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Short:Guide to make gfx to PuzzleBOBS game (E)
Author: emacesa at (Emanuele Cesaroni)
Uploader:emacesa tin it (Emanuele Cesaroni)
Download:game/data/PBOBS_GfxE.lha - View contents

PuzzleBOBS graphic reference guide (V1) ENGLISH VERSION

 This is a reference guide (ENGLISH) in which you can find documentation
about doing graphic for PuzzleBOBS game.
 PuzzleBOBS (a PuzzleBobble© clone) is an os-friendly, low level configurable
game, this means that you can modify totally its look and behaviour.
 For this purpose PuzzleBOBS game is able to accept graphic (sets) in all 
resolutions and colors numbers, and because works in multitasking and supports
the Os can exploit graphic boards and manage 16 and 24 bit graphic data also.
 The guide is done by Ascii docs and Iff images both in english and italian 
languages, at the bottom of this .readme document you can find the 
characteristics of PuzzleBOBS game and the PBOBS_gfx.lha archive files.

 Emanuele Cesaroni, coder of PuzzleBOBS. 
 Nexus Development. 

 contact me at:
 home page at:				  

PuzzleBOBS technical specs

  PuzzleBOBS is at the same time a Puzzle Bobble 1,2,3, Puzzle De Don clone
but introduces a lot of new characteristics as the asynchronous game style,
the possibility of playing two players mode simultaneously in the same levels,
and the ability of accept a lot of levelsets with dissimilar features (as in 
classic Puzzle Bubble 1 or at time as Puzzle de don) etc.
  Moreover this game is totally configurable: you could choose screen-mode by
a system requester (supported AGA,ECS,OCS and graphic expansions as PicassoIV
or Cybervision or other that are AmigaOS compatible by Picasso96 or CyberGraphX)
up to 16-24 BIT colours, all the graphical elements of game as fonts, lateral 
columns, rotating pointer with gears, balls (of each size,color,form, and 
number also animated up to 255 frames), backgrounds, then you can choose the
velocity of moving objects, music and fx-sounds, apperances of explosions 
(as frames per seconds, by gfx or CPU precalculated animation), disposal of 
objects in level (by four or six tangents) and a lot of other lowlevel options
as the behaviour of artificial brain and priorities of game's subtasks.
  Thanks to the polyvalence of LevelSet files subsystem you can have various
behaviour of balls in game, for example when balls fall becouse free from
others can go to the top entering again in the level or they can go to down 
exiting forever or as in Puzzle Bobble 3 you can have balls that rebound against
the top limit increasing the difficulty of game.
  Moreover the game foresees a lot of special balls as three type of bombs and
  PuzzleBOBS allows to ZOOM the balls if can not fit into the level so you can
use a lot of levels even very big without space problems, or to force a
default zoom to save a lot o video-ram.
  The game works in multitasking and can be played further on a screen so in a
Workbench's window also in a PIP (if your board affords that) it will contain
a config program and a level editor and it will have a set of preconfigured 
ConfigFiles and LevelSets files to be used on lowend or highend Amigas or during
particular works as a workbench session in a multitasking window
(low CPU occupation).
  The game can go in manual pause (p) crypting the level or can go in sleep 
mode automatically when the screen or window became inactives, in the same time
frees the audio channels and if you was using a window remaps the workbench's
  The hiscore system allows to maintain a lot of information about the score
so you will be able to remember the date, the LevelSet used, the game mode, the
number of players, the difficulty of that past match. 	   
  The approach to the configurability of graphic's look and of LevelSet files
will give to game a great longevity, because its open architecture will allow
in future to exploit faster and better hardware and will allow to the final 
users to do/use other configuration sets and levels set.
  The game has a built-in subsystem that is able to simulate the blitter's
work (on VGA,AGA,ECS,OCS) putting all graphic data (bitmaps) in Fast_Mem (the
only Chip_Mem used is the screen's mem) and increase a lot the speed of Amiga
without graphic board (need some fastmem).
  The game is now 100% ready (1.27 MBytes of code now, assembled into
about 200 kbytes of executable, 320KBytes if optimized by DevPac), written
in 100% 68020+ optimized assembler, probably it will support PowerPC by a PowerPC
asm modules (by WarpOS) and have optimized gfx routines for PowerPC-only machines
(both VGA and AGA/ECS/OCS machines).
  The game is based on a particular architecture that uses deeply the AmigaOs
multitasking characteristichs.
  Infact it uses a lot of sub tasks (of which you can set the priority) that
are assigned on all operation of game.
  For example there is a task that controls rotations one that draws bob
animation and others that controls players, levels, controllers, explosions
etc etc.
  These tasks communicate between them with signals and messages and thanks to
this type of approach is very easy to redirect a task on a new piece of
  For example the task that controls rotations in future should use a 3D
device chip to increase its speed.
  Is very difficult to say what is the minimum requisite of memory that the
game needs, because it depends on too many factors as max number of objects
in level, number and size of balls etc... etc..., but it is not too
  Infact consider that the game in the confuguration at 800*600*16bit, with 12
balls with only one frame needs about 2.5 MB of Fast Mem including buffers that
Intuition does when open windows (the game needs a window to read mouse,
keyboard and joystick inputs).
  It needs a 68020 minimum, and AmigaOSRoms+AmigaOS v3.0.

