Short:        Very nice startbar with many options
Author: (Damir Arh)
Uploader:     aristide lai libero it (Aristide Lai)
Type:         util/wb
Version:      1.03
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0


I have contacted Damir for ask him the permission of upload this full freeware
version of StopMenu that some years ago has been published from Amiga Arena.

StopMenu is a start bar program for Amiga. There are many similar programs
available on Amiga, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. I could
try explaining these here, but there's no point, as in the end you'll certainly
be using the program you like best. And only you yourself can decide about that.

StopMenu offers the following functionality:
- starting programs installed on your Amiga
- controling system commodities (a replacement for Exchange)
- direct access to preferences programs (in 'SYS:Prefs')
- controling screens and creating their IFF snapshots
- controling windows on the Workbench screen
- displaying how busy your Amiga is

In Cooperation with Damir Arh the Amiga Arena
presents the Fullversion from "StartMenu"!

StopMenu is a start bar program for Amiga. There are many similar programs
available on Amiga, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. I could
try explaining these here, but there's no point, as in the end you'll certainly
be using the program you like best. And only you yourself can decide about that.

StopMenu offers the following functionality:
- starting programs installed on your Amiga
- controling system commodities (a replacement for Exchange)
- direct access to preferences programs (in 'SYS:Prefs')
- controling screens and creating their IFF snapshots
- controling windows on the Workbench screen
- displaying how busy your Amiga is


Amiga Arena

The Amiga Arena is a non-profit shareware support site
(selective link collection, full versions, keyfiles)
offering temporary special prices for shareware software to
the visitors.

The special price projects shall release pulses and all attention
to shareware software to show that it is taken care and development

The Fire still burns!

Amiga Arena Freigabe - StopMenü



In Zusammenarbeit mit Damir Arh ermöglicht die
Amiga Arena die Vollversion von "StopMenü".

StopMenü ist ein Start Bar Programm mit vielen Features!

- Startet Installierte Programme!
- Controll System für Commodities!
- Direkter Zugriff auf Prefs Programme ( ersatz für Exchange)
- Screen Kontrolle mit Snapshots in IFF!
- Fenster Kontrolle auf der WB!


Weitere Informationen zu StartMenü finden Sie im Verzeichnis "Docs"


 **Amiga Arena - The Fire still burns!**

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