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Short:ARFS - An introduction to ARexx
Author: jcollett at (John Collett)
Uploader:gmaddox netcentral co uk (Graham Maddox)
Download:docs/help/ARFS.lha - View contents

                       ARexx - First Steps

ARexx - First Steps (ARFS) is a tutorial designed to help intending
and on-going users of ARexx. It concentrates on the basics, dealing
with about 130 topics, and including over 60 runnable examples. It is
arranged in a linear fashion for ease and clarity. Other sources of
help already exist, but they are generally packed with so much
material that they are daunting for beginners, and so full of links
that even the most hardened user of AmigaGuide documents can soon lose
his way and become bewildered.

While 'ARexx - First Steps' may be accessed using AmigaGuide, it was
designed for access via Gui4Cli and FastRead (both included).

  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
                           *** Gui4Cli ***
               An interpretive GUI programming language
                   (c) 1995-1997 by D.C.Keletsekis
  Gui4Cli is an interpretive programming language for the easy
  creation of GUIs. It provides Gadgets, Menus, Appitems etc, through
  an easy script-like language, allowing you to construct and visually
  edit in real time resizable font-sensitive GUIs and through them,
  control other programs by issuing CLI and ARexx commands. 

  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

The author of Gui4Cli has graciously consented to the inclusion of
Gui4Cli in the ARFS package.  We respond to his courtesy by affirming
that in our experience Gui4Cli is one of the best things that has ever
happened to the Amiga.

Gui4Cli is copyright D.C.Keletsekis and is SHAREWARE. If you find 
ARFS useful, or if you yourself become a user of FastRead and/or
Gui4Cli, then it would appropriate to send a donation of a few
dollars to :  

     D. Keletsekis, 14 King George Str., Athens 10674,  Greece

The full Gui4Cli archive is available from Aminet : dev/gui and the
Gui4Cli WWW Page, with many demos and G4C tools, is at...


Contents of the archive:

LhA Evaluation V1.38 - Copyright (c) 1991,92 Stefan Boberg.
All rights reserved. Not for commercial use.

Listing of archive 'ram:ARFS.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     628     270 57.0% 07-Jun-97 01:46:04
     628     273 56.5% 07-Jun-97 01:47:14  ARFS/drawer
    1524    1081 29.0% 13-Apr-97 22:30:50  ARFS/FastRead/bin/GetNodes
      80      56 30.0% 16-Aug-95 01:24:22  ARFS/FastRead/bin/Mouse
     980     715 27.0% 16-Apr-97 16:46:22  ARFS/FastRead/bin/WriteNode
  138575   45562 67.1% 06-Jun-97 22:19:04  ARFS/FastRead/docs/ARFS.txt
    5758    2440 57.6% 07-Jun-97 00:37:20  ARFS/FastRead/FastRead.doc
     840     201 76.0% 07-Jun-97 01:44:48  ARFS/FastRead/
    3491    1021 70.7% 07-Jun-97 00:38:48  ARFS/FastRead/FastRead.gc
     925     251 72.8% 07-Jun-97 01:44:48  ARFS/FastRead/
    3943    1971 50.0% 06-Jun-97 22:19:36  ARFS/FastRead/idx/ARFS.txt.idx
    3724    1683 54.8% 06-Jun-97 23:52:44  ARFS/FastRead/ReadMe_First
     840     205 75.5% 07-Jun-97 01:44:48  ARFS/FastRead/
    3080    1434 53.4% 23-May-97 13:48:42  ARFS/FastRead/runner.rexx
    2076     703 66.1% 06-Jun-97 12:58:08  ARFS/FastRead/ViewText.g
    3640    2427 33.3% 22-May-97 20:30:52  ARFS/Gui
   98792   54139 45.1% 22-May-97 20:30:52  ARFS/Gui4Cli
    4027    1268 68.5% 07-Jun-97 02:13:20  ARFS/Installer
     386     162 58.0% 07-Jun-97 01:46:04  ARFS/
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  273937  115862 57.7% 07-Jun-97 02:25:34   19 files

Contents of docs/help/ARFS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- 2b33 Jun  7  1997
[generic]                  273     628  43.5% -lh5- 64c5 Jun  7  1997 ARFS/drawer
[generic]                 1081    1524  70.9% -lh5- aa93 Apr 13  1997 ARFS/FastRead/bin/GetNodes
[generic]                   56      80  70.0% -lh5- 54c7 Aug 16  1995 ARFS/FastRead/bin/Mouse
[generic]                  715     980  73.0% -lh5- 9518 Apr 16  1997 ARFS/FastRead/bin/WriteNode
[generic]                45562  138575  32.9% -lh5- 7afa Jun  6  1997 ARFS/FastRead/docs/ARFS.txt
[generic]                 2440    5758  42.4% -lh5- 51dc Jun  7  1997 ARFS/FastRead/FastRead.doc
[generic]                  201     840  23.9% -lh5- ce34 Jun  7  1997 ARFS/FastRead/
[generic]                 1021    3491  29.2% -lh5- cc80 Jun  7  1997 ARFS/FastRead/FastRead.gc
[generic]                  251     925  27.1% -lh5- 82d8 Jun  7  1997 ARFS/FastRead/
[generic]                 1971    3943  50.0% -lh5- 9541 Jun  6  1997 ARFS/FastRead/idx/ARFS.txt.idx
[generic]                 1678    3716  45.2% -lh5- 14f7 Jun  8  1997 ARFS/FastRead/ReadMe_First
[generic]                  205     840  24.4% -lh5- 6615 Jun  7  1997 ARFS/FastRead/
[generic]                 1434    3080  46.6% -lh5- bbba May 23  1997 ARFS/FastRead/runner.rexx
[generic]                  703    2076  33.9% -lh5- f726 Jun  6  1997 ARFS/FastRead/ViewText.g
[generic]                 2427    3640  66.7% -lh5- 1b67 May 22  1997 ARFS/Gui
[generic]                54139   98792  54.8% -lh5- 0f5f May 22  1997 ARFS/Gui4Cli
[generic]                 1286    4056  31.7% -lh5- 2ee0 Jun  8  1997 ARFS/Installer
[generic]                  162     386  42.0% -lh5- 444c Jun  7  1997 ARFS/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        19 files  115875  273958  42.3%            Jun  8  1997
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