PBOBS_GfxG.lha archive listed files.

  PuzzleBOBS_GfxGuide/Welcome !
  PuzzleBOBS_GfxGuide/Welcome !.info                                      

Packed size:	 345485 bytes
UnPacked size:  1055005 bytes

Contents of game/data/PBOBS_GfxE.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  266     628  42.4% -lh5- a0b2 Jan 11  2001 PuzzleBOBS/
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- 7ac5 Jan 11  2001 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/
[generic]                 1122    2630  42.7% -lh5- 715c Feb 10  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/About_Balls_e
[generic]                  234     464  50.4% -lh5- 65a2 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 1060    2342  45.3% -lh5- debe Dec 23  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/About_ConfigFiles_e
[generic]                  230     464  49.6% -lh5- b759 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 5361   21726  24.7% -lh5- 8aea Mar  4  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/ConfigFile_example
[generic]                  232     464  50.0% -lh5- efb7 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]               110587  212340  52.1% -lh5- 8d69 Oct  1  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC0_Objects
[generic]                  236     464  50.9% -lh5- 515f Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 1231   11482  10.7% -lh5- 7fcc Aug 31  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC10_Timer
[generic]                  231     464  49.8% -lh5- 0f1c Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                29029  111500  26.0% -lh5- c603 Sep  2  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC11_Explosions
[generic]                  232     464  50.0% -lh5- 28dc Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 5925   18918  31.3% -lh5- a1d9 Oct  1  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC12_Clock
[generic]                  233     464  50.2% -lh5- 9461 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 9732   31148  31.2% -lh5- 0fa4 Oct  1  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC1_BobsTypes
[generic]                  237     464  51.1% -lh5- 55c1 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                25809  124450  20.7% -lh5- 71a0 Aug 31  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC2_BobsSize
[generic]                  236     464  50.9% -lh5- e49a Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                49579  154364  32.1% -lh5- 9e82 Oct  1  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC3_BobsFrames
[generic]                  236     464  50.9% -lh5- d3e0 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                15949   53046  30.1% -lh5- b7fe Oct  1  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC4_BobsTangs
[generic]                  233     464  50.2% -lh5- a7bc Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                41720  147802  28.2% -lh5- 4ec9 Aug 31  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC5_Columns
[generic]                  233     464  50.2% -lh5- ee6f Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 1988   22540   8.8% -lh5- d501 Oct  1  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC6_Beam
[generic]                  233     464  50.2% -lh5- 7c06 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                10254   43100  23.8% -lh5- e28e Oct  1  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC7_RotatingObjects
[generic]                  235     464  50.6% -lh5- ce27 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 7268   23050  31.5% -lh5- 0cce Aug 31  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC8_Fonts
[generic]                  231     464  49.8% -lh5- 0762 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                 2284   11840  19.3% -lh5- 7386 Aug 31  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PIC9_AimLine
[generic]                  235     464  50.6% -lh5- fe94 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                14492   44590  32.5% -lh5- 4342 Sep 16  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/PuzzleBOBS_GraphGuide_e
[generic]                  230     464  49.6% -lh5- e875 Mar  5  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Guide_eng/
[generic]                  274     535  51.2% -lh5- 58b5 Aug 31  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Legal
[generic]                  237     464  51.1% -lh5- 7eb1 Jan 11  2001 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/
[generic]                 2323    4901  47.4% -lh5- 1ed5 Feb 28  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/PuzzleBOBS_specs
[generic]                  235     464  50.6% -lh5- 64f3 Jan 11  2001 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/
[generic]                  420     765  54.9% -lh5- cadc Feb 24  2000 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/PuzzleBOBS_squad
[generic]                  233     464  50.2% -lh5- ba38 Jan 11  2001 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/
[generic]                  484     936  51.7% -lh5- 1e2e Oct  4  1999 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Welcome !
[generic]                  232     464  50.0% -lh5- 1ba3 Jan 11  2001 PuzzleBOBS/GraphicGuide/Welcome !.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        44 files  342333 1055005  32.4%            Jan 12  2001
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