Short:        Shows various performance ratings
Author:       Frank Fenn (
Uploader:     Mario Cattaneo
Type:         util/wb
Version:      3.01
Requires:     OS 3.0+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


   This  little  program  shows  some very helfpul internal CPU-statistics.
   The  percentage values of busy(0) and idle-times(1), switch(2), load(3),
   chip(4),  fast(5)  and  public(6) RAM-usage will be displayed in a small
   window.   Corresponding  mode  in  ().   This  can  be  used  to  detect
   cpu-intensive programs (busy-loops) and so on.

============================= Archive contents =============================

         Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
         -------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
             8660    4216 51.3% 22-Jan-96 18:05:12  PerfWatch
             2039    1016 50.1% 22-Jan-96 18:04:52  PerfWatch.doc
             4025    1261 68.6% 22-Jan-96 17:56:44
         -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
            14724    6493 55.9% 22-Jan-96 18:05:52   3 files