Short:        THE Addon/replacement for C= Installer
Author: (Andreas Falkenhahn)
Uploader:     Andreas Falkenhahn gmx de (Andreas Falkenhahn)
Type:         util/wb
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

NewInstaller v1.7 - Major Update

....NewInstaller is the ultimate Addon for the Commodore
Installer. Starting with v1.7 NewInstaller can also replace
the Commodore Installer! So all your future installations
will look like Multimedia shows!

Here`s what has changed since the last release:

  · Updated the third-party libraries
  · Updated, optimized and adapted the Installer script
  · Updated English and German AmigaGuide® documentations
  · Updated German catalog
  · Added possibility to use NewInstaller as a replacement for the Commodore
  · Optimized the code and changed some things
  · Removed the SMTP server code from the sourcecode because there are no
    public SMTP servers left
  · NewInstaller is now compatible with the ScalOS Workbench replacement
    (requested by many people)
  · Changed sourcecode to conditional compiling (to compile versions for
    BOA Gold users and public versions)
  · Updated Bosnian, French, Italian, Portuguesian, Russian, Slovenian and
    Swedish locale
  · Added Russian, Portuguesian, Slovenian, French, Italian and Bosnian

If you still don`t know, what NewInstaller is, here`s the

There are many Software Packages on Aminet without any
Installer although Commodore developed the Installer
tool which provides a easy-to-use graphical user interface
with powerful functions.

But many people complained that they were too lazy or it
would be too hard to create a script for the Commodore

This time is over now. NewInstaller allows everyone to
include a script in his Software Package for the famous Commodore
Installer. But no - you need not to edit it - NewInstaller does
all automatically. 

The only thing you need to do is including an install icon
in your Software Package with default tool NewInstaller.
Additionally you can change some things in the Tooltypes.

NewInstaller is fully integrated into Internet. You only
need to add a tooltype and the user can online register your program
if he wants. Or add an other tooltype and the user can visit
your homepage immediately.

But there`s more: NewInstaller can make the installation of your
program to a great Multimedia event. It can display different pictures,
play samples and modules. It even doesn`t matter if the installation
is running on AGA/ECS/OCS/Gfx boards...It will always look as good as
possible. Pictures are remapped and resized to the current screen
NewInstaller is an intelligent program with powerful
features. Here are some:

* fully integrated into Internet (Online Registration, 
  WWW visits....)

* Graphics can be used (with remapping to WB colors
  and resizing to WB resolution). Compatible with
  ECS/OCS/AGA and Gfx boards!

* Sounds can be used
* Multi language: Your Installer appears in the user`s mother tongue
                  because of the locale.library support and the more
                  than 15 supplied catalogs

* Update function: NewInstaller keeps every Software installed with
                   full path and version in mind
* UnInstall function: Just add one tooltype and the user will be asked
                      if an UnInstall script shall be created

* Intelligent handling: If no name, author and version specified in
                        the Tooltypes NewInstaller tries to figure them out                           
* Recognizing of many types: NewInstaller recognizes many filetypes.
                             For example: Executables, docs, libs, fonts,
                             ARexx scripts, MUI files, Prefs....
                             So if there is a Fonts drawer for example
                             NewInstaller will tell the user that
                             the program needs XXX.font in FONTS: and so on...

* Assign support: You can specify assigns in the Tooltypes which
                  shall be added in S:User-Startup
* Unarchive support: LHA and LZX archives will be unarchived and the user
                     can select the files from the archive he wants. This
                     option can be turned off in the Tooltypes.
                     Then the archives will only be copied

* Confirm all operations: NewInstaller tells the user every operation before
                          he does it so the user has to confirm the operation
                          or skip it !. This can be turned off in the

That were only some of NewInstaller`s powerful features. Many things can be
changed in the Tooltypes.

I decided to release NewInstaller as Shareware. The registration fee
is 10 DM ($8 US-Dollar) via email or 15 DM ($12 US-Dollar) via post.

Contact me at:

Andreas Falkenhahn
An der Trift 2
36132 Eiterfeld-Arzell

ICQ: 42908277