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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
normalcards.lha game/data 756 205K 1994-12-18 generic icon Set of NORMAL cards for KlondikeAGA - (readme)
nilsworms.lha game/data 654 41K 1997-04-08 generic icon Some images for Worms - (readme)
NicronWormsLev.lha game/data 685 88K 2000-02-14 generic icon Extra Levels for Worms - (readme)
ngl-RetroNoidV12-RTG.lha 1.2 game/data 1226 242K 2013-03-20 generic icon Cool RETRO style ArTKanoid Skin for RTG - (readme)
ngl-RetroNoidV12-AGA.lha 1.2 game/data 1129 189K 2013-03-20 generic icon Cool RETRO style ArTKanoid Skin for AGA - (readme)
ngl-RetroNoid-RTG.lha 1.0 game/data 1073 241K 2013-03-16 generic icon Cool RETRO style ArTKanoid Skin for RTG - (readme)
ngl-MUIMineDZ-RMXv1.1.lha 1.1 game/data 1108 322K 2013-02-20 generic icon Hand Dithered MUIMine DZ graphics set - (readme)
ngl-MUIMineDZ-RMX.lha 1.0 game/data 1129 264K 2013-02-12 generic icon Hand Dithered MUIMine DZ graphics set - (readme)
ngl-MUIMineDZ-Boing.lha 1.0 game/data 1164 131K 2013-02-18 generic icon Nicely done BoingBall gfx for MUIMine - (readme)
ngl-MUIMine-WarNPieces.lha 1.0 game/data 1113 212K 2013-02-23 generic icon A MUIMine GFX Set for high resolutions - (readme)
ngl-ArTKanoid-JJ-RTG.lha 1.0 game/data 1269 255K 2013-02-27 generic icon Joan Jett Fanskin for ArTKanoid (RTG) - (readme)
ngl-ArTKanoid-JJ-AGA.lha 1.0 game/data 1171 161K 2013-02-27 generic icon Joan Jett Fanskin for ArTKanoid (AGA) - (readme)
NewWorms.lha game/data 761 2.8M 2000-12-17 generic icon New Worms-Samples for WormsDC - (readme)
NewWHDIcons.lha game/data 812 19K 2002-06-02 generic icon OS 3.9 icons for TwinWorld and Utopia - (readme)
NewRosesCards.lha game/data 805 658K 1995-04-29 generic icon Klondike Deluxe AGA cardset - (readme)
NewPBS_s.lha game/data 674 35K 1996-10-27 generic icon New block sets for the game "Pairs" - (readme)
NewPBSs.lha game/data 663 35K 1996-10-30 generic icon New block sets for the game "Pairs" - (readme)
NewNAPALM_Unit.lha 1.02b game/data 866 11K 2000-11-13 generic icon Unit Data Sets for NAPALM 2Player/CHAOS - (readme)
NewCindy.lha game/data 694 81K 1997-08-31 generic icon Top custom level for WormsDC. - (readme)
NaughtyWorms.lha game/data 707 73K 1998-04-05 generic icon Another Worms Level Collection - (readme)
mzxrace.lha game/data 877 109K 2008-06-27 generic icon A Megazeux game called MZX Race - (readme)
MysteryBeach.lha game/data 697 95K 1997-02-08 generic icon Golf course for Jack Nicklaus' Ultimate - (readme)
MtLorett.lha game/data 685 69K 1997-02-13 generic icon Golf course for Jack Nicklaus' Ultimate - (readme)
MtKidd.lha game/data 666 69K 1997-02-13 generic icon Golf course for Jack Nicklaus' Ultimate - (readme)
MRP_TS_Music.lha game/data 775 841K 1998-10-06 generic icon New Cardset for MarryAmPic - (readme)
MRP_Tint.lha game/data 797 531K 1998-05-20 generic icon New CardSet for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_SP.lha game/data 803 480K 1998-07-09 generic icon CardSet for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_Simpsons.lha game/data 809 224K 1998-02-16 generic icon CardSet of the simpsons for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_NiftyCarto.lha game/data 824 443K 1998-10-06 generic icon CardSet for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_MixBag.lha game/data 757 1.5M 1999-02-22 generic icon New Cardset for MarryAmPic - (readme)
MRP_Guignols98.lha game/data 817 2.0M 1999-10-27 generic icon CardSet for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_Guignols97.lha game/data 765 1.2M 1997-12-26 generic icon CardSet of Guignols97 for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_Guignols95.lha game/data 763 699K 1997-11-11 generic icon CardSet of Guignols for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_Captain.lha game/data 789 1.1M 1999-05-02 generic icon Another cardset for marryampic - (readme)
MRP_Animals.lha game/data 937 283K 1997-10-23 generic icon CardSet of jungle animals for Marryampic - (readme)
MRP_Amelie.lha game/data 634 1.0M 2002-03-31 generic icon New Cardset for MarryAmPic - (readme)
mrmen.lha game/data 704 15K 1997-04-28 generic icon Landscape for wormsDC, and cheat codes - (readme)
MrDogWorms.lha game/data 709 232K 1998-09-05 generic icon 23 levels for Worms by Mr Dog! - (readme)
MP_Tradepeople.lha game/data 726 437K 1998-02-10 generic icon Marryam_Pic Card Set Tradepeople - (readme)
MP_Sports.lha game/data 766 678K 1997-09-15 generic icon Marryem_Pic Card Set Pro Sport - (readme)
MP_Flags.lha game/data 736 221K 1997-09-13 generic icon Marryem_Pic Card Set Flags of the world - (readme)
MP_CComix.lha game/data 748 732K 1997-09-27 generic icon Marryam_Pic Card Set Crazy Comix - (readme)
Mountain.lha game/data 685 108K 1997-02-13 generic icon Golf course for Jack Nicklaus' Ultimate - (readme)
MOTU_11.lha 1.1 game/data 1128 30M 2001-04-01 generic icon Abode of Golgotha 2 - Heretic II Addon - (readme)
MortalWorms.lha game/data 679 103K 1996-04-10 generic icon Worms maps with Mortal Kombat scenario - (readme)
moonlvl.lha game/data 758 6K 1997-07-01 generic icon Moon Level Generator for Worms DC AGA - (readme)
MoonbasesSP.lha 1.3.0 game/data 1312 36K 2012-02-20 generic icon Spanish support for Moonbases game - (readme)
Montezuma.lha game/data 654 233K 2003-02-01 generic icon Map for Montezuma's Revenge (C 64) - (readme)
mlc_worm.lha game/data 660 55K 1997-02-12 generic icon 4 cool WORMS maps, See the difference - (readme)
MiRO_1_2.lha game/data 1021 48K 2009-01-20 generic icon 100 Boards (levels) for Megaball AGA/ECS - (readme)
Found 891 matching packages
1 2 3 4 5 6 >7< 8 9 ... 14 15 16 17 18
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