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game/data/FractasmCards.lha |
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M A Y T H E A M I G A L I V E L O N G A N D P R O S P E R !!
Hello again to all Amiga-enthusiasts all over the world!
I'm proud to present my second cardset for the marvelous
Klondike Deluxe AGA (III) from:
p/a Remy Nusteling
Krommedijk 145
3312 LC Dordrecht
The Netherlands.
This time it's called 'Fractasm' and it is highly probable that this cardset
contains fractals!
All fractal-pictures used in this cardset were rendered in 24Bit with the un-
believable ChaosPro by Martin Pfingstl (what the hell is FractInt). This card-
set is high-quality and very beautiful as well containing some stunning master-
pieces of fractal design.
To install simply unpack the archive, what you must have done already, copy the
Fractasm.REKO cardset to the cards sub-directory and rename an default entry
in the prefs to Fractasm.REKO.
The cardset was made totally in 24Bit using my Piccolo and the PicoPainter
running on EGS 7.1 on my A4000/030 and converted to HAM8 using ADPro.
This piece of software is 'Free-As-A-Bird-Ware', as long as my name is
mentioned or this documentation is added respectively. Any remarks, critics and
so on relating the cardset can be send to:
Georg Rottländer
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 4
D-53721 Siegburg (Germany)
or via E-Mail to:
Be kind and support the Amiga whereever you can!
Georg Rottländer, 25th of February 1995
M A Y T H E A M I G A L I V E L O N G A N D P R O S P E R !!
Contents of game/data/FractasmCards.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 910 2096 43.4% -lh5- 5e33 Apr 21 1995 Fractasm.ReadMe
[generic] 604926 675174 89.6% -lh5- b5af Apr 21 1995 Fractasm.REKO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 605836 677270 89.5% May 6 1995
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