brian Whittle
Contact Details : b.whittle@ukonline.co.uk
Description : Race world set inside a mythical "Amiga" computer.
Notes : If anyone can design me a better background 360/30
size 256 colour using data palette please send it to
me. I know some of the graphics are crap but I am not
an artist (apart from in the alcoholic way).
Time to Design : Too long
Greets : Hello to all the people keeping the Amiga Alive.
Copyright / Permission Information
Please copy my tracks any where, base your tracks on mine etc. don't
claim my work as your own, or I'll be round with a big stick !
Disclaimer & Distribution Rules
This file must be distributed with this section & below in
unedited form. All tracks must be distributed with this file in
the archive, and this shall be used as the basis for the file
description for Aminet/BBS/Other locations.
Silltunna Software Ltd./Black Magic Software are NOT responsible for any
damage caused directly or indirectly by the use or misuse of XTreme Racing
and any related material whether written by us or otherwise. You use this
software at your own risk.
None of the materials provided by Silltunna Software may be distributed
in any form, INCLUDING graphics and track related materials. Only tracks
designed TOTALLY by the user may be legally distributed, and no profit may
be made from ANY CUSTOM TRACKS and related data without permission and
relevant royalty payments to Silltunna Software Ltd.
By using this software you agree to accept and abide by all these rules.
© Copyright Silltunna Software Ltd. 1996
rich@xtreme.demon.co.uk [ Richard Whittall ]
Silltunna BBS : 10pm -> 7am : +44 (0)1789 842105
* Call For All the Latest and Best Tracks *
XTreme Racing is (of course) required and is 23.99 + 1.00 P&P UK Sterling.
XTR requires any AGA Amiga, and is very enhanced for those with accelerators.
This track works best with the XTR Upgrade which also includes 20 new
tracks, new gfx, the full game/gfx/sfx editor and a major XTR upgrade.
Price : 9.99 + 1.00 P&P UK Sterling (Worldwide delivery)
Order from : Guildhall Leisure : +44 (0)1302 890000 (all major credit cards)
Or write a cheque payable to Guildhall Leisure Services at :
Unit 15, Guildhall Industrial Estate, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster
South Yorkshire DN3 1QR, England
Contents of game/data/XTR_DataWorld.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2606 2606 100.0% -lh0- d526 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/backgrounds/data.bck
[generic] 11191 82768 13.5% -lh5- b293 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/dataflats1.256
[generic] 13522 36076 37.5% -lh5- 80d6 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/dataflats2.256
[generic] 17396 48044 36.2% -lh5- 4cee May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/datasolids1.256
[generic] 705 828 85.1% -lh5- 14cc May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/gradients/dataground.grd
[generic] 901 5008 18.0% -lh5- a602 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/gradients/DATASKY.Grd
[generic] 572 1161 49.3% -lh5- 0dbe May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/Install_XTR_TRACKS
[generic] 965 1822 53.0% -lh5- d922 May 21 1997 xtr_dataworld/Install_XTR_TRACKS.info
[generic] 9071 9106 99.6% -lh5- 48f5 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/layouts/DATA_1.RAW
[generic] 5537 5622 98.5% -lh5- 2030 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/layouts/DATA_2.RAW
[generic] 9569 9620 99.5% -lh5- 4ba0 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/layouts/DATA_3.RAW
[generic] 6626 6698 98.9% -lh5- c101 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/layouts/DATA_4.RAW
[generic] 7543 7600 99.2% -lh5- 1867 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/layouts/DATA_4b.RAW
[generic] 1832 11368 16.1% -lh5- ebfc May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/misc/Season
[generic] 206 206 100.0% -lh0- 465a May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/cap.obj
[generic] 230 230 100.0% -lh0- 1902 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/caphit.obj
[generic] 172 172 100.0% -lh0- 9ed5 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/chip.obj
[generic] 172 172 100.0% -lh0- c346 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/chipDie.obj
[generic] 348 348 100.0% -lh0- 0a29 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/jumper.obj
[generic] 248 248 100.0% -lh0- 4fd4 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/led.obj
[generic] 264 264 100.0% -lh0- 273b May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/led1.obj
[generic] 564 564 100.0% -lh0- 15db May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/nerd.obj
[generic] 1068 1068 100.0% -lh0- 7915 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/objects/nerddie.obj
[generic] 1148 1148 100.0% -lh0- 3a8f May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/palettes/DATA.Pal
[generic] 1872 3765 49.7% -lh5- 6deb Jun 12 1998 xtr_dataworld/Readme
[generic] 1214 2427 50.0% -lh5- f6a2 May 21 1997 xtr_dataworld/Readme.info
[generic] 5380 5482 98.1% -lh5- 1f2d May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tiles/dataflats1.Chk
[generic] 8955 9114 98.3% -lh5- 09a2 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tiles/dataflats2.Chk
[generic] 13897 14368 96.7% -lh5- c6b5 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tiles/datasolids1.Chk
[generic] 6746 7132 94.6% -lh5- d402 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tracks/DATA_1.trk
[generic] 7198 7584 94.9% -lh5- 53a7 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tracks/DATA_2.trk
[generic] 7484 7856 95.3% -lh5- e49e May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tracks/DATA_3.trk
[generic] 10026 10504 95.4% -lh5- 69c5 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tracks/DATA_4.trk
[generic] 6443 6768 95.2% -lh5- 8c88 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/tracks/DATA_4B.trk
[generic] 9096 9096 100.0% -lh0- 7b82 May 14 1997 xtr_dataworld/worlds/dATA.RAW
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 35 files 170767 316843 53.9% Jun 14 1998
